Pirates: My Piltover is far ahead in technology

Chapter 97 Where is my throne? My throne is gone just like that?

"What are you navy guys doing! You're taking the money from the allied countries, and now you're sheltering pirates here! I'm going to sue you!!

Where's Colonel Dado? I want him to punish you, a guy who doesn't know the seriousness of the matter!"

Bekoli was very puzzled by Dodori's behavior, and a wave of anger immediately occupied the high ground of his mind.

He stood up again with the help of the guards, and showed his head behind the human wall formed by the soldiers, pointing at Dodori and spitting constantly.

At this time, Bekoli didn't know Dodori's identity, and only regarded him as Dado's subordinate.

This is a problem caused by the navy's internal clothing.

As an army, the navy naturally has its own clothing requirements.

Private officers and below can only wear the most basic uniforms of the navy and wear standard military caps. This situation will continue until a person is promoted to corporal, that is, the rank of corporal.

After being promoted to non-commissioned officers, they can dress more freely, but they still have to pay attention to maintaining the image of the navy and not be too self-indulgent.

Lieutenants and above are allowed to wear coats with "justice" written on the back, and there are also more styles of uniforms.

When it comes to the school officer, except for the coat, the rest of the clothes depend on personal habits. Dodori is such an example. In order to facilitate movement, he wears a simple short-sleeved shirt, not even a coat, and only the military cap on his head can show his identity.

So in Bekoli's view, such a navy who doesn't even have a coat of justice must be an ordinary soldier.

"Dr. Sidilier, do you have any contradictions? I think I can help you explain it."

At this time, Bekoli's knocked-off crown has been picked up by the staff. Although Dodori doesn't know the situation of the Kingdom of Solbe, he can see that he is probably the king here. So many guards protect him, Dodori can still see it.

"Do you know me? Did the navy send you to hand over to me?"

Oran did not answer Dodori's question directly. He contacted the navy on the way here and planned to borrow a warship to help him transport some people.

Although he has the Book-Book Fruit, which is enough to take people flying, Oran does not intend to let these people know his ability.

It's just transporting people, it's better to trouble the navy's transportation capacity, and it's better not to use it.

To some extent, the Navy hopes that Oran will bother them from time to time, which means that the two sides have always maintained a certain degree of contact.

"Yes, Dr. Sidilier, I am Dodori, a first-term student of the Zefa Instructor Training Camp. I have seen you several times before, so the headquarters asked me to cooperate with your actions."

There are many rumors about Oran in the Navy, one of which is the recruitment of Oran.

After the initial failure, the headquarters also mentioned it several times, and it is said that the rank of civilian lieutenant general was offered.

Except that he cannot lead troops, all the treatment is the same as that of the headquarters lieutenant general, which is enough to show the headquarters' interest in him.

Even if the recruitment has not been successful, maintaining a friendly relationship is also a basic rule. In addition, Oran and Zefa have a very good relationship, so Dodori puts him in a position similar to a superior.

If the people who entangle Oran are pirates, bounty hunters, etc., even if Oran expresses his intention to wipe them out, Dodori will cooperate. To put it more seriously, even if it is the king of a non-member country, Dodori can cooperate in the action.

Non-member states are not recognized by the World Government. It all depends on the conscience of the generals at that time. If any dignitary says they are pirates, then they really become pirates.

But the king of the member state cannot do that. At least as a colonel of the headquarters, it is difficult for him to handle this conflict. He can pretend not to see Oran hitting someone, but if it gets out of hand, Todori will not be able to explain it well.

"King Bekoli, calm down. He is a colonel from the headquarters. I can't control him. This matter is much more complicated than you think."

While Oran and Todori were talking, Dado also bypassed the guards and came to Bekoli, wanting him to understand the seriousness of the matter.

"Colonel of the headquarters? So what? I am the king of the Kingdom of Solbe! A mere colonel still wants to order me? I want to complain that he is colluding with pirates. These are pirates who want to kidnap my citizens. Are you just going to watch like this!"

Seeing that Bekoli had no intention of restraining himself, Dado also felt extremely headache. Now he can only hope that Oran, a relative, can talk better.

Yes, he didn't know Orlan. The navy had a huge base, and not everyone would pay attention to this aspect, even in the navy headquarters.

Most of the people who were familiar with Orlan were the students in the Zefa training camp and the disabled soldiers. This was also normal. Even if a soldier used firearms all day, he might not pay attention to who researched and made the gun.

Dado's prayers did not achieve any results. Neither Bekoli nor Orlan had any intention of backing down on this issue, but Orlan's behavior exceeded the expectations of Dado and Dodori.

Except for the first punch, Orlan did not continue to beat Bekoli like a reckless man. Killing the king of a member country in public would affect his reputation in the future.

"Why didn't I know that there was such a king in the Kingdom of Solbe? Shouldn't the king of the Kingdom of Solbe be Bulldog? This is just an outlaw who obstructed factory production and affected the citizens' stay."

In one sentence, Orlan unilaterally denied Bekoli's position as king.

Hearing this, Beckley jumped up and looked at Oran with anger.

"What are you talking about, pirate?! Didn't you hear me? He slandered the king of the member country! Why don't you arrest him!!"

"The navy can prove whether I am a pirate or not, but who can prove that you are the king of the Kingdom of Solbe? You have to understand one thing. This year is not the time to pay the heavenly gold, and it is not the day for the World Conference to be held."

The World Government is not interested in who the king of the member country is. As long as these people can pay the heavenly gold on time, no matter which son or daughter of the old king, or brother or son-in-law, the World Government will not interfere.

As long as the local kingdom can make sense, it doesn't matter. Of course, this refers to the normal succession, not the throne obtained through violent war.

If a civilian or pirate kills or drives away the original king, this usurpation of the country is difficult to be recognized, especially if the original king is allowed to leave alive and is protected by the World Government.

The member countries will not report the replacement of the king to the World Government immediately on weekdays. Usually, it will be completed simultaneously when the heavenly gold is paid or the World Government is convened.

At this point in time, in the World Government, the king of the Solbe Kingdom is still Bulldog, and Bekoli's succession to the throne is not complete.

It is convenient to simply use violence to break the rules, but it will deal with a lot of troubles. In theory, even if Orlan kills Bekoli directly, the follow-up can be properly arranged. The worst consequence is to go out to sea as a pirate.

But within the rules, using the rules to solve some troubles can solve them once and for all.

"I am a law-abiding citizen. I just beat a traitor who covets the throne. When did I beat the king of the Solbe Kingdom?"

"You bastard, ask the group of people around you to see if I am the king of the Solbe Kingdom!"

Bekoli pointed to the citizens around him, most of whom were people who were preparing to leave with Orlan and the others and people who were watching the fun.

"You tell me! Who is the king of the Solbe Kingdom!"

Silence, everyone in the crowd surprisingly retained the same attitude, except for the crows flying in the sky, no one responded to him.

In the few months since he took office, Beckley has successfully lost the support of the people and wiped out the national happiness accumulated by Bulldog.

It is said that someone was imprisoned by Beckley because he failed to pay the gold in time. He was a miser and was reluctant to give the prisoner any food, which led to the old man starving to death.

"Where is the new king? The factory contract was also signed with King Bulldog. How come I didn't know there was a king named Beckley?"

At this time, a suitable "stoker" is very important. Ginny understood what Orlan wanted to do.

The old contract from a few years ago was found out. Beckley was greedy and failed to sign a new contract. The old contract has not been invalidated.

"That's right! We haven't heard of the new king Beckley!"

"Give King Bulldog back to us! Did you do something to him!"

Even though the country was poor during Bulldog's reign, the people's happiness was still not lost. He was also a king who was very popular with the people, and the factory agreement was all decided by him.

It can be said that the Kingdom of Solbe has moved towards a new prosperity under the leadership of Bulldog. The group that was already somewhat resentful by Bekoli suddenly erupted in a series of protests under the premise that someone took the lead in protesting.

In the end, Bekoli's guards acted as another group of witnesses.

"Colonel Dodori, what should we do now?"

"How should I know? I learned how to fight pirates, not this kind of mess. Let the soldiers maintain order first, at least control the scene first!"

Dodori was also a little overwhelmed. He certainly couldn't take tough measures on Oran's side. If he did so, Oran would call him back, and Zefa would probably let him recall what the punishment of his mentor was.

Bekoli was also a little troublesome. Even if the throne seemed unstable, the navy still couldn't intervene. After all, it was a problem handled by the World Government, and they were a bit over the line.

But at this moment, a big man ran from a distance.

"Excuse me, make way, make way."

Just now, Bear followed Oran's instructions and used the power of the meat ball fruit to slap himself away from the scene and successfully found Bulldog.

[King Bulldog, you don't want the Kingdom of Solbe to become as poor as before, and let Queen Connie wear patched clothes, right? ]

This is what Oran asked Bear to take over, and Oran is not interested in staying here as king.

This is Bear's hometown, and those old people are not willing to leave this land with Bear. Although Bear decided to leave with Oran, it can be seen that he is not at ease with these old neighbors.

In order to help Bear stabilize his mentality and reduce a political enemy that may disgust him, Oran plans to borrow the old king Bulldog to handle all this.

"I am the king of the Solbe Kingdom, Bulldog! The king of Bekoli is not recognized!"

"Bulldog, what nonsense are you talking about, old man! You have passed the throne to me!"

Bekoli's heart was struck by lightning. He could say that Oran's words were false accusations, but as Oran said before, in the world government, Bulldog is the king. If he is denied by Bulldog, his throne will really be untenable.

"The Solbe Kingdom cannot be destroyed in your hands."

Becoli's succession to the throne was a family problem of Burdog. Burdog had no son, so there was such a branch as the heir.

Before Becoli became king, he did not show this attitude, so Burdog chose to hand over the throne.

Unexpectedly, not long after Becoli got the power, the whole person changed. At that time, Burdog had lost control of the palace and had no chance to take back the kingship.

That is, Becoli did not kill him, but only expelled him from the palace, which gave the bear the opportunity to bring him here.

"Colonel Dodori, the situation is already very clear. I think the navy has an obligation to help the allied countries to expel the criminals."

"Dr. Sidilier, you are right. In this case, the navy can indeed intervene."

"A bunch of bastards, the throne is mine! Mine! You guys don't even think about taking my throne away, Iron Cannon Team! Kill that pink-haired guy and the old guy next to him!!"

Becoli never thought that after a few words, he, the legitimate heir to the throne, would change. At this time, he was furious and wanted to solve this problem by killing Orlan and Bulldog.

As long as they died, he would still be the only king.

However, Becoli's words did not receive a response. His guards were unwilling to be enemies with those protected by the navy, especially when they saw that the old king had spoken.

"A bunch of trash, I'll do it myself, get out of here!"

Becoli grabbed a spear that was obviously different from conventional firearms from the guards beside him, and then raised the gun and aimed it at the front.

"This is the iron artillery team of the Solbe Kingdom. Today, I will let you know what one of the secrets of the rise of the Solbe Kingdom is!"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Iron block!"

A series of gunshots rang out. Dodori flashed in front of Oran and wanted to use the iron block to block the attack for him, but a silver big hand bypassed his body.

"Sixteen rounds of ammunition, side-mounted bullet holes, double firing pins can ignite the gunpowder of bullets more efficiently, and the special center-primed ammunition is more powerful.

It is much stronger than ordinary continuous-fire flintlock rifles. Of course I know what this is. Didn't anyone tell you that I made that gun?"

Olan loosened his palm, and the bullet caught by Zack fell to the ground. Along with the sound of the bullet falling to the ground, Beckley's chin that could not close also fell.

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