Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 69 You, a man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, want to trick me into signing a contract to

"Dr. Sidilier, long time no see. I always wanted to thank you in person again, but unfortunately I never had the chance."

In a conference room at the Navy Headquarters, Olan and Mitt met again. Mitt always had a kind of respect for Olan who gave him a new life.

However, he has been struggling on the front line in the past few years, and there is no fixed position in Oran, so there is no chance of meeting him.

If he hadn't happened to meet the example set by the World Government, Mitt's promotion speed would not have been so fast. Except for those newcomers who were born monsters, the early promotion speed of most navies was not fast.

Even Zefa took ten years to become a junior non-commissioned officer after officially entering the battlefield at the age of 18. After that, it became much faster. With the explosive growth of strength, it took another ten years. Time became the youngest general at that time.

"It's nothing, I just gave you a chance. Everything you did today was made by yourself."

"You're welcome. If it weren't for this arm, I would still be drunk in the town."

"Wait a minute, take this thing apart and show it to me."

Looking at Mitt's prosthetic body, Olan felt that it seemed to have gone through a lot of hardships over the years. Compared with the meticulous appearance when it first appeared, which was as detailed as a human arm, now it seemed to have gone through a lot of unprofessional repairs. .

The artificial skin was damaged in large areas, and the repaired parts also had an unnatural feel.

Raising his hand to grab the metal tube connecting the prosthetic body to the body, Zach's body extended along Olan's palm and opened all the safety locks in one second.

When Olan took the prosthetic body into his hands, Mitt didn't even react. Even though he had been using this thing for several years, it would still take several minutes to remove it.

At this time, Mitt even suspected that he had used it too much, causing his arm to fall into disrepair.

"The shoddy welding must have been a bit laggy recently, right?"

Looking at the scar-like welding marks and damaged artificial muscle tissue on the mechanical humerus, Olan, as a designer, could already predict the problems that would arise during use.

"Occasionally, but it's just a little stiff, and it gets better soon."

"That's because the debris was crushed by the joint part, and it won't work in the long run.

Not bad, after all, this thing was originally designed for civilian use, not even police equipment. "

Mitte forcibly brought an ordinary prosthetic limb to a more intense place, and as the intensity of his battle increased, this prosthetic body became increasingly unable to keep up with the intensity of the battle.

At first, the enemies were helpless against the steel arms. As the enemies gradually gained the ability to cut through iron, the arms were no longer a universal insurance.

"This is also the reason why we invited you here, Dr. Sidriel, your prosthetic technology should not be limited to this."

"Warring States General! Lieutenant General Crane!"

Mitte wanted to salute, but his right arm was now in Olan's hand. In the end, he was stunned for a moment and made a rather strange movement.

Sengoku just waved his hand casually and didn't care. Mitt was not a key role. Mitt was only here because he was a beneficiary of prosthetic technology.

"Of course, as long as the price is right, there are ways to upgrade this set of prosthetics, but which step you take depends on your needs."

"General of the Warring States Period, Dr. Sidilir, since I have nothing to do with you, I'll leave here first."

Seeing that Sengoku and Oran were interested in negotiating, Mitte wisely planned to leave first, but He stopped him.

"No need, Captain Mitt, you can just listen on the sidelines. This matter was never intended to be hidden. As the actual user of the prosthetic body, you can also provide more valuable opinions."

Before the award ceremony, Mitt's military rank remained unchanged. Only friends would call him colonel in advance in private.

Under He's instruction, Mitt stayed here, but also stood silently at the back. It was a bit inappropriate for him to sit aside in this situation, and finally stood at the door with Frankenstein.

[The doctor’s daughter? It must have been her a few years ago. Speaking of which, the doctor’s face doesn’t seem to have changed much over the years. How old is he?]

[Can’t we absorb a little bit of the electricity here?]

While the two door gods were thinking about trivial matters, the conversation between Warring States and Oran also got to the point.

The Navy has its own independence, and most of what they do does not require additional reporting. As Sora's promising successor, Sengoku can represent the wishes of the Navy's top brass, and he and He have enough to complete the follow-up negotiations.

"The price is in place. Dr. Sidilir, you should understand that if you are referring to the cost of hundreds of millions of Baileys, then you can stop here today."

"Of course not, but if you want it, I can get you a piece at that price, which will definitely make you feel it's worth your money.

The cost can be adjusted according to the needs of the product. It depends on the strength you want. If it is just a prosthetic body of an ordinary soldier, then 1 million Bailey can be used to get it. "

It is also a basic model, and the manufacturing of the military version is even simpler than the civilian version on Mitt. The technical level is the same, the only difference is the material.

For the sake of combat efficiency, the military version will give up aesthetics to a certain extent. For example, the artificial skin can be shaved off, and it will even be simplified on many levels and some electronic components will be deleted.

The reason is simple. The simpler the mechanical structure, the lower the probability of damage. The key is to be strong and durable.

Not counting the material cost, this is easier to manufacture.

"Adding a dedicated weapon module and expanding the scope of modification are all within our capabilities. I have a rough price list here. You two can take a look."

Olan slid over a form with prices for various types of prostheses and accessories.

This is not an ordinary world, but an extraordinary world. Individual combat power can even cause the collapse of islands.

So the basic prosthesis has a limit in terms of its capabilities, and cutting steel is the first threshold.

Exceeding this threshold, the strength of steel and flesh and blood will exceed people's understanding and need to be further strengthened.

As a steel creation, the pacifist in the original timeline has a cost comparable to that of a large warship, but its role in the new world is still not high, but outside the new world, this thing can basically walk sideways.

Olan's prosthesis also has similarities, but his target is not those high-level combat power.

When their strength reaches that level, they will not mind using technology to repair limbs after losing them due to accidents, but they will never give up their original bodies for a mechanical creation.

The biggest role of cheap and mass-produced prostheses is to improve the basic combat power.

"Dr. Sidilier, we don't doubt your technology, but we have a new proposal. What do you think about joining the Navy Science Corps?"

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