Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 36 When Devil Fruit Meets Hex Core

Looking at Quinn who was not normal, Kate raised her hand and pointed at her head. After getting along for so many years, she and Oran had a lot of tacit understanding, and the meaning was clear.

[Is this guy crazy? 】

At the same time, the special firearm on Kate's back was already in her hand. Quinn's convulsions made her a little uneasy, and she always felt that there was some conspiracy.

"What are you doing here? Did your experiment fail and damage your brain?"

Oran's eyes were full of disgust, but he still motioned to Kate to put the gun away first. He wanted to see what Quinn and the others were going to do.

"Quinn! You bastard, have you forgotten what we discussed before?"

"Before was before, now is now, Olan. In fact, I have always admired your skills. It was only that bastard Gaji who deceived me and caused us to misunderstand!"

Ignoring the anger of Gazi and Caesar, Quinn seemed to want to cut off justice from them.

It's just that O'lan doesn't believe any of these words. O'lan won't be surprised by anything these unscrupulous guys do.

"It's the funding. Du Felder said before he left that the funding has doubled since then, but it's up to you, Olan, to decide how to deal with the doubled part.

Mind if I use some of it too? Although I am not as majored as you, I am still very interested in science. "

Bajinyi gave the answer at the door. Du Felder was a businessman. In his eyes, Olan could create more profits for him, so he gave all the rights to distribute this part of the funds to Olan.

This was something Du Felder suddenly thought of before leaving, so he didn't come back to tell Oran specifically, but everyone on the ship also knew about it.

"First use your own part to make it valuable. If you are really capable of researching something of sufficient value, it doesn't matter if you share more of your part."

Oran did not directly refuse or agree to any of them, but just left an open answer, and then left here with Kate. The experiment at hand was not over yet.

As for the remaining people, the reaction was not too strong. At least Olan left a hole for them. However, shortly after Olan left, Quinn and others started fighting again.

The origin was that Caesar mocked Quinn for giving up his integrity and not getting any money, which eventually led to Quinn becoming angry and triggering a new round of conflicts.

Time is passing, and when Du Felder is promoting the results of MADS and preparing to run for the Iber Prize, the research on MADS has not stopped. In Olan's laboratory, a humanoid body has been built.

Compared to Blitzcrank, this robot's body is slimmer and more human-like.

As the gears rotated, the robot's joints began to move. Blitz's eyes kept flickering beside him. He could feel that this life that had not yet been "born" was a family member with whom he had a closer relationship.

The gears were still rotating, and the sound of the collision of metal clamps was the most beautiful note in Olan's ears.

"Kate, do you still remember what I didn't finish saying some time ago?"

"What about the Gray Lady? Remember, it was interrupted by Quinn going crazy.

You said we should borrow these powers temporarily to prepare for the future. "

Scratching her chin, Kate roughly recounted what Oran said.

"Yeah, just like the gears in this machine, they are interlocked and run as a whole. If one of them gets stuck at this time,"

Oran picked up the wrench on the side and jammed an inconspicuous gear, but the entire gear structure stopped running at this moment.

"The entire system will stop functioning. Today's world government is such a machine, and it is a machine with powerful force. With just a few of us, it will be very difficult to confront it head-on.

So we have to temporarily pretend to be an ordinary cog, "understand" them, integrate into them, become an inseparable part of their interest groups, and then reverse the direction at the right time. "

As the gears in the body changed its direction of operation, the body also made completely different movements.

"When the time comes, we will reshape this system. The truth will always be on the edge of the sword. When the sword is polished and unsheathed, it is time for us to harvest."

"Then Meow is your sharpest sword. No matter what happens, Meow will stand unswervingly on your side!"

The fur tribe is a very persistent race. To put it bluntly, it is easy to make mistakes. As long as they are determined about this matter, they will not give up.

In order to repay kindness and revenge, Kate and Oran have been bound together.

"Blitzcrank, same."

As if feeling that he was being left out, Blitz stretched out his big hand and expressed his attitude together.

The production of the body is only part of it. Relying on MADS equipment, this new body is no worse than Blitzcrank who basically relies on hand rubbing. Both sides have their own advantages. The key point is always the core.

Both Blitzcrank's core and Kate's heart belong to Hex Type I in Oran's plan, but today is the time for Oran to test the upgraded version.

MADS has many topics, one of which is giving inanimate objects the ability to possess Devil Fruit.

Sometimes the only thing missing from some research is an idea, and Olan's memory can just fill in these ideas, such as the particularity of animal-type fruits.

It is still unknown what the fruits of the superhuman and natural systems are like, but it is certain that the fruits of the animal system have their own independent consciousness, so they can be integrated with weapons to make them conscious weapons.

Not long ago, Vegapunk had already achieved this, and Orlan was making another attempt.

It is still unclear whether the superhuman devil fruit has consciousness. Maybe not, maybe yes, but not as obvious as the animal system.

Putting aside this issue, the Hex Core has the ability to give mechanical consciousness. When the two are combined, the Hex II Core is born, which can achieve the same effect as the weapon that has eaten the animal fruit.

"But Orlan, where are you going to install her core? Is this core the size of Blitz?"

Orlan has now completed the first step, and has specially integrated the fruit and the core. Just by comparing the body on the test bench, Kate couldn't think of how to install this core. Orlan didn't seem to have a reserved socket for installation.

"Hextech is a very special science. Sometimes it goes against common sense. For example, the core does not necessarily need to be inside the body."

The core was installed on the metal handle that had been prepared long ago. The whole thing looked like a special war hammer. As the current on the experimental table began to surge, the core at the hammer head began to shine.

"Open your eyes and look at this new world, Frankenstein."

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