After a long time, the two sides of the river were still in a state of panic.

An hour later.

The King of the Kingdom of Flowers, Morostai Biru, put down the Den Den Mushi.

"Still can't get in touch with Qing Jiao. What happened there?"

Since the sound that resounded through the sky, he has been trying to contact Qing Jiao, but without exception, he has failed.

"I wonder if the people I sent out just now have arrived!"

And just then, the Den Den Mushi rang.

He quickly answered the call, and a slightly anxious voice came from the Den Den Mushi.

"Your Majesty, something big has happened. It seems that a big battle has just happened here. Most of the garden of Chief Qingjiao has been destroyed. Moreover, we did not find Chief Qingjiao. He seems to be gone!"

Just as Bilu was about to speak, a cry of surprise came from the other side.

"Come here quickly. There is a stone tablet with a few words engraved on it. It seems to be... the tomb of... Qingjiao!!!"

Fear, shock, disbelief, all kinds of emotions filled his voice.

Bilu on the other end of the Den Den Mushi felt his brain go blank.

The guardian of the Kingdom of Flowers, Chief Qingjiao, is dead, dead!

Impossible, how could Qingjiao die?

He almost shouted.

"I want to see him alive or dead. Dig him up. If I find out that you are playing tricks on me, you will all die!"

Bilu was angry for a reason.

First of all, Qingjiao and he have been good friends for many years, and the relationship between the two is very good.

Secondly, other countries around have long been eyeing the Flower Country. If it weren't for Qingjiao's reputation, they would have probably taken action long ago.

However, if Qingjiao died, the consequences would be disastrous.

Although Cai Yi, the 13th generation pillar of the Babao Navy, has begun to show the style of a leader, this is far from enough. In terms of strength, he cannot be compared with Qingjiao.

Only Qingjiao can shock those people.

Waiting is always tormenting.

The two soldiers who were sent over kept digging the soil. At first, it was fine, until they dug four or five meters deep, a familiar piece of clothing appeared in front of them.

Continuing to dig down, they dug up... Qingjiao's body.

Qingjiao is dead!

"Your Majesty, Leader Qingjiao is really dead, please accept my condolences!"

Bilu only felt his eyes go black and fainted.


It was three hours later when Luo Di returned to the No Man's Land.

No Port.

A group of people in gray uniforms were carrying dark boxes, just passing by Luo Di.

At this time, Smanton was standing at the bow, idly throwing the dice in his hand.

When he saw Luo Di's figure, he immediately perked up and jumped to the shore.

"Captain, you are finally back. That, you see, I have something to buy. Can I, uh, go inside for a walk!"

He pointed to the road leading to the no-man's land behind Luo Di, with a somewhat embarrassed look.

Luo Di knew what he wanted to do as soon as he saw him, and then nodded helplessly.

"You have to change your gambling habit. That's it, go ahead!"

Smanton nodded quickly, but whether he would change it was another matter.

Back on the ship, the deck became very empty. The munitions originally loaded here had disappeared. It seemed that the transaction was completed, and the people just seen should be the ones responsible for carrying the munitions.

At this time, Winnie just came out of the kitchen and came to Luo Di with a glass of juice.

"Lord Luo Di, here!"

She lowered her head and didn't dare to look at Luo Di.

She was a little timid!

Luo Di took the juice helplessly and asked while drinking.

"How much did those arms sell for?"

Winnie stirred her fingers and said timidly.

"Lord Lafayette said it seemed to be, 3, 300 million Baileys?"

Her voice trembled slightly, and she seemed a little uncertain.

In fact, it was the first time she heard such a large amount of Bailey.

"300 million?"

Luo Di touched his chin and muttered to himself.

In this case, plus the previous 400 million, it would be 700 million.

Then buy the treasure tree Adam's Wood and the devil fruit.

Then he handed the empty cup in his hand to Winnie.

Only then did he notice that Winnie seemed to still be wearing that old dress, and if he looked closely, he could see the gray stains and cracks at the corners of the clothes.

"What do you look like in this dress? As a maid, cleanliness is the most important thing. Tomorrow you and Ai Kou will go with me to the Kingdom of Flowers."

Luo Di pretended to be disgusted, then waved his hand and headed for the storage room.

Go to the warehouse.

Winnie is timid and cowardly. If she doesn't do this, she will probably shirk it for a long time.

Looking at Luo Di's back, Winnie secretly wiped her eyes, not because she was sad, but because she was happy.

She could feel that Luo Di had no ill intentions.

Being able to feel other people's emotions is her biggest secret.

The dean's mother once told her that she must not tell anyone about this, otherwise it would bring her endless disasters.

So she has always buried this secret in her heart.

Except for her, maybe no one else in the world will know it in the future.


It's night.

Meeting room.

Luo Di handed Winnie's freshly made fried rice to Lafayette who had just returned and asked.

"How is it? What did the old boatman say?"

The old boatman in Luo Di's mouth is the first boatman of the Flower Kingdom, Wheeler, who has been sealed!

Lafayette took a sip of water and nodded with a smile.

"He originally disagreed, but when I mentioned the Adam Wood, he agreed without any hesitation. Perhaps it was his obsession to build a ship with the Adam Wood!"

In fact, many shipbuilders may not see materials of the same level as the Adam Wood in their lifetime, let alone use it to build a ship.

Old shipbuilder Wheeler is that kind of shipbuilder. Although he has good shipbuilding skills, he has never seen the Adam Wood, and no one is willing to let him use that material to build a ship.

However, perhaps it won't be long before the wish that has troubled him for half his life can be realized.


Bilu locked himself in the room.

His hair became a little messy because of scratching, and there were several empty bottles on the table, obviously he had just drunk wine.


As if stimulated by something, Bilu suddenly shook his head, and his face, which was stained red by the smell of wine, was now determined.

"No, no, this matter must not be spread out, otherwise several other countries may take action immediately, and then the Kingdom of Flowers will be in danger!"

"Besides, Qingjiao has been in seclusion for many years. This is something they all know. As long as that person does not spread it maliciously, no one will know about Qingjiao's death!"

Just when he was in high spirits, he suddenly looked depressed the next moment.

"Qingjiao, I'm really sorry. At this time, I still have to deliberately conceal it, but don't worry, I will definitely find out who did it and then avenge you!"

However, this is just a self-consolation.

That person can even kill Qingjiao, and want revenge? I'm afraid it's as difficult as ascending to heaven!

And for Bilu, there is another problem now, that is, should he tell Cai Yi and Abu about Qingjiao's death?

"Forget it, let's tell them after finding out who did it!"

After thinking for a long time, the alcohol has already invaded his brain. He fell on the table and closed his eyes.


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