The fruit of the Shadow Fruit was taken out of Moriah's body.

Half an hour later.

Luo Di also successfully took out the Shadow Fruit from Moriah's body.

And Moriah, the Seven Warlords of the Sea who once frightened countless people, has now become a corpse.

"Shadow Fruit, Tremor Fruit, Flame Fruit!"

These three devil fruits are all Luo Di's gains in this war on the top.

If he were to choose one and eat it now, the first one to be excluded would be the Flame Fruit.

There is a saying that even dogs won't eat the Flame Fruit.

As a natural devil fruit, it is destined to have a high lower limit. Without seastone or armed color domineering, it can't do anything to this kind of ability users.

The Flame-Flame Fruit is not weak among all the natural devil fruits. Its performance is relatively balanced and comprehensive. Otherwise, Ace would not have become the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates at such a young age.

Talent may account for a part of it, and the Flame-Flame Fruit is also indispensable.


From another perspective, comprehensive balance also represents mediocrity and lack of characteristics.

As long as you go to the New World, you will find that the ability of fire is indeed a bit common, and it feels like everyone can do it.

In addition, there is the Magma Fruit with more destructive power above it.

If Luo Di wants to become stronger, he will naturally not choose the mediocre Flame-Flame Fruit that is restrained by Akainu.

If a person wants to become stronger, the first thing to do is to make his weaknesses less conspicuous.

No one is perfect, and it is impossible for a person to be perfect. Weaknesses will always exist.

It's like a wooden barrel with a gap. It is obviously impossible to fill it with water, and the only thing that can determine the height of the water is the gap.

Now, Luo Di's gap is speed and lack of repressive power.

Just like when he faced Admiral Kizaru before, if he didn't have the blessing of the dark domain, he couldn't keep up with Kizaru's speed.

And in close combat, Luo Di didn't have the absolute power to suppress Kizaru.

In terms of comprehensive strength, the two were evenly matched, to put it bluntly, neither could do anything to the other.

Even after Luo Di refined the black knife, the winning rate was raised, at most 64, and it was still hard to tell.

Besides, Luo Di still lacked the ability to chase, so what if he could suppress Kizaru head-on?

If the other party wanted to run, wouldn't it be a matter of a blink of an eye?

So, making up for the shortcomings is what he wants to do most at the moment.

"Then, Shadow-Shadow Fruit..."

At this time, Luo Di looked at the newly formed devil fruit in the black box again.

Shadow-Shadow Fruit.

Its most superficial ability is to separate the shadow and the body of the ability user.

The shadow can be used as a stand-in to defend against the opponent's attack or to attack on behalf of the ability user, and its strength is equal to that of the ability user.

The ability user can also switch positions with the shadow at will to dodge the attack and use it to sneak attack.

What Luo Di is looking at is this teleportation ability, which can greatly make up for his lack of speed.

You know, that is teleportation!

Even if Kizaru wants to move at the speed of light, it takes time. Teleportation only takes a thought and the body moves with it, without a second.

Besides... the Shadow-Shadow Fruit has more functions than just these.

The ability user can tear off the shadow of others and cut off the target's shadow, and can also put the captured shadow into the corpse to turn it into a zombie.

The zombie itself has the same combat power and personality as the original shadow owner, but the fruit ability cannot be transferred to the zombie.

The zombie that has just been placed in the shadow will retain the consciousness and personality of the original owner of the shadow, but the time is limited, and it will eventually become a zombie that obeys orders.

This is the so-called zombie army.

Of course, these zombies also have weaknesses, that is, they are afraid of fire and salt.

And Luo Di's death power can perfectly restrain these shortcomings, just forming a complementary relationship.

Next is the last and most core ability of the Shadow Shadow Fruit-Shadow Gathering Place!

This move uses the power of the devil fruit to absorb all the shadows controlled by oneself into one's body, making oneself constantly larger and thus increasing strength.

How much the ability user can absorb depends mainly on his mental strength and physical strength.

When the mental strength is not enough to support it, the ability user is prone to lose consciousness or go berserk directly.

Moria's limit is to absorb 1,000 shadows.

If it is Luo Di, it can at least double on this basis.

Of course, these

They are all external forces. Even if Luo Di really chooses the Shadow-Shadow Fruit, he will not rely on it too much.

For Luo Di, the only thing that can really improve him is the instant teleportation of the Shadow-Shadow Fruit and the shadow characteristics that make people hard to defend.

"The Shadow-Shadow Fruit can be considered, and the last one is this... Tremor-Tremor Fruit!"

How powerful the Tremor-Tremor Fruit is is almost recognized by the entire pirate world.

The eater can cause vibrations in the sky, earth, atmosphere and ocean at will, which can cause strong earthquakes and tsunamis and powerful shock waves, and has extremely strong physical destructive power.

Even the Warring States called it the "power to destroy the world".

Its destructive power and attack range are the largest and strongest among all the three known devil fruits, and it is known as the strongest superhuman fruit.

If Luo Di eats it, then when he faces Kizaru again, he can definitely completely suppress the opponent in a head-on battle.

However, under the powerful destructive power, it lacks flexibility.

In short, the Shadow-Shadow Fruit can give Luo Di extremely strong flexibility, and his fighting style is more technical.

Although it can also double his strength in a short period of time, it is only an external force. If he is asked to bind thousands of zombies at any time, the picture is unbearable just thinking about it.

The Tremor-Tremor Fruit can give him an all-round and large-area attack bonus, instantly doubling his strength, and his fighting style is more hardcore.

The disadvantage is that he loses some flexibility.

In contrast, each has its own advantages.

For a while, he was a little difficult to choose.

Time will not stop for anyone like flowing water.

Another half an hour later.

Luo Di walked out of the room slowly.

In the end, he still chose the fruit of the strongest man in the world - the Tremor-Tremor Fruit!

Strong power is everything!

As for the Flame-Flame Fruit and the Shadow-Shadow Fruit...

Now, there are three people on the Death Ship who have not eaten the devil fruit.

They are Rabbit, Frion, and the newly boarded Rain Shiryu.

As a fur tribe, Tuji has its own special abilities. The devil fruit may become a limitation, and with the devil power of Luodi, it will only be stronger.

Frion, this guy only knows how to study some weird things and has no interest in devil fruits.

These two are ruled out first.

As for Shiryu, what can I say.

For the swordsman, the devil fruit is a burden.

He doesn't want Shiryu to eat any devil fruit.


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