Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 33 Peace Prize and Medicine Prize

without! money! Got it!

The three simple words pierced everyone's hearts, and Quinn and the others jumped up like a catapult.

"What did you say?! No money? Did you embezzle all the funds!"

Caesar slammed the table angrily, only to find that everyone was staring at him, even Quinn and Gaji. The eyes of these people all revealed the same meaning.

[Who can embezzle funds better than you? 】

Everyone else knew what Caesar was doing in private, but the funding had already been given to him. Since he was willing to waste his research funds, others didn't bother to interfere.

When Caesar couldn't produce results, it would be better to ridicule him, but now that he is like this, it feels like he is hiding something.

"What kind of money-burning project have you started again? Vegapunk, although you are responsible for allocating the funds, you can't use it like this!"

Gaji's face became even more gloomy. His research was reaching a critical moment. If the funds were cut off at this time, all the previous efforts would be in vain.

"Looks like we have to go rob. I'd say we should have done it a long time ago. I heard that the freeloader used to be a pirate? This can be considered a bit of experience."

Quinn didn't complain, and even proposed a solution. MADS was not a legal organization in the first place. According to the general knowledge on the sea, it would be okay to classify them as pirates.

"Shut up! Punk, finish talking. What's going on with the funding?"

Oran successfully silenced them, even more efficiently than Vegapunk.

Although Quinn and the others were dissatisfied with Olan and Vegapunk at the same time, they were more afraid of Olan. The reason was very simple. Vegapunk would only deduct money at most, but Olan would really beat them.

Facing Oran, they couldn't compete, couldn't compete, and in the end couldn't beat him. If they were not careful, they would be targeted by the kitten girl. After two years, the effect was remarkable.

"There is something wrong with our sponsor. He seems to think that the investment is enough and has some plans to divest."

The good news: No one embezzled funds.

Bad news: Sponsors are pulling out.

The people present had normal thinking and logic, and they immediately realized that there was a problem at a deeper level.

"What's the reason?"

"'Enough is enough,' those are the words over there."

In the eyes of Du Felder, MADS is a face-saving project. He is not really doing charity. It doesn't matter that he has not achieved any results after investing for more than two years. Anyway, the name of MADS has already been spread out.

At that time, Du Felder can still achieve the same effect by investing the remaining money in publicity. It is much cheaper to buy public opinion than the bottomless pit of scientific research.

"Why is it at this time? Didn't you publish some papers before? This guy"

Gaji is gritting his teeth now. Among these people, his experiment is at the most critical juncture and cannot be paused at all.

"So he just said that he would stop the sponsorship, and he didn't say whether the ships would be taken back, when exactly it would be implemented, or whether he would send people over, is that right?"

Oran didn't think there was anything surprising. He had seen many people like this. The alchemist baron of Zaun, the big family of Piltover, and the royal family of Demacia all behaved similarly when discussing business.

Their goal is not to flip the table, but to get a higher price tag.

"Yes, it's just as you said, Olan, do you have any other ideas?"

"One thing, by the way, Punk, how is your GP research going?"

GP Flowers, Vegapunk's recent research project, is a type of fast-growing flower, and the nutrient it consumes is gunpowder. Using this substance, gunpowder can be turned into flowers in an instant.

"It's basically completed and is already in the final debugging stage."

"Then it's no problem. I'll take care of it. I just feel that the funds are a little insufficient recently."

After saying that, Olan got up and walked out the door. Quinn and the others thought that Olan was going to do something, so they followed Olan out, but found that he just came to the deck to get some fresh air.

"Where's your plan? Didn't you say I'd leave it to you?"

"Don't be so impatient, just wait. Du Felder has invested a huge amount of money in MADS. Under this sunk cost, the loss of sudden withdrawal of capital is huge. It is more likely that he is seeking other things. Who can do it at this time?" Whoever speaks first will be at a disadvantage."

"But we don't have much funds anymore. If it is really cut off."

Thinking of the results of his experiment, Gaji felt a little flustered.

When encountering big things that threaten him, Gaji always seems weak, and Caesar is also half-hearted. They are far inferior to Quinn in this regard.

"It's just a matter of waiting for a few days. If he is patient, we will contact him proactively. Anyway, we won't lose anything."

Let's talk if we can, even if the table is turned over, Olan knows where to get money.

But it’s easier to have someone else take the initiative to send it over for this kind of thing.

In the next few days, Vegapunk was doing research as usual. This was a sign of trust in Oran. Since he said that he would handle the matter, Vegapunk was relieved.

Gaji and Caesar worry every day, but it is of no use and only increases their worries. Quinn overeats in the kitchen and consumes a large amount of rice cake and bean soup every day, as if he wants to recoup his money.

After waiting for a few days, when the ship docked for supplies again, Du Field himself came to the MADS ship with a group of men.

With a cigar hanging from his mouth, wearing a luxurious cloak, and a small flower hanging on his purple suit, this is Du Field himself. These clothes reveal wealth everywhere, but they can't cover up his fierceness.

But when he saw Oran who had been waiting for him in the conference room, he suddenly laughed.

"Dr. Sidilier, is this our first meeting? I only heard about you from Vegapunk before. It seems that you have guessed my idea?"

"The effect of two years of investment is not obvious. Although it is for charity to improve yourself, you also feel that you are losing money. Therefore, you want to get something more valuable from us, right?"

Olan fiddled with a fidget spinner in his hand, looking relaxed and not nervous at all.

"Hahaha, you are smarter than those people, but you are not completely right. I am really ready to withdraw my investment. I am serious about this."

"No, I am sitting here waiting for you because I am sure you will not withdraw your investment. On the contrary, after today, you will invest more money."

Feld's expression became very complicated, and even the scar on his face began to twitch. Then he pulled out a chair and sat down. He was very curious why Oran could say this so confidently, as if he had won him.

"The Iber Prize is about to start. With double the investment, Punk and I are confident that we can win this year's Peace Prize and Medicine Prize.

If you are ambitious enough, then after this, we can also take over the business of the big undertaker Pierre Crosby."

The spinning top on Orlan's fingertips was still spinning, but the room suddenly became quiet, with only Feld's slightly excited breathing still loud.

This is the chapter from noon, and I updated it in advance today as an exception.

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