Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 92 Let’s Become the Boss of Fishman Street

"Well, how about we pretend we've never seen it? You take this mermaid back, and we'll live in peace?"

Chris still didn't want to believe that BIG·MOM was real, but he didn't have any better way. He also had no evidence to prove that BIG·MOM was fake.

Besides, Leliana's combat power was rather bizarre, and Chris really didn't want to get involved here.

Even if he could win, he would have to consider whether he would be hunted down by the BIG·MOM Pirates in the future. He was once a pirate, and he knew that some pirates in the New World were very particular about their face.

If he didn't follow the rules they set, he might be chased to death.

"No, Dad said that human traffickers should be hanged on street lights."

"Asshole, you forced me to do this!"

A silver tentacle suddenly rose from behind him and wrapped around his neck, and countless mercury liquid emerged from the gap under his feet and wrapped him up. The unique metallic color of mercury prevented the outside world from seeing the situation inside, but Chris soon lost the ability to resist.

"Riley, there's no need to say anything more to this kind of person. No matter what led him to this path, it's not a reason to forgive him."

"I know, Dad. What about the remaining one? He's also a member of the human traffickers."

The group of humans has been dealt with, and the only one left is Nuno, the fishman who participated in this incident.

"We shouldn't deal with him. Let the law of Fishman Island judge him."

This is a racial issue. It's not appropriate to execute a fishman in Fishman Island as a human, even if he is a human trafficker.

People who witnessed the whole process of the incident may understand it, but others may not.

Maybe some rumors will spread in the end, which will be detrimental to future plans.

In the end, Nuno was taken away by the belated Sea King Army. According to the laws of Fishman Island, he will probably be sentenced to life imprisonment.

This is the norm in this sea. No matter which island, the death penalty is rare. Even the most vicious pirates are generally sent to the city of Impel Down. Hodi Jones and his gang committed the serious crimes of treason and murder of the royal family, and they were not executed immediately.

When Nuno was taken away by the Sea King Army, he kept crying and complaining, saying that his child was sick and he couldn't raise enough money if he didn't do this.


Looking at the fishman being taken away, Otohime sighed and didn't say anything.

Hateful? Pitiable? Or sad, she didn't know how to describe it.

Her innate observation Haki gave her convenience that ordinary people didn't have, but it also brought countless troubles.

"Otohime, your goal is very ambitious, but it is very difficult to achieve, not only in the outside world, but also in the inside. This person is also from Fishman Street, right?"

"Well, it's a barbaric place in rumors"

"No need for rumors, I came from there, Fishman Street is very barbaric."

Shaq also came over with a package and happened to hear Otohime talking about Fishman Street.

Due to the incompetence of the management, Fishman Street has become an area where illegal groups gather and is the most violent area in Fishman Island. Shaq didn't choose to go there when recruiting people, after all, it's too chaotic.

In the original timeline, the chaos in Fishman Street continued until the appearance of Fisher Tiger. He grew up and conquered Fishman Street and became the boss there, which improved the situation of Fishman Street.

"Barbarism also has its advantages. Speaking of which, Shaq, are you interested in the position of the boss of Fishman Street?"

"Eh?! Mr. Oran, do you mean that I should be the boss of Fishman Street? I can't do it. How can I have that ability?"

Shaq waved his hand quickly. He had no confidence in such a thing.

"Don't underestimate yourself. Your teeth can easily bite off the chains, and you have something that none of them have. At least when your compatriots are in danger, your choice is to help, not to retreat. You are qualified to be the boss of Fishman Street."

It is a bit complicated for Oran to interfere with the current royal decision-making of Fishman Island. He doesn't have time to plan a coup here.

Even if you want to do this, you have to be a fishman or a mermaid.

The same is true for incorporating Fishman Street.

If Shaq can really become the boss there, at least it will be much easier for Orlan to recruit employees, and if the power of Fishman Street can be thoroughly integrated, the royal family will listen to the opinions there.

The power of the fish species inherited by the fishmen at birth will also affect their combat capabilities. Octopus fishmen have more arms, some fishmen can use toxins, and shark fishmen generally have sharp teeth and stronger physiques.

"But I can't help you with this matter. Relying on external forces, especially the help of humans, I'm afraid it's impossible to convince those people. So Shaq, you should work hard to become stronger. This is the way to practice domineering.

In addition to exploration, you should also try to practice. If you can master this initially, it should be enough for you to defeat Fishman Street."

The level of force on Fishman Island is a bit exaggerated, and it is exaggeratedly weak. As an island close to the entrance to the new world, the warriors of Nine Snake Island generally master domineering, but the fishmen are different.

Although they have special abilities such as fishman karate and fishman jujutsu to control water, they are still fundamentally different from domineering.

Without mastering Haki, there will always be a gap between being strong and powerful.

The entire Fishman Island, even the royal family, does not understand Haki, let alone the Sea King Army. The only ones who can use Haki are fishmen who are pirates.

"Mr. Oran, do you really think I can do it?"

"Shaq, you have to have confidence. How can you say it's impossible without trying? Should we give up in that situation?

Don't you want to protect this island? Only by integrating these forces can you better achieve your goal.

Efforts may not lead to success, but giving up is doomed to failure."

Repaying the favor in the past is what Shaq promised. At present, he has not fulfilled his promise. After all, anyone can do such a thing as a tour guide.

After many thoughts, Shaq finally confirmed the idea proposed by Orlan, and let Fishman Street have a common boss first.

And in this process, Shaq also got a helper-Otohime.

Otohime does not advocate violence, but facts have taught her countless lessons.

Fishman Street is now like a stubborn disease of Fishman Island. Even people of the same race are murdering their compatriots. How can we talk about peace between races?

Integrate Fishman Street, let Fishman Street become a shield to protect Fishman Island, and use the influence of the number of people in Fishman Street to make the royal family change and create a better future.

Orlan's intervention made Otohime change some of her ideas, but she was very weak and could only leave this matter to her current companions.

Under Orlan's popular science, Otohime understood the name of her power.

And she also had a new task, to help Shak guide the power of observation.

With the help of people who can use Haki, the effect of learning Haki can be twice the result with half the effort.

After the purchase was completed, Orlan did not stay in Fishman Island for too long, and soon left Fishman Island with the ship that completed the material purchase.

Shak also has his own short-term new goals. Although there were some rumors that he accepted human employment before, as long as his strength is sufficient, these rumors will not affect anything at all. The concept of strength is respected is particularly obvious in Fishman Street.

Even Arlong, who hates humans, will restrain and converge under Tiger's orders. If Tiger had not died in the end, Arlong's future might be completely different.

"Uncle Shaq, you have to work hard to become stronger. Mr. Orlan has great expectations of you."

"Yes. Only in this way can you help Mr. Orlan when he does something big. It's best not to repeat such an experience again."

"Big things?"

"Nothing, that's all for the future. Mr. Orlan is not a person who goes with the flow, but let's do the things in front of us first, such as paying this month's salary first."

It's one thing to target the boss, and it doesn't conflict with continuing to recruit people. Using changes in life to attract others to join the underwater exploration team is also one of the current goals.

In a sense, today is also smooth.

Shortly after Orlan left, the rescued mermaid also found Otohime and Shaq, expressing his willingness to join the exploration team.

When leaving Fishman Island, Orlan dealt with the human traffickers for them, but did not chase the "big pirate". He just asked the navy there to help Zefa bring a letter when passing by the Navy Headquarters in the Sabaody Archipelago.

The general meaning is, I heard that your naval training camp has been held for a while, and the first batch of students is about to go into actual combat. There is a group of pirates near the Sabaody Archipelago. If there is no problem, just treat them as imaginary enemies.

Orlan didn't know how Charlotte Linling would act. Logically speaking, Charlotte Linling would not chase such a person for Leliana for thousands of miles. At most, she would kill him by chance.

However, Zefa gave a positive reply soon after, which was considered to be adopting Orlan's opinion, which brought endless troubles to this Bright.

Because Zefa's most outstanding students in this class are called Sakaski and Borsalino.

Even though Zefa is very strict, he has to admit that after a few months, he has nothing to teach. These two monsters have mastered the basics, and the rest is to keep training.

In the following days, Orlan also delivered several training robots to the navy, and then continued to start his own project research.

Time passed silently, and it came to 1492 inadvertently.

Zach's learning process has made progress. He has mastered the ability to imitate human speech with his body tissues. He is currently trying to change his voice according to Orlan's requirements, so as to evolve into a "voice actor".

In the past two years, the person who has changed the most is Leliana. Two years ago, she was about the same size as an ordinary person, but now, at the age of five, her height has reached three meters, making her the tallest member of the Sidilier family.

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