Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 73 How can a man refuse Transformers?

Akainu, Kizaru, Aokiji, the three future admirals of the navy all came from Zephyr's training camp.

In addition, many famous vice admirals, Smoker, Tina and other new generations of the navy, all of these navy have experience training under Zephyr.

Pulling in, dividing, and annihilating are the general classifications of the navy by Orlan.

One day in the future, Orlan will eventually confront the World Government. By then, it is not certain which navy is the enemy and which is the friend.

Mastering the combat habits of these people in advance, if nothing happens, can be used to further train your own people.

If they are hostile, this will enable you to master their combat habits in advance and gain an advantage in the intelligence war.

Machinery is an indispensable part of Orlan's men. If you can enter the program in advance, you can prepare the confrontation ideas in advance, take the lead, and regard it as an imaginary enemy.

After all, there are only a few machines with emotions like Frankenstein. While emotions raise the upper limit, the lower limit is also lowered.

From the manufacturing difficulty and cultivation cost, this model is destined not to be a mass-produced machine for consumption.

The emotionless mechanical army is the main force at the grassroots level.

The upper limit of such a mass-produced machine cannot reach the level of a self-growing machine like Frankenstein, but the average level is higher than that of a regular army.

It will be a steel army that is not afraid of death, has no pain, and takes orders as everything, and such a machine needs relevant data the most.

Although the issue of mass-produced machines has just been established, it does not affect Oran's preparation in advance.

After all, having no sword and having a sword but not using it are two different things.

Since the attack, Zefa's address has also been changed. After leaving the address and agreeing on a time, Zefa also left here first.

He has a certain interest in training robots, but he can only make suggestions. The specific matters of procurement still need to be done by other people in the headquarters.

After Zefa left, Oran opened the gift box brought by Zefa. There were not many things in it. In addition to a small Den Den Mushi, there were two knives.

There was also a note next to the Den Den Mushi, which recorded Zephyr's private number. The meaning was obvious. If Orlan had any problems in the future, he could use this to contact him.

"Father, the knife is good, much better than ordinary standard weapons."

Frankenstein ran his palm over the blade and identified the weapon in this special way.

"After all, it is a weapon sent by the admiral of the navy, or rather, the former admiral of the navy. It should be a famous sword. I don't know much about it. I can check it out when I go back."

The Supreme Great Sword of Twelve Works, the Great Sword of Twenty-One Works, and the Good Sword of Fifty Works are excellent weapons made by famous craftsmen. Some of them gradually became famous because of their users. In short, their quality is much better than ordinary weapons.

Orlan didn't fight many times himself. In addition to the people of MADS, only Ginny and Xiong knew that Orlan himself was a two-sword flow. Zephyr chose to give this gift, and it seemed that he had put some thought into it.

Judging from the style of the scabbard and the handle, it was not a single weapon, but an uncommon pair of swords.

After swinging it a few times to test the feeling, Orlan put away the weapon, and then gathered the remaining scraps of the assembly training robot together. After a simple reorganization, a small robot that can transform is completed.

This is a small toy made for Zefa's son. Zefa took the initiative to invite them to thank him for his kindness. Even if Orlan wants to give Zefa something to further strengthen the relationship, Zefa will not accept it.

After all, Zefa has not thought about how to repay the favor.

But the things given to Yeklik are different. The small toys are not valuable, but they can attract the favor of children.

Orlan doesn't believe that a three-year-old child born in a navy family and raised in such an environment can refuse a "Transformer" that can transform into a small boat. Maybe this thing can be called something like Megatron or Sea Pillar.

Facts have proved that Orlan underestimated the temptation of Transformers to men.

Yeklik loves the new toy. It is much more fun than a simple wooden sword and wooden gun.

Even Zefa was somewhat interested in the exquisite little toy. If there was no one around, he might play with it himself.

When Zefa was a child, he made the battle suit of Hero Z with wood and other things. He was very interested in this kind of thing.

"Yekelik, put away the toys and pay attention when eating."

"Oh, I see."

Putting the toys on the shelf beside him, Yekelik sat upright on the chair. He did not notice that his father's eyes would occasionally sweep over his new toy.

"Dr. Sidilier, home-cooked food, please."

Roasted meat, fried food, a pot of curry, the table was full of high-calorie food. For people like Zefa, this is a must, otherwise he can't withstand the physical consumption.

In addition, there was a bottle of sherry, Zefa's favorite wine, but only Frankenstein drank a few glasses at the table.

Orlan basically didn't touch the wine, but just took a few sips to indicate that the wine table culture had long been unable to restrain him. In most cases, Orlan was the one who made the rules.

Frankenstein himself had no need for alcohol, but among the things on the table, alcohol was the only one that did not require her to consume extra energy to convert and could provide her with some energy.

Thanks were said many times. In the end, Zefa's wife, children and Fran had come to the living room to chat about family matters. Only Zefa and Orlan were still sitting at the wine table.

"Doctor, you must have read a lot of books, right?"

"Of course, the learning process is very long. I was just an ordinary person before. What's the problem? Admiral Zefa?"

"Don't call me admiral. I'm not an admiral now. Just call me by my name. I'm just curious about how you define justice."

Zefar is now in a stage of doubt. Although he has gone through the process from the navy is justice to the navy may not be justice, but after this incident, he really doubted this word.

"The affirmative judgment of right and wrong, good and evil in the fields of politics, law, and morality is generally determined by mainstream values. This is the definition of this word.

However, this word is also changing with the change of position. If you want me to say, the winner's words are justice."

"Is victory justice?

Doctor, can you understand? The feeling that the goal that you have been striving for most of your life suddenly becomes blurred."

"No, Mr. Zefa, I never think that my goal is wrong. If it is really blurred, it is better to say that the original path is wrong. Blurred means that it needs to be corrected.

Mr. Zefa, as a former admiral of the navy, you should know about the overall mobilization of the navy?"

"No, that kind of thing is the work content of the marshal. I only know the scope of action related to my mission. Does this have anything to do with what we say?"

"Maybe, maybe not. When you are free, you can check it out and see the law of mobilization of the navy. Maybe you will find something interesting."

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