What's the purpose of becoming a Navy? Can it be achieved?!

Akainu Sakaski, Aoji Kuzan, and Kizaru Porusalino all fell silent.

They joined the navy when they were young, showed monster-like talents, were reused, and obtained lava, ice, and shining fruits....

But now, Aokiji has gone from being a burning justice to being a lazy justice.

Kizaru, who has the best character, has gradually become a slick guy who just punches in and gets by.

Only Akainu is still burning, in an extreme way.

Adolf glanced at the three people and said,"The navy is certain. The navy is the only one in the entire ocean that is really catching pirates, maintaining order, and protecting civilians."..."

"Although there is corruption at the grassroots level, it is a minor problem"

"But what about the world government? What about the royal nobles of the participating countries? Did you see it too? Better than the ugly face of a pirate!!"

"Destroy the country as a game——"

The pupils of the three people shrank, and the silence was deafening.

Not only did they know, they even used warships to protect the entire island for their entertainment!

What a shame for the righteous navy?!

"Do you have any solution? No, you don't. You don't even have the right to mention it."

"Because you are just subordinates who are driven by the Tianlong people....dog!!"

"Akainu, how does it feel to kneel? Is it humiliating?"

Adolf looked at Akainu.

"If you hadn't mentioned it, maybe you could have still convinced me!" Akainu clenched his fists, his steel teeth rubbing.

You dare to mention this humiliation of a lifetime?

"hehe..."Adolf smiled faintly,"But you can obviously refuse. Is it worth it for the Celestial Dragons' rubbish?""

"Humph, that’s easy to say!"

"Without the military spending of the World Government, how can the navy maintain order in the sea?"

"If you want to overthrow the world government, do you really understand the strength of the world government?"

Akainu snorted coldly.

Not only the three generals who are directly subordinate to the Tianlong people, but also the navy who have some knowledge can't stand the Tianlong people, but so what?

They are personally rebellious, and they are the largest pirate force in the new world, and they are insignificant to the world government..

If he takes the lead in the rebellion, hey, he will be eliminated by the Knights of God on the same day!

Even if he becomes a marshal, it is impossible to escape the control of the world government!

"I'll answer them one by one."

"The world government's economy mainly comes from 170 participating countries, each with 10 billion beli per year, 1.7 trillion beri per year, which is very huge, but that's all."

"Um? ?"The three people raised their heads with a row of question marks.

What do you mean this is all?

1.7 trillion Baileys a year!! Do you look down on it???

"I won't talk to you about economics, it's too profound and you won't understand it."

"Let me tell you directly, I will rule the entire world and include all countries, whether affiliated or non-affiliated countries!"

"The original nobles and royal families all brought out the people to expose them. If there were any evil deeds, those who deserved to be executed would be executed and those who deserved to have their homes ransacked!"

"In this way, all the people are my subjects, and pirates are naturally an unstable factor that must be eliminated!!"

It's a showdown, he wants to overthrow the world government and rule the world!

"...After all, you just want to be the king of the world!" Akainu said sarcastically.

Adolf looked calm,"As long as the fishmen continue to develop, I can also become the king of the world!"

The three of them fell silent....

Yes, a deep-sea race with a population of 5 billion does not need any tricks at all. As time goes by, he will become the undisputed king of the world.

They all heard what was said in the square before. It is simply incomprehensible.

"After establishing the empire, I can guarantee with my lives that all famine problems will be completely resolved within a month. At least no one will starve to death. If even one person starves to death, it will be a shame for me!"

"The pirate problem will be completely solved within three years, and the people will live and work in peace and contentment. It cannot be said that there are no pirates, but they are all petty thieves and it is difficult for them to become a force to be reckoned with."

Adolf was extremely confident!

If it was in the original world, he would not dare to say so, because that was a problem that even his motherland had not solved!

But this world is different, completely different!

"March to solve hunger? Three years to deal with the pirates? Do you know what you are talking about? ?"Kizaru looked like he was mentally retarded.

"Do you know what is happening around the world? How many people in different countries are starving to death? In a member country called the Kingdom of Pai Pai, more than a thousand people are starving to death every year!"Aokiji said solemnly.

"I want to know how you are going to solve the pirate problem in three years! Akainu asked.

Adolf looked at Akainu and asked,"If the World Government wants to solve it, is there really no way to solve it?""

"..."Akainu is silent

"They have the ability to solve it, but they didn't, so the priority is not the pirates, but them!" Adolf said.

He turned to look at Aokiji and continued to ask,"You only know that these countries are poor and many people starve to death, but do you know why so many people starve to death?"

The three looked at him with a little annoyance in their eyes. They were humiliated again!

Humiliation like a mentally retarded humiliation——

"snort!"Akainu snorted in displeasure, making them look like idiots.

I knelt down physically before, but this time I have to kneel down even mentally?!

Adolf smiled lightly and said proactively,"It's very simple, just take your navy as an example."

"Only one warship is needed to solve the problems of a kingdom. The first step is to kill the king of the kingdom of starvation. The second step is to kill all the unstable factors that cause chaos in the kingdom. The third step is to lead them to open up the sea and fish!"

"Regardless of how wealthy they are, at least no one will starve to death!"

Very brainless, the main theme is a simple and crude

‘——!!’The three frowned,"What does killing the king have to do with starving people to death?"

"Of course it matters. Look at those countries where people are starving to death. Are their islands barren? Are they all rocky? Desert? Or soil with grass and trees growing on it?"

"A country where thousands of people starve to death every year���If it is a home, its population base will never be small. But an island that is not suitable for living will never have so many people living on it!"

"What's more, the island is surrounded by the sea, how could anyone starve to death!"

Adolf really felt ridiculous.

The world's oceans are so rich in products, and you're starving people to death?"

Qingzhi was in a low mood."I have never been to the Kingdom of Indemnity, but you are right."..."

Kizaru and Akainu were also silent. They had been on so many sea missions and had seen too many poor places, but was the island itself poor? Wasn't it suitable for planting and fishing?

"If an animal cannot gain weight even though it eats a lot, it must have parasites in its stomach; if people cannot get rich even though they work hard, there must be vampires in that society."

"Their hunger is not caused by the environment, but by people! A greedier exploiter than a vampire!!"

Akainu and Aokiji became more and more silent.

"navy...You cannot interfere in other countries, especially the internal affairs of allied countries! Even if these royal families are going too far!"

Kizaru spoke, no longer lazily and indecently, but seemed particularly serious.

"I have another way. This is my plan to further improve the happiness level of the people after solving the problems of the kingdom itself."

"The power of devil fruits not only brings disasters, but also brings new life and happiness!"

"As far as I know, there is a person in the Navy who has the ability to grow fruit. Can it be used to stimulate the growth of more food and vegetables? Or even breed high-yielding crops?"

Adolf said

"Lush fruit? ?"The three of them took the initiative to follow Adolf's thoughts.

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