“Join the Navy, no kidding.”

Accardo lifted Erlang’s legs and crossed his hands above his knees, “I don’t have any justice in my heart.” ”

Although for Accardo it is the same everywhere, he would rather be adrift alone on the sea than the deadly navy with more rules and regulations.

“Ahhh… That’s a pity. Kuzan had no intention of continuing to persuade, not only because he was not good at this kind of thing, but he could also see Accardo’s meaning in all aspects, and it was impossible to change his mind.

“I’m sorry, the guest has waited for a long time, this is the twenty-two different bottles of wine you ordered, spending a total of 5.4 million Baileys, which has already helped you wipe zero.”

At this moment, two waiters, one by one, placed a large wooden box on the ground next to Accardo and Kuzan’s table.

A waiter looked at Kuzan with blazing eyes, the meaning was already obvious, pay.

Kuzan’s face suddenly looked ugly like that of Eat Xiang, and said: “Wait a minute, go to the naval branch of your town to get money.” ”

Kuzan gestured to the naval emblem on his hat to indicate his naval identity.

The power of the navy is very large, listening to Kuzan’s words, someone immediately went out, it seems that they went to the branch to get money.


Suddenly, the shadow under Accardo’s feet spread rapidly, dyeing the cyan marble black, and in an instant, the ground seemed to be a black hole, sucking into the wooden box containing more than twenty bottles of red wine.

After about five seconds, the wooden box had been completely devoured, and the shadow had returned to Accardo’s feet.

“Devil Fruit Powerhouse!”

Although the waiter was surprised, he did not exaggerate to call out, compared to the strongest sea in the four seas of Beihai City, even civilians, they have a certain understanding of many things, such as devil fruits and the like, and know that many pirate navies have various incredible abilities.

“Oh more, oh much! What a convenient ability! Kuzan said in amazement when he saw this scene.

“Me, is it okay to ask another question?” Kuzan said again.


The gaze shaded under the sunglasses flashed a hint of sharpness, “You, for what purpose did you go to sea?” Do you simply want to be a pirate hunter and make money with this skill, or do you plan to be a pirate, like that Roger or Whitebeard, with the goal of dominating the great route? ”

Even if he can’t be admitted to the Navy, Kuzan at least wants to find out what kind of person Accardo is, or judge from his words what path he may take in the future.

“Why did you join the Navy?” Accardo asked rhetorically.

“Thoroughly implement lazy justice.” Kuzan said an inexplicable answer in a serious way.

Accardo grinned, “I’m different from you. ”

“What’s different?”

“People live for themselves, I live for myself, I do things for my own joy, my own survival, my own life, in other words, I will not pursue justice, I will only pursue one thing, pleasure.”

Accardo’s purpose is so simple, simply put, to make himself happy, to go out of the island because of this, to fight because of this, to sit here and talk to Kuzan because of this.

For yourself, for pleasant feelings.

“Terrible fellow, I think I should apply for a unit to watch you specifically.” Although Accardo does not have a reputation now, and it is purely coincidental that he and Zefa will meet him here, Kuzan still feels that Accardo will be in the future.

Accardo got up and said, “It’s rare to meet a natural ability, come to Rear Admiral!” ”

“Hmm~~ fighting? It’s really not motivated, or forget it…” Kuzan scratched the back of his head, he still took the policy of hiding and hiding for this kind of thing.

However, before the words were finished, Kuzan felt something against his throat, and in the eyes of outsiders, he saw Accardo take out a gun and point it directly at Kuzan’s throat.

“Little brother, don’t do such excessive things…” As he finished dragging the long voice, Kuzan’s body began to freeze, and Accardo found that a layer of ice had formed on the muzzle of Gasir’s gun, blocking the opening.


Accardo whistled and smiled, “How interesting, well, come quickly, Rear Admiral!” ”

“Ah~~ what a trouble…”

Kuzan got up and stretched, he was not in a hurry, because he did not feel killing intent from Accardo, and now he could be sure that the other party’s words were true, acting for pleasure, for pleasure, this is what this man called Accardo carried out.

Among the three fruits, the rarest natural system, Accardo has long wanted to see whether his own attack can hurt them?

“It’s a failure to ask someone to bring back a little kickback to Zefa-sensei.”

Kuzan thought in his heart, the two quickly walked towards the east port, and the staff who remained in the Red Hotel breathed a sigh of relief and collapsed to the ground.

PS: Ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for tips, ask for evaluation

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