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Roger and the others sat down next to Accardo, and Accardo would not greet each other with anything, sat down again and said to Arya and the others: “Leave them alone, it’s not the Whitebeard Pirates.” ”

“…… Yes, Lord Accardo. ”

Arya gave Accardo wine again, while the other two women served as usual.

“You kid is very good at enjoying it, I have never seen that newcomer kill the whitebeard person and dare to sit in place with swagger.”

After Roger smiled, he shouted in the backstage direction: “Hey! People hiding behind, give us rum! ”

The few people in Sion who were hiding in the background were suddenly startled, how was they discovered?

Although the people living in the New World know a lot about the Devil Fruit, few of them can know about this kind of thing as “domineering”.

Soon, the people of Roger’s pirate group also began to drink bitterly, and after Roger exhaled heavily, he asked: “Then again, why did you kill the whitebearded person?” Isn’t it cool to see them? ”

“Pirates should have the consciousness to die at any time, you are like this, and so am I.” Accardo replied as he asked.

“That’s not an answer at all, is it?” Renly said with a glass raised.

“Well, that guy with Whitebeard won’t let go of the guy who killed his men, and I’m one of them.” Roger swayed his glass, and soon after his face turned a little red from drinking too much, “It’s not a big deal not to ask.” ”

Roger said, turning his head to look at Arya and the others, “I heard that this happened in this tavern, hey! Little girl, how about it? You should have known what was going on, right? ”

The three daughters of Arya looked at Roger and the others with a palpitation, these people are also pirates, they have been affected by Krasian’s relationship, and they already have a psychological shadow.

“I’m sorry, it’s okay if you really don’t want to say it.” Renly saw the embarrassment of the three daughters and acted as a peacemaker.

“No, it’s okay.”

Arya was a little bolder and began to slowly tell the story of the dispute between Accardo and Clacian a few days ago.

At the same time, he also talked about what Clacian had done in this town in the past two months, but automatically ignored the fact that Accardo used his ability to control their choices.

After all, Accardo is still here, it is impossible to say other people’s in front of others, right?

“Oh oh, Whitebeard still has ah, this kind of little devil who likes to do wrong.”

Roger was not surprised by this, the White Beard team and the number of subordinates, out of the navy and the government, in this era, only the golden lion Shiji can compare with him.

Thousands of subordinates, what’s strange about doing wrong? What’s more, isn’t that what the pirates are?

“But you’re still here, do you want to wait for the white-bearded man to come?” Roger had already guessed Accardo’s purpose, “Bold boy, Whitebeard is not easy to deal with.” ”

“It’s nothing, I can’t wait for the morning thing.” Accardo rested his head on the back of his chair and chuckled.

Anyway, sooner or later, this is a good opportunity, how can you miss it?

“Bulu Bru Bru…”

After Roger and the others had a tavern to drink for a while, suddenly the voice of the phone bug rang, and Renly took out a phone bug with sunglasses from his arms, and said after connecting: “Jabba, has something happened?” ”

“A pirate ship landed, I didn’t stop it, they recognized us, but avoided it.” On the other side of the phone worm came the voice of Jabba, a combatant of Roger’s Pirates.

“Pirates? Could it be… One of the fleets under Whitebeard? ”

Hearing Renly’s words, except for a small number of trainee pirates, including Bucky, the others were very calm, they had long had experience of fighting with the Whitebeard Pirates, let alone their fleet.

“No, it’s the Great Vortex Spider Pirates, Captain Skuado, the bounty…”

A voice of turning pages came from inside the phone worm, and after a few seconds said: “Oh! The bounty is more than 100 million Bailey, just now after the big vortex spider pirate group avoided us, they entered the town with great momentum, I don’t know what’s going on, it shouldn’t be looking for us. ”

“I know, you can come in for a drink after hard work.”

After speaking, Reilly turned off the phone worm, turned his head and said to everyone: “Skuyado is a young pirate with a little fame in the New World, but it is certain that his target is not us…”

Reilly said, everyone in the Roger Pirates focused on Accardo, it was obvious that there was no fourth party force on this island, and they definitely came to find Accardo.

“It’s not Whitebeard’s subordinates, so what’s the point?” After Accardo heard the conversation between Reilly and Jabba, the original interest instantly dissipated.


At this moment, the door of the tavern was kicked open, everyone turned to look, a large group of people stood at the door of the tavern tightly, led by a man with a spider tattoo on his head and long dark pink hair, holding a machete, and said angrily: “Is Accardo who killed my brother Clacian here?” ”

“Captain, this guy is Scuado.”

Navigator Sikar walked up to Roger and said.

On the other side, after Scuado finished speaking, when he saw the Roger Pirates inside, his face was also frozen, and some of his younger brothers recognized Roger at once, and came up with fear on his face: “Captain Scuado, that’s, that’s Gordo Roger!” ”

“With Whitebeard, the golden lion has the same name as the city, and the reward has long exceeded 500 million super powerful pirates.”

When the Big Vortex Spider Pirates landed on the island, they knew that Roger’s pirate group also came to this island, but they didn’t expect it to be so coincidental, and Gordo Roger was also in this tavern.

“It’s called… Scuado, right? ”

Accardo didn’t get up from his chair at all, turned his head and glanced at Scuado lazily, “I’m not interested in you, go away, cannon fodder.” “_

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