Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 41: The student's strongest skill: shaking people

Chapter 41 A student’s strongest skill-shaking people

"Wait, Sidriel, you can't do this!"

Olan's words immediately broke through Caesar's inner defense. Just deducting half of the funds was not fatal to Caesar. The amount he usually falsely reported was already high.

If half was deducted as usual, life would be tight, and Oran and Vegapunk would generally not waste time delving into what he had done.

But Quinn is different. This kid can really dig into it step by step, and then give himself a devastating blow from the root.

However, Oran didn't pay attention to Caesar's wailing, but turned back into the cabin and began to strengthen the circuits near his laboratory.

People have to pay the price for what they do, and letting Caesar's enemy handle this matter will undoubtedly get the results he wants.

It only takes one sentence to ask Quinn to perform this task without any reward. There is no more trouble-free way than this.

As for why Quinn was chosen instead of Gaji, this is a victory from a licking dog.

"Mhahaha, Caesar, just recover from your injuries. I will check your accounts first to make sure there are no mistakes."

Quinn could no longer restrain the raised corners of his mouth, or he had no intention of restraining himself. Just as Caesar was arrogant when he ate the Devil Fruit, Quinn was just as proud now.

"Quinn, you bastard"

"Watch the way you speak, Caesar, don't forget who is in charge of your capital flow now, but even if you say nice things, I won't be polite, Mhahaha!"

[Should I change my attitude? Is this guy Quinn really getting the benefit of the doubt? 】

Gaji looked at the situation of the two and began to doubt life. At present, it seems that their resistance is unlikely to succeed. In this case, joining seems to be an option.

After all, Quinn, a licking dog with no moral integrity, really licked something.

The inner thoughts of Gazi and Quinn are unknown. What is certain at present is that Caesar will be very poor in the next few months.

The climate of the Grand Line is changeable, and the rain came and went quickly, as if it had been rained specifically for this battle, and it stopped soon.

Not long after, after Olan had solved the circuit problem, he also came to Vegapunk and began to watch his analysis information on bloodline factors.

"Have you decided to start with the animal department first?"

"Well, the animal type fruit has the lowest cost, and because of the "consciousness" it has, it will be easier to reproduce.

However, the research on Frankenstein seems to be very successful. It seems that you plan to start with the Superman series? "

"Absolutely. We don't need to waste time studying the same thing. Let's wait for a while for the natural department to let Caesar join in. It's quite appropriate for that guy to be responsible for being studied."

There are very few natural samples, and Caesar has become the best research subject for MADS. Moreover, the big project of bloodline factors was established a long time ago. As a common project on the ship, the research data on this thing has always been shared.

Those who are capable will show their ability, and those who are not capable will naturally have to work as coolies.

Then Vegapunk and Olan went to a special research warehouse. In this room, three cultivation chambers were placed in the middle of the room. There is no doubt that these are the clones of Vegapunk and Olan. .

As time goes by, the clones have gradually taken shape, but obvious differences can be seen among the three clones.

Barkin's clone is closer to the body of a girl, while Charlotte Lingling's clone is still in the shape of a baby.

As for Whitebeard's clone, Ba Jin's two knives seemed to have done something on their own, which made it a little strange.

"Punk, do you want to directly clone an adult body?"

"Well, I plan to let her be an assistant and can also perform some special tasks. Ba Jin's ability in this area is pretty good.

I lengthened the length of her cell telomeres and slowed down the rate of cell division so that she could maintain this state for a long time and remain at her physical peak.

Looks like we have different ideas again. "

Although the training warehouses are all together, Olan and Vegapunk did not interfere in each other's cloning work. Judging from the current performance, Olan's ideas are obviously more complicated.

"It is convenient to directly clone an adult body, but without the time to grow, her upper limit will also be affected. What I want is not a clone soldier that can be used as a consumable.

Let her grow up step by step and guide her growth. This is what I want to do. "

The starting points of Vegapunk and Oran are different. Vegapunk just wants an assistant with excellent ability, so it can save time, while Oran wants a top-notch combat power that is enough to compete for hegemony on the sea.

This takes time, even if it takes a lot of energy and effort. Charlotte Lingling, who grew up in a normal environment, has no psychological or mental illness, and has experienced systematic training, her upper limit must be far beyond the original BIG ·MOM.

Moreover, although the ability of the soul fruit is excellent, it is not the most suitable ability for her. According to Olan's idea, a fantasy beast seed is also necessary.

"Growth. You are right. I seem to be a little eager for quick success this time."

“Maybe there’s nothing wrong with what you did, it’s just a different choice.

They did not exist in this world, we created them. In this case, no matter what the purpose is, it is the most basic principle to be responsible for one's own creations. Don't you agree with this? "

"Yes, clones are also human beings, there is no doubt about that."

At night, although many laboratories were still lit, most people began to rest and prepare to face tomorrow's research with more energy, but they were not the only ones doing research.

On another continent, some people were also checking their new equipment.

In Piltover, a large pot-like thing was erected on an open space, and a group of people were following the command of a hairy dwarf, constantly installing new parts.

"Professor Heimerdinger, is this okay? The previous dozen attempts were..."

"Of course, this is the power of science. As long as the time is right, this can definitely be done, but now we need a little help Lulu! Stop playing, release your magic here!"

Heimerdinger looked around, took Lulu who was catching ants in the corner out, and pointed out an interface to her.

As the magic energy poured into the equipment made by Heimerdinger, the surroundings seemed to have become a dreamlike world, and soon Orlan's illusory figure also condensed here.

"Teacher Heimerdinger? Why are you here?"

"Someone told me that you were in trouble. This is my new dream enhancer. I finally managed to get your consciousness in your dream. What's going on with you now?"

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