The sea area where Lanrot Island is located, a ship flying the flag of the Kingdom of Sitkaya slowly approached. When the ship approached the only port, dozens of people in black windbreakers were already standing on the shore. The leader aimed his gun and shouted. "Who are you?" Because he didn't know whether the other party was an enemy or a friend, he didn't shoot at the first time. "Captain, do you want me to get rid of them all?" Lafayette touched the brim of his hat, and his bloodthirstiness was not concealed. No wonder he was called the Devil Sheriff. Because of excessive violence, he was expelled from the country not long ago, and the initial bounty was 20 million Baileys. But his strength is definitely more than that. "Go ask where their leader is? As for their lives, keep them for now!"

Lodi was not interested in these small fry, mainly because there was no benefit in killing them.

His only target was the three cadres and the leader here.

Lafitte nodded, jumped to the shore.

Then he approached step by step.

The mafia were not afraid at all, after all, this was their base camp, and the guns in their hands were pointed at Lafitte.

The leader was a little angry.

"If you dare to take another step forward, I will kill you now!"

Lafitte had a smile on his face. His skin was originally very white, and now it gave people a weird feeling.

"1, 2, 3"


"Okay, now tell me, where is your leader?"

The leader slowly put down the gun in his hand, his eyes were dull, and he looked a little sluggish.

He had been hypnotized, along with the dozens of subordinates behind him.

"There is a castle in the back mountain, and the leader is inside."

At this time, Luo Di and the other two also came over.

"Let's go!"

As the four people went away, the dozens of mafia still stood there blankly, as if waiting for some kind of order.

After passing the port, you can enter Lanrot Town.

"Why are those people standing on both sides?"

Aiko was a little curious.

I saw that the street in front was specially vacated, and the surroundings were crowded with people.

"There are the people we are looking for!"

Luo Di's mouth corners slightly raised.

Through the observation color, he learned the identity of the team from the people who were whispering around.

"Boss Denny is back. I don't know what weapons he brought this time. I really want to try my hand."

"Who cares what weapons he has, have you seen those girls? They are so hot. I wonder if the boss will give me a few days to play with!"

"Tsk, women are not as fun as pistols. It's boring."

"Tsk tsk, then you can just shoot a pistol every day!"

Of course, some people also noticed Luo Di and the others.

They were not disguising themselves, and their attire was completely different from that of the people around them, so naturally, they were discovered as soon as they arrived.

"Look, who are those people?"

"A little suspicious, do you want to take action?"

"I think it's better not to do anything. They are probably the people brought back by Boss Dunny, otherwise how did they get here without permission?"

"That's true!"

However, someone recognized Luo Di.

"Wait, that... that person... I have some impression of him. I saw him in the newspaper a few days ago. He seems to be called... Death God Luo Di, and now he is a pirate with a bounty of 40 million Baileys."

"If you say that, I seem to have some impression of him. At that time, I still thought it was incredible. How could a ten-year-old kid do such a big thing."

"Do you think he came to join our organization?"

"It's possible, so it's better not to do anything."

Of course, not everyone will hold back.

Look, a bald man immediately stood up.

"Tsk, damn, who cares about the god of death, I want to see what he can do!"


He fired.

As soon as the gunshot sounded.

A cane suddenly appeared and blocked the bullet.

"You are not qualified to attack our captain!"

As soon as the voice fell, Lafayette slowly approached and pierced the bald man's body with his hand.

Then he shook the cane again, and the blood stains formed a straight line along the ground, and the bald man fell to the ground.

Killed with one shot!

At this time, a little old man came from a distance. He was Dunny, one of the three cadres.

"Hey, young man, I advise you, young people should not be too angry. Although I don't know how you followed me, but ah, dare to attack my people, you will


As he spoke, a breeze seemed to blow by, and Denny disappeared from people's sight.

This is a master of physical skills.

"All of you retreat, leave this man to me! "

Luo Di curled his lips, and his body flashed. The next moment, he caught sight of Denny's short figure, and then he punched out with his right fist, hitting Denny's left eye directly.


The powerful force caused Denny's short body to fly back more than ten meters, and even dragged three or four meters on the ground, with a layer of skin on his back rubbed.

When he stood up with all his strength, the mafia who was closer to him almost screamed out.

Denny's left eye had completely sunken down, and the blood had dyed his beard blood red, which looked quite creepy.

"Denny was defeated?"

"This must be fake, I must not have woken up yet. How could Denny, one of the three major cadres, be defeated so easily? What a joke?"

"One punch, just one punch! "

Dunny's only remaining eye was bloodshot.

When had he ever been so embarrassed before?

This time he was really angry.

"Shoot them all, leave no one alive, shoot them into a hornet's nest!"

Almost a roar, the old voice continued to spread until it spread throughout the town of Lanrot.

In an instant, all the mafia raised their guns at the same time and started shooting, while in the distance, hundreds of mafia were rushing over.

Faced with so many people, Luo Di did not show any fear.

"Do it! "

At the command, a pair of huge white wings grew out from behind Lafayette. While dodging bullets, the cane sword in his hand also harvested enemies.

Smanton turned into a golden eagle, and several people died every time he dived. His sharp claws could even easily break the barrel of a gun.

And Aikou, with the blessing of the demon power given by Luo Di, directly turned into a witch. Her speed and strength were greatly improved. The black robe on her body could resist bullets. When the cold light flashed, several people died.

"Then, it's your turn, my demon clone! "

At this time, a black figure similar to Luo Di appeared beside him. It had no facial features, and was surrounded by circles of psychedelic black mist. The scythe in its hand was glowing with a black halo, which was breathtaking.

It was like a devil in hell, ready to harvest its prey at any time.

After Luo Di issued the order, it turned into a black afterimage and shuttled through the crowd. No one survived wherever it passed.

Its speed was really fast, even Luo Di, who used the observation color, could hardly catch its figure.


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