Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 43: Super Flash, do you understand the value of melee AD?

O'Hara, an island in the West Sea, is not so famous at this time, but it has begun to attract archaeologists from all over the world. It is these scholars from all over the world that have made this place a holy place for archaeology.

And the root of all this is the leader of this ship-Cloba.

Now he is not the old doctor, but a radical. He takes the exploration ship to find ancient ruins around the world every day and explore the truth of history. For the blank hundred years in the historical records, Cloba has an obsession.

During his voyage, he was arrested and imprisoned by the navy several times, but Cloba still did not give up this idea after his release. This persistence made his reputation more and more famous in the circle of scholars.

Their voyage is undoubtedly extremely dangerous. The navy does not mention protecting them. For such illegal exploration ships, it is good not to be hunted as pirates.

In the eyes of pirates, this exploration ship is also a target of looting. Pirates are not interested in literature and materials. They prefer to believe that these scholars who came out of the ruins have a lot of treasures in their hands.

After all, in the eyes of most pirates, ruins and treasures can be equated.

As for why these scholars have to flee even though they have no treasure

Because those people are pirates, pirates are not a group that will let you go just because you have no money. It is better to surrender to the navy than to go to the pirates for kindness.

At least at this stage, the navy will only arrest them.

"Doctor, what should we do! Our armed forces can't deal with those pirates."

The performance difference of the ships has been reflected. The ships of the pirates who plunder on the sea every day are much faster than O'Hara's exploration ship. If it weren't for the night that hindered them, I'm afraid those pirates would have caught up long ago.

"Don't give up! Go to the ship in front and see, I hope it's not a pirate ship."

In this world dominated by the ocean, there are some unspoken rules for sailing, such as mutual help between non-pirate groups, rescue in case of shipwreck, etc. Of course, whether to abide by this unspoken rule depends on the on-the-spot judgment of the ship in question.

If you feel that the situation is not right, it is common for no one to help.

"Dr. Cloba, look at the mark on their ship. It's not a pirate ship, but a research ship of MADS!"

Most of the members on this ship are scholars, and they are familiar with the same circle.

Although MADS is also an illegal organization at this time, its reputation is much greater than theirs, not only for the results of academic research, but also for the news that some pirates who tried to rob MADS were wiped out.

MADS is much stronger than them in terms of connections and force.

"MADS?! Great, send a flare to attract their attention. I know the director of that ship!"

That was before Orlan joined, when MADS was still sailing in the West Sea. Cloba had an intersection with Vegapunk at that time, and the two had a close relationship.


A flare exploded in the air, but the MADS ship had already prepared it. Blitz discovered them much earlier than they discovered MADS.

Now even Vegapunk has walked out of the laboratory. Except for Caesar who is still recovering from his injuries, several major researchers are almost all here.

"Does anyone want to test new equipment? If not, I'll take all of these pirates."

MADS research has never lacked weapons. Even if Vegapunk is really for peace, his research and development also has many war applications, and fighting pirates is also part of peace.

Weapons need to be tested, and only actual combat can truly detect the performance of weapons. Pirates who are greedy for MADS become the best option.

"My flower bomb research and development is basically completed, and I can test it."

"I recently developed an electric shock gun, and I can try it."

Except for Quinn who spread his hands to indicate that he had no, Judge and Vegapunk both had new achievements, but their abilities were not enough for them to go to the battlefield to test them. Not to mention Vegapunk, even the current Judge is not strong in hand-to-hand combat.

So they need mercenaries, and there is just such a person on the ship now-Bakin.

Although people often say that she is just a freeloader on the ship, she also mixed on Rocks' ship a few years ago, and she is more than enough to deal with the pirates in the first half of the Grand Line.

The most important thing is that she is a money-grubber.

Finally, under the heavy salary of Judge, Bakin picked up Judge's electric gun and planned to test its strength for him, while Kate took the weapon loaded with flower bullets and prepared to go with Bakin to kill all the villains. This was one of her goals.

"Kill this ship of pirates, and there will be one less ship of people worse than Meow."

"Captain Dylan! We are about to catch up with those guys! But there seems to be a bigger ship ahead!"

"Then rob them all together! Guys, the treasure is ahead! Get ready!"

On the pirate ship, hundreds of pirates are ready to go, holding weapons and ropes in their hands to prepare for boarding battle.


With a muffled sound, a mechanical hand suddenly appeared on the deck of the pirate ship, and a chain flew out from the darkness. Before the pirates could react, a brilliant electric spark slid along the chain from a distance.

"Shoot! What are you all standing there for? Shoot!"

Dylan didn't know what it was, but it didn't matter. It was obviously a counterattack from the opposite ship. Since it was a counterattack, it was always right to kill the other side.

It's just that the pirates reacted half a step too slowly. When they raised their guns and aimed, Kate had already completed the boarding along Blitz's mechanical arm.

"Really, I have to shoot the bullet into the muzzle of someone else's gun. This thing has too many restrictions. Orlan's invention is better."

She complained that Vegapunk's invention was too practical. After all, judging from the way it works, this thing requires too high marksmanship.

But she still carried out the actual combat test according to Orlan's requirements. Kate's gun sense is good. Although she is not a top sniper, the performance of the gun has made up for a lot of gaps.

The flower bullets were fired one after another. Due to the special nature of the ammunition, the sound of the firing was extremely small, and there was no direct damage at all.

And in the eyes of the pirates, this scene was just Kate holding a toy gun to tease them.

"Hey, hey, hey, do you think this is a child's play? Fake guns can't kill people!"

"Why does this kid look like a cat? Is he a special ability user? If he is sold to the auction house, he can get a lot of money."

The pirate suddenly lost his voice. A brilliant electric pulse just shot through his neck, and the other was a laser beam gathered from Kate's electric energy.

"Let's kill the worst one first, anyway, there are still many targets."

Kate hated slave traders more than pirates, especially this person's words were very similar to the slave team that captured her a few years ago.

The docile little cat turned into a man-eating tiger in the blink of an eye. The fallen pirate also aroused the ferocity of other pirates. The pirate in front immediately pulled the trigger in his hand.

But no bullet was fired. Their muskets, like magic wands, shot flowers of different colors on the gun heads.

"What's going on? Where are the bullets!"

"Why is the gun broken? Change to a knife! That guy is coming!"

Before they could figure out what was wrong with their guns, Kate had already arrived beside them. As an electric current flashed through her Hex Heart, countless electric currents burst out from her body, sending all the pirates around her flying.

Super Flash!

Electric currents surrounded Kate's body, and the gun in her hand was thrown aside. She was in an overloaded state and no longer needed to rely on guns.

But this did not mean that her combat power would be weakened. After all, the shorter the attack distance of AD, the more outrageous it was.

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