Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 67 Once suspicion arises, the crime is established

Olan's words were forcibly silenced by Zefa. Zefa didn't like to lie, and at the same time he was a person who valued principles extremely.

When his wife and children were killed in the original timeline, he suppressed the grief and anger in his heart and did not kill the pirates, but threw them back into prison.

Now when someone tells him face to face that he wants him to violate his principles, no matter how he responds, it feels wrong.


“Just kidding, it’s just a little effort, I won’t embarrass you that much, General Zefa.

Since you are back, we won't delay your family reunion. Fran, let's go. "

After waving goodbye to Zefa's son, Oran greeted Frankenstein and left the ward.

Seeing the smile on his son's face, Zefa's sadness dissipated a bit, but he didn't feel much relieved.

He owed a lot of this favor, and it looked like it wouldn't be that easy to repay it.

"Father, what do you want him to do for you?"

Following Olan, Frankenstein asked slightly curiously.

"I haven't thought about it yet, and I'm not in a hurry. Favors are no different from debts. Zefa attaches great importance to principles. If you grasp this level, it will be of great use in the future."

It is not a wise choice to talk about this matter every day and repay a favor. This will arouse disgust and even breed hatred in the long run. Oran wants to take this opportunity to develop a relationship network with Zefa.

In any case, Zefa is now one of the top combat powers.

The heart is an extremely important part of this ocean. Once the heart is broken, the body is out of shape, and the strength is greatly reduced, things like this will happen one after another.

Today's Zefa is not in a state of extreme mental collapse, broken arms, and asthma. He is still the admiral who can confront Roger and Whitebeard head-on.

"I'm really curious whether Zefa knows anything more."

At this time, there were many more navy patrolling the streets. With this incident, the navy's vigilance against Malinfando became much higher. Olan, a new face, had already had his pass checked twice on this stretch of road.

"Father, you mean."

"Nothing, just a little speculation."

Thanks to a certain Oda's peculiar thinking, the God of Valley incident caused the logic of many things to become weird.

With Zefa's non-killing character, he would definitely not agree with an incident like the Valley of Gods.

The actions of the Tianlong people are escorted by the navy, and it is impossible for them to kill all the escort fleets every time, so it is strange that this matter has not been revealed for so many years.

Perhaps the soldiers only thought that they were performing an ordinary escort mission. Perhaps they felt that this kind of thing was normal and not worth mentioning at all. Or maybe there was a fleet of trusted personnel directly affiliated with the World Government who was responsible for this matter.

The soldiers can still be suspicious, but what is certain is that every naval marshal is aware of this. The reason why he hesitated to ask Garp to support when the incident occurred shows all this.

After all, it is impossible for the World Government to allow a person who is not loyal enough to ascend to the position of Navy Admiral.

But this is not necessarily the case for high-ranking generals.

Although there is no doubt that Garp's behavior after arriving at the Valley of the Gods was to join forces with Roger to defeat Rocks, but before that, he did not know why the Celestial Dragons gathered on that remote island in the Western Sea.

He even asked about the school trip, but in the end Sora used Roger's appearance as an excuse to get him there.

The accompanying lineup of the Tianlong people includes members of the Knights of God and the Five Old Stars. The high-end combat power is sufficient. It is not surprising that they did not inform other senior generals about this matter.

There is no reason for superiors to report things to subordinates.

After all, Marineland is a military port town. It is not a place for travel, and there are many restricted areas. When Oran returned to his residence, Zach also emerged from his hands again, but this time Zach's body remained Shaking.

The body structure integrated with the natural system allows Zach to adjust his size at will. In theory, before Zach's cell energy is exhausted, he can make himself infinitely larger with mercury.

But this will not change his body structure. At this time, Zach is obviously missing a part of his body, and that part of his body is now left in the hospital.

Zach was not trembling at this time, but was sending Morse code through long and short symbols. He had not learned how to use body tissue to imitate vocal organs. It was too complicated to use the body to form characters. This kind of binary code became special way of communication.

At the same time, most of the patients in the hospital had fallen asleep deeply, and outside the ward, in addition to Zefa, the general who kept vigil at night, the current marshal Kong also came here.


"Marshal Kong, I asked you to make a special trip. I can't get out of here right now."

"It's okay, I can understand your mood. For a long time, people have been too lax about the peace of this headquarters, which eventually led to this accident. As the marshal, I cannot blame you."

"Accident. Marshal Kong, is this really an accident?"

Zefa's expression was a little complicated, and then he started talking to himself.

“I was born on a military port island, and the navy that trained every day made me yearn for it when I was young.

At the age of 14, I joined the Naval Academy. From then on, the game of playing hero ended and the hard work of becoming a hero began.

When I graduated at the age of 18, I served in the G5 branch. Sengoku, Crane, and Garp all joined around this time.

My military rank was not promoted quickly, but when I was promoted to junior non-commissioned officer at the age of 28, I had already mastered the six styles. At the age of 34, I had the nickname of Black Arm. Haki is a good thing. It allows me to better protect my subordinates.

Promoted to general four years ago.

Marshal Kong, are you still sure that this is just an accident? "

Zeffa has many scars on his body. From a recruit to a general, he has always led by example. These scars are the military medals he left to practice his ideals.

"I'm sorry, but this is really an accident."

This matter can only be an accident, and it must be an accident. Kong gave Zephyr this answer without much thought.

Among the three known marshals, Kong, Sengoku, and Akainu, Kong is undoubtedly the most loyal to the World Government. After Sengoku inherited his position, Kong also directly became the commander-in-chief of the World Government's entire army, in charge of all the violent agencies of the World Government.

"Is that so? I know. I'm really sorry to bother you so late, Marshal Kong. "

Zefa closed his eyes and leaned against the wall behind him, looking like he didn't plan to say anything more. After that, Zack also stopped transmitting the code, and his body, like a drop of water, slid into the inconspicuous crack in the ground.

"Father, he doesn't seem to get the answer he wants?"

"The answer is no longer important to him. No matter what the truth is, when this suspicion arises, the charge will also appear. It depends on how far he can persist. Rest, Fran, it's late at night."

After writing down this sentence, Frankenstein found a position very close to the socket. The Navy Headquarters also has electricity, which is good news for her. Then she inserted her finger into it and began her own electricity storage behavior.

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