Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 39 Seeing him succeed is more painful than my own failure

"By the way, Punk, you just said that the wiring on the ship is being repaired, right?"

"Well, the lines close to your laboratory have been directly scrapped, and even the main energy room on the ship has been somewhat affected."

"The reaction after combining the Devil Fruit and the energy core is greater than I expected. It's just enough to upgrade the circuit, but you'd better ask them to stop first, otherwise their work will be in vain."

Olan's eyes were still fixed on Frankenstein and Caesar on the deck, but Vegapunk understood what Olan meant. Since the previous research finally created Frankenstein, then Frankenstein's explosive power I'm afraid it will be bigger.

"I understand what you mean."

Vegapunk picked up the phone and issued new instructions. At the same time, he signaled the watching researchers around him to retreat back, leaving them with a more open fighting place.

With this danger reminder, most people have honestly found bunkers. MADS has not been sailing for a day or two. Ordinary researchers already know what kind of destructive power these people on the ship can cause.

Their own strength may not be strong, but the things these people study are more powerful than the last.

There are also some people who are not too far away, such as Quinn and Gaji. They are dissatisfied just because they say it, but they also know that their abilities are far behind Oran and Vegapunk.

Especially after Olan also gained control of a certain amount of funds, the already unstable alliance between the three was shattered in an instant, and their goal has changed from joining hands to fight together to striving for third place in the team.

What's more, they just dislike people, not technology. The research results of Vegapunk and Oran have always been one of the targets for their study and reference.

"Gaji, do you have anything you would like to comment on?"

"The size of the machine is too small. It is obviously a mechanical android. This size has limited the internal space. That guy from Olan has locked the upper limit of this creation. If it were me, he would make it bigger."

"Don't you think this size is the most suitable for his energy core? Besides, you can't make it."

Even a generalist has his own area of ​​expertise, and Olan's core technology is the Hex Core. No one except Olan can understand the energy supply method of this device, not even Vegapunk.

In particular, the matter of endowing mechanical life with high intelligence is a stage ahead of MADS, but Gaji does not agree with Quinn's point of view.

"I think it's just to cater to his own aesthetics, even the hair color is similar. He has the same virtues as Vegapunk, but he also has that weird obsessive-compulsive disorder."

Vegapunk is a serious perfectionist. When reproducing something, if there is a difference in color, he will judge it as a failure. Gaji and the others don’t know whether this is true or not. Anyway, Vegapunk has established a policy to the outside world. Such a persona.

Olan, on the other hand, has some aesthetic quirks, and his aesthetics can change at any time. It may not be beautiful or handsome, even if it is ugly and cute, it must be tolerated.

"If the thing I use feels ugly, how can I continue to use it smoothly?"

This was Olan's original words. If he created something that he didn't like, it would definitely be an external version.

"No, are you speaking for Olan? Is there really something wrong with your brain?"

"Hmph, you know, I have always been a staunch supporter of Oran, but I was fooled by you before and did some irrational behavior."

"You are really shameless for money."

"Actually, I can't even accept that that bastard Caesar can get a natural devil fruit! This bastard obviously went to find women to play with. It's good that he didn't get any disease, and let him pick up the fruit? Why! "

When a rich man makes more money, most people will not have any emotional changes, and most of them will sigh.

But when a beggar saw that the beggar next to him had picked up a fortune from heaven, his mentality suddenly became unbalanced.

Quinn can accept that Vegapunk's technology is better than him, and he can accept that Olan picked up the devil fruit, but this person cannot be Caesar.

You must know that before Caesar went to find Oran, he came specifically to chat with him once.

"Then what are you doing now?"

"I'm praying sincerely that Caesar gets beat up so I can feel balanced."

At this time, Quinn put his hands together and his movements were quite pious, but for some reason, Gaji suddenly felt that what Quinn said made sense, and finally joined this camp.

On the deck, a new battle has begun.

call! call!

The warhammer in Frankenstein's hand swings wide and wide, and each swing can bring about a burst of sound. However, this is of no use to Caesar. Pure physical attacks cannot hit the natural body.

"Hey, hey, hey, can you only do brute force? That's all that Olan guy's invention is, but it's a shame it's a robot."

The toxicity of gas is also an important part of the Caesar Fruit's ability, but Frankenstein is different from humans. The special structure prevents the toxicity of gas from playing a role at all.

"If I break you, there's nothing Sidriel can say in this situation, burning "Miokvas"!"

Caesar flew into the air, with a fire stick in his hand. The moment it touched the air, tiny sparks ignited on it. At the same time, a large amount of gas was sprayed towards Frankenstein under Caesar's control. passed.

As the sparks ignited the gas, a wave of flames suddenly rushed towards Frankenstein, and a sea of ​​​​fire suddenly appeared on the deck.

"Even if it's a machine, I want to see how high a temperature your body can withstand!"

Vegapunk, who was not far away, put on a pair of sunglasses and observed the situation in the field through the firelight.

"Oran, it seems that your invention can't cope with the natural ability user."

"No, she is just analyzing the specific situation of the other party. And Punk, don't forget that Frankenstein is also a "ability user". The problem of this child now is that he is a little too frugal."


Before Oran finished speaking, he was interrupted by a roar of thunder and lightning. The flames released by Caesar were like a flash in the pan, and in the blink of an eye, they were absorbed by Frankenstein's hammer without a trace.

After absorbing those flames, several thunders flew out along the top of the hammer and struck Caesar floating in the air.

Frankenstein already has the ability to actively release thunder and lightning, and the fruit of the storage that is integrated into her core has the power of transformation in addition to the absorption of external energy recorded in the illustration.

Humans can only convert strength into physical strength after eating it, but Frankenstein can release this strength in another form, without consuming his original energy, and realize his alternative "perpetual motion" through external forces.

This is the conclusion drawn by Frankenstein after his hammer passed through Caesar's body and absorbed the scattered gas, which is also the source of Orlan's evaluation of saving.

She waited for Caesar to help her complete the charging before releasing these lightning bolts.

Physical attacks cannot touch Caesar's body, but lightning is different. Caesar's flame attack just now used the gas jet to prevent the flame from affecting his body.

But Frankenstein's lightning directly ignited his body, turning Caesar into a fire man in an instant.

"Ah! Bastard, empty world!"

Caesar waved his arms, madly absorbing the surrounding air, and quickly formed a vacuum area without oxygen, using this principle to extinguish the flames on his body.

The pain caused by the burning just now made Caesar fall to the ground. During the time when he turned off the fire, Frankenstein rushed to him again. The void world had no blocking effect on Frankenstein who did not need to breathe.

Looking at the swinging hammer, Caesar did not feel afraid at first, after all, he still had a natural body, but before the hammer head touched his body, a suction force appeared out of thin air and locked his body tightly.

Command · shock wave.

The energy absorbed by the storage fruit is converted into kinetic energy, and a powerful shock wave is released through the hex core in the hammer.

Under the influence of this force, Caesar's body entered a special high-pressure environment, and the gas changed in this environment and could not be elementalized like the original gas.


Without the capital of elementalization, Caesar was just an ordinary person. Facing Frankenstein's heavy hammer, he was knocked away with just one blow.

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