Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 83: Is your Hex a little bit unruly?

In the BIG MOM Pirates, chefs are undoubtedly the most important profession. Both Charlotte Linlin and her children have their own pursuit of food.

On Cake Island, there is a chef group led by Long Bread, whose purpose is to serve Charlotte Linlin and provide her with desserts 24 hours a day.

And when Charlotte Linlin's bulimia attacks, they will make the antidote as quickly as possible.

Many of Charlotte Linlin's children also have this hobby. On the ship they travel, they usually bring several chefs.

These chefs are all proficient in dessert making, and they are also excellent on the sea.

The chef on Katakuri's ship is no exception, but now, his chef has cream on his face and a lot of flour on his apron. He seems to be stimulated and keeps laughing.

"What's the matter? What happened to him?"

After hanging up the phone, Katakuri walked over with great dissatisfaction.

"Lord Katakuri, the pink-haired guest had a competition with the chef, and then he became like this."

Several chefs pulled the abnormal chef and then explained what happened before.

The distance from Doudou Island to Cake Island is farther than that to the Navy Headquarters. After all, it is to return to the New World, and there are naturally many things to do along the way.

Frankenstein took turns to guard the house, and Leliana, who set off with Oran, seemed very excited. The specifications of Katakuri's wooden sailboat and MADS's research ship were very different, but they also brought a completely different experience.

The most important thing is that she likes the kitchen here.

The chefs of the Big Mom Pirates are not ordinary people on Doudou Island. They work very hard on weekdays. Even if Leliana has a large appetite, they can meet Leliana's requirements.

The gift that Oran prepared for Charlotte Linlin is a special thing. After it was made in the laboratory, it has not even been tested, so Oran wants to try it on the ship, so he plans to borrow the kitchen.

"Mr. Sidilier, you can just tell us what food you want, you don't need to cook it yourself. Are you dissatisfied with our cooking skills?"

The guests on the ship actually wanted to cook by themselves, which was undoubtedly a disapproval of their cooking skills, and this kind of thing was very dangerous for the BIG·MOM Pirates.

Food is one of the things that Charlotte Linlin values ​​most, so she will not tolerate people with poor cooking skills.

These chefs are not all pirates, some are just hired by the BIG·MOM Pirates.

This kind of thing is very common in the New World. Working for the king and the navy is in exchange for money, and working for pirates is also in exchange for money.

The commission given by the BIG·MOM Pirates to chefs is not low, which is considered a lucrative job by many chefs.

"No, your cooking skills are good, and my daughter likes it too. I just want to make some snacks to try something. After all, it is a gift to your queen."

This is the cause of the matter. Hearing Oran say this, Katakuri's chef seemed very disdainful.

"You amateurs really dare to think, do you think it's easy to make a good dessert! The rubbish taste will only make my mother angry! You should just stop thinking about it!"

This chef is a formal member of the pirate group, so he can call Charlotte Linlin "Mom", but unlike the Whitebeard Pirates who recognize each other as their father, this is just a simple name.

"I'm really not good at cooking, so I have to borrow two chefs to try my "new invention." "

"Tsk, another opportunistic guy, I won't let you enter the kitchen! Don't even think about it!"

"Chef, calm down, this is a guest!"

Hearing Oran's words, the chef suddenly became irritable, but was pulled back by the assistant beside him, and then another chef explained to Oran:

"Sorry guest, our chef is a... um... particularly old-fashioned person, he hates any technical things used in food, look at this kitchen, everything is manual."

There is no automatic mixer, no juicer, not even a mechanized temperature-controlled oven and gas stove in this kitchen, but a more classical stove.

Even auxiliary tools such as graters are regarded as heresy by the chef. Whether it is squeezing juice or whipping cream, this chef will only use manual methods, even if his arms are sore from stirring, he refuses to use other utensils.

But his skills are not bad, no one on the ship is better than him, so he just lets him be willful.

Orlan had no intention of continuing. Since the chef was unwilling, he could wait for him to rest, or change to another kitchen after arriving at the cake island.

But Leliana's words changed the situation.

"What a conservative uncle, is he afraid of being defeated by his father's invention?"

"Afraid? How is that possible! Come on! I want to compete with you in cooking! I will use facts to prove that your so-called inventions are redundant!"

Leliana did not use provocation. She just thought that Orlan's inventions were the best, but this kind of heartfelt words successfully broke the chef's defense, making him forget the previous words that he did not allow Orlan to use his kitchen, and instead wanted to compete with the other party.

In the end, Orlan borrowed a chef at random and started a special cooking duel with the chef.

"Sir, just tell me what you want me to do, I will cooperate with you to the fullest, but my cooking skills are really not as good as the chef's"

Only capable people can be willful. If this chef wasn't really capable, he would have been kicked out long ago.

"It doesn't matter. Just do it as you usually do. I just want to see the effect."

"Boy! Have you discussed the countermeasures? Since you want to make desserts for your mother, let's compete in desserts. We are better in color, fragrance, taste, and texture!"

"Whatever you want, I don't care."

Oran took out a bunch of bottles and jars of powders and liquids from his box, as well as some things of different colors.

The chef looked at the things in Oran's hand with disdain and started making desserts on his own.

Oran's chef assistant also followed a similar process, but Oran added some insignificant things to it.

The fire was lit, and the kitchen became busy. The chef's arm whipped the cream and even left an afterimage. Other chefs watched this weird duel from the side.

Although he was stubborn, it was undeniable that the chef was very quick. While finishing his own dishes, he also looked at the situation on Orlan's side.

[The oven temperature was too high. The dessert baked in this way would lose its original color. Failure. ]

[The whipping force of the cream was not enough. This cream must be whipped continuously thousands of times in one minute to have a thick taste. Failure. ]

[Humph, I won't lose in taste if I do the same thing as me, but I still failed. ]

[The selection of ingredients was not careful enough. Only freshly ground wheat can emit a unique wheat aroma. He actually used ready-made wheat. Failure among failures! ]

The chef under him was labeled as unqualified by the chef. He didn't even see what help Orlan provided.

However, as the desserts came out of the oven, the chef's three views were gradually impacted.

The same lotus-shaped dessert, the dessert made by the assistant was clearly colored, even after being baked at high temperature, it was still very bright, and the color boundaries were also clear, without any staining.

"Impossible! How did you do it! That temperature is not up to standard at all!"

"It is a natural colorant extracted and purified from plants. Not to mention the basic colors, you can make colorful black and colorful white.

First of all, I respect your cooking skills, but you are too old-fashioned. Using a modern oven can better control the temperature, and the difficulty will be reduced a lot."

"The food baked with that kind of thing has no soul! It's just one round, don't be so proud! It's not enough to just look good, there are also taste and texture!"

The chef picked up the cutlery and dug into another pudding. As soon as the spoon touched the pudding, he realized the problem.

The Q-elastic touch was even more perfect than what he made.

"It's impossible for him to stir this with that kind of strength. What did you add to it!"

"Thickener, his strength and speed are indeed not good, but this can be compensated."

This is a beginning, but not an end. The chef didn't know that Orlan was very good at Hextech.

He didn't know that in addition to the orthodox Hextech technology, Orlan also did some unorthodox Hextech work, that is, food additives.

The taste of pure industrial synthesis is naturally different, but adding some technological products to normal food in moderation can stimulate its better taste and mouthfeel.

A drop of malt essence was added to the aged flour, and the fragrance it exuded exceeded that of the freshly ground wheat.

Chemical technology is destroying the inherent cognition of the chef.

"You are a crooked way! How can you eat such a thing!"

The chef didn't want to believe it and refuted Orlan from another angle, but the next moment, Orlan ate the dessert himself.

Of course, some things are not good and harmful to the body, but talking about toxicity without talking about dosage is unreasonable.

Drinking a ton of water in one minute will kill people, but this does not mean that the water is poisonous.

The average physique of people in this sea is too strong. As long as you keep some conscience, add some things within a safe range, and choose better materials, there will be no harm at all, and it will only make the taste better.

Orlan had been planning to sell this "Hex Hard Work" to the BIG MOM Pirates.

This thing even has strategic significance for the BIG MOM Pirates. It can store more different types of food to deal with Charlotte Linlin's food cravings, and it can also extend the shelf life of buildings made of food on the island.

The chef lost, lost to the technology he despised the most, and Orlan was sure that he did not make a mistake in the chemical formula.

"You are ruining the scene!!"

"I just want to borrow the kitchen, this challenge was proposed by you."


The chef had nothing to say, but he was somewhat unwilling to believe the reality. After all, the young chef actually caught up with his years of hard work through this external force.

Many emotions such as unwillingness, anger, and confusion about the future were mixed together, and this is what Katakuri saw.

When Katakuri came to the kitchen, Orlan also explained to Katakuri the usage and problems of these additives. There was no need to hide it.

The service has been made clear, and it is up to the Big Mom Pirates to decide whether to use them or not.

"Mr. Sidiliel, you are thoughtful, and it seems that you know us well."

Katakuri did not try the difference in taste. He would not take off his scarf in front of outsiders. However, in the entire BIG·MOM Pirates, he was most worried not about external enemies, but internal ones.

At this time, Charlotte Linlin was in her prime, and her body was still in good shape. Even if she was pregnant, she could fight against the monsters on the sea.

There were not many people who could make her feel difficult, except for Golden Lion, Whitebeard, Roger and others.

And these people all had their own fixed territories. Unless they decided to officially go to war, they would restrain each other.

The strongest person in the BIG·MOM Pirates was Charlotte Linlin, and the biggest threat to the BIG·MOM Pirates was also Charlotte Linlin. Once the bulimia attacked, Charlotte Linlin really didn't recognize her relatives and would never stop until she got the food she wanted.

Katakuri hadn't really grown up yet, but Charlotte Linlin was stronger than when she was old, so she was extremely difficult to deal with when the bulimia attacked.

In addition, her illness makes her want to eat food completely random, which often makes them unable to cope with it. Don't worry about whether this additive can bring better taste. It can extend the shelf life of food, which is the biggest function.

"Businessmen just understand potential customers, there is nothing to say."

Katakuri casually learned something from Orlan, but Leliana went out of the kitchen and finally found the chef who was a little crazy.

"Little ghost, what are you doing here? Are you here to mock me?"

"No, I want to say that the desserts you make are delicious, but people are too stubborn. What's wrong with accepting new things? Dad said that technology is used to change life.

Technology is never wrong, it depends on how to use it."

Then Leliana made a face at him and didn't intend to say anything to this stubborn chef.

"Delicious. Stubborn"

It's not that there were no chefs on Cake Island who questioned him in the past. The problem is that this chef has real skills. He can do better by hand than those people who use machines, but this time he encountered a higher standard of changes.

[Little ghost! Who asked you to change my recipe! This recipe is the most perfect, what you added is garbage! 】

The words of his teacher when he was young echoed in his ears. That was the worst time he was scolded because he replaced sugar with honey and changed the traditional recipe.

Failure can make people reflect. At this time, he recalled his confusion about the teacher's old-fashionedness.

"Have I become that stubborn guy?"

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