The truth is, the truth is, the truth is.

Festa's words were like beans pouring out of a bamboo tube, one after another.

To be honest, in order to achieve his goal, he was also desperate.

He almost revealed everything he knew.

However, even so, the eternal pointer of 'Raftel', this kind of thing, unless Roger and the crew member who made this pointer were pulled out for verification, no one could prove whether it was true or false.

But is this possible?

Obviously not.

What's more, this thing is of no use to Luo Di at all.

One piece, the so-called great secret treasure, whether it really exists, or it is just a pie in the sky drawn by Roger, he doesn't want to explore.

What he pursues is absolute power.

"So what?"

Lodi's mouth curled up slightly.

"Even if the thing in the photo is really the eternal pointer of Raftel, so what?"

Festa was stunned.

"Aren't you a pirate?"

Why does a person become a pirate?

Part of the reason may be the evil in the heart, but the more important part is nothing more than treasure!

Treasure can almost be said to run through the life of a pirate.

If Lodi is not a pirate, Festa will definitely not choose him as a target.

However, Lodi is an out-and-out pirate, and a big pirate with a bounty of 2.5 billion.

It stands to reason that the stronger the strength and the closer the pirate is to that position, the more attractive the 'Raftel' permanent pointer is to them.

How come it's the other way around now?

Lodi is not only not interested, but also doesn't take it seriously at all.

Under Festa's puzzled eyes, Lodi shrugged.

"A genuine pirate, but I am not interested in your proposal at all. Of course, if you really want to achieve your goal, I will..."

At this point, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and his voice lowered a few points.

"I can recommend someone to you!"

Festas asked almost subconsciously.


Lodi replied word by word.

"Douglas Barrett!"

This name?

At first, Festa was a little confused.

After all, Barrett has been imprisoned for so long.

Even if he was once quite famous.

But time always dilutes many things, especially memories.

Until nearly half a minute later, as if he remembered something, Festa's pupils shrank suddenly, and he couldn't help but take a step back.

"Douglas... Barrett! That guy...? He's an absolute destroyer!"

"But... isn't he imprisoned in Impel Down? Death God Lodi, are you sure you're recommending him?"

As a pirate of Roger's era, Festa naturally knew how powerful and terrifying Barrett was.

He even knew some secrets that ordinary people could hardly see.

For example, he had fought to a draw with Rayleigh, the deputy of Roger's pirate group, and had a melee with Sengoku and Garp for several days and nights.

This record is simply not something that ordinary pirates can have.

If Lodi hadn't mentioned it, he would have almost forgotten that there was such a person on the sea.

However, as he said, Barrett was imprisoned in Impel Down. It was Garp and Sengoku who joined forces to succeed. After so long, no one knows whether he is dead or alive now.

"Let's not talk about the rest for now. Do you want me to get him out of there? Don't be kidding!"

Lodi shook his head gently.

"Some time ago, the war between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy Headquarters caused some special news, which was suppressed by the Navy with coercive means!"

"Even the newspapers published by the World Economic News Agency did not mention it. Do you want to know what it is?"

Festa did not pretend and asked directly.


Lordi walked back and forth and said.

"I think you should know the "Infinite Hell" on the sixth floor of the Impel Down City where many legendary pirates are imprisoned?"

"Due to some special reasons, the situation above the sixth floor may not be optimistic, but the guys on the sixth floor are now probably back to the sea, including Barrett!"

Magellan's poison is indeed very strong.

But for a strong man with super domineering power, it is not enough.

After being released by Blackbeard, Barrett directly rejected his solicitation and returned to the sea with the poisonous gas.

This time, he will become famous all over the world with a new attitude and sweep everything.

'If Luo Di said

If what he said is true, then it might be another direction, but...'

Festa pondered inwardly, and after a moment he raised his head again.

"Why are you telling me this?"

Lodi did not respond to him at the first time, but saw him move his feet and jump back to the Death.

At this time, he turned his head and looked at Festa.

"Because, for me, the more chaotic this sea is, the better. I wish you good luck, but don't let Barrett kill you!"

As he said, he waved his hand.

"Let's go!"

Aiko, Ulki and Shiryu of the Rain followed back to the Death.

Just at this moment, a gust of sea breeze blew, and the Death set sail with this wind, gradually moving farther and farther.

Until even a small black dot could not be seen in the field of vision, Festa came back to his senses.

"The more chaos, the better? I was right. This god of death, Luo Di, is a completely unstable person. Even if he has no feelings for treasure, as a pirate, he can't avoid the desire for killing in his heart!"

"Let me go to Barrett. Well, in that case, I will fulfill your wish. When the "Grand Ceremony" is held, I hope you won't let me down!"

Lordi or Barrett.

As long as he can achieve his goal, no one cares.

In fact, from a certain perspective, Festa and Barrett are more compatible.

Roger's bold words before his death opened the current era of great pirates. Even Festa, the master of celebrations, had to admit that it was difficult for him to surpass Roger in this regard.

In the following 20 years, there were still batches of people with dreams pouring into the sea.

He thought that ending this boring era was the way to surpass Roger!

Holding a pirate expo that would make the whole world crazy and subverting the entire sea was his current goal.

In comparison, Barrett's goal seems a bit too 'reckless'.

Since he came out of the city, he has no more confusion in his heart.

He wants to challenge the whole world alone.

The world government, the navy, the four emperors, the supernovas, the seven warlords of the sea, these are the goals he will challenge next.

'As long as I continue to win alone on this sea, I will be the strongest person in the world! '

This is what he believes in now!

In general, Barrett wants to achieve transcendence in power.

Festal wants to achieve transcendence in influence.

Their goals are all Roger, and there is no conflict. There is probably no better match in the world.


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