"Hello?" Luo Di suppressed his voice to make his voice less childish. The other party was obviously stunned, but he also answered. "What's the situation over there?" Luo Di was silent for a moment, and then he said after organizing his words. "The tracking target entered a small alley. Should we follow him in? After all, that person..." At this point, there was a blank. The other party was silent for a while, and then continued. "Try not to expose yourself as much as possible. Your Majesty doesn't seem to want us to conflict with that person!" Luo Di said "yes" and hung up the Den Den Mushi. Your Majesty? Haha, it seems that he is the king of the Kingdom of Flowers. No wonder he has been under surveillance since he entered the Kingdom of Flowers, and there are guards at the gate. Only the king has this right.

So the question is, why did he send someone to follow him?

Is it because of Qingjiao?

Or do you think he is harmful to the country?

But no matter which one it is, Luo Di feels that he needs to go to the palace.

After all, who likes to be stared at?

Putting the Den Den Mushi on the unconscious gray-clothed man, Luo Di exerted force on his arm and threw it out of the alley.


With a dull smashing sound, Luo Di ignored the rest of the people and turned to walk into the alley.

And those people outside looked at Luo Di's blurred back and thought to themselves that it was bad.

I'm afraid he has been discovered!

Then one of them took out the Den Den Mushi, and when the Den Den Mushi was connected, he covered his mouth and whispered.

"Captain Jia, it's not good..."


At noon.

Today, the palace is extremely guarded, and the atmosphere is very depressing.

The guards patrol back and forth with three layers inside and three layers outside.

The slightly wrinkled face of the captain of the guard, Gastai, is full of seriousness at this moment, standing outside the palace with a knife.

In the hall, the king of the Kingdom of Flowers, Morostai Biru, paced back and forth, his face full of anxiety and uneasiness.

"What should I do? What should I do? Damn it, I was discovered!"

Thinking that Luo Di might be the culprit who killed Qingjiao, Biru became more and more uneasy.

The chief of staff who already knew the truth kept stroking the slightly raised beard on his chin, thinking about how to deal with it.

Suddenly, he asked in a low voice.

"Your Majesty, have you told Cai Yidongliang and other Dongliang about this?"

There are at least eight pirate forces like the Eight Treasures Navy in the Kingdom of Flowers.

The most famous among them are the 'Eight Treasures Navy' and the 'Two Treasures Navy'.

As the saying goes, there can't be two tigers in one mountain, not to mention that there are no less than eight tigers, so they usually act alone and rarely have intersections with each other.

However, Cai Yi, the thirteenth generation pillar of the Babao Navy, and Huo Lisha, the daughter of the pillar of the Erbao Navy, became an engaged couple because of a political marriage not long ago.

Therefore, if the news of Qingjiao's death spreads, at least two pirate forces will be dispatched.

At that time, conflict will be inevitable.

Bilu has read through Luo Di's information, basically without missing a word.

Each one is shocking enough.

As the leader of a country, Bilu has a lot of things to think about, so in the end, even if he got the information and knew the murderer, he did not tell Cai Yi and other pillars about Qingjiao's death.

Looking at Bilu's struggling expression, Chief of Staff Ke Di already understood, and then he sighed.

"Hey, Your Majesty, the leader of Green Pepper was killed in our territory. This is undoubtedly a slap in our face!"

"Besides, hidden things will always be discovered one day. Cai Yidongliang is already on his way back. We can't stop him from seeing his father, right?"

"What's more, we deliberately concealed it. If other pillars knew about it, what would they think? They would definitely be disappointed in you!"

At this point, the topic changed, Ke Di's face was full of seriousness, and his voice became a little sharp.

"So, this battle must be fought, and it must be fought beautifully. It would be best to directly destroy the Death God Pirates in one fell swoop!"


Ke Di's words fell for a long time, and there was only the sound of Biru pacing back and forth in the palace.

After a long time, he sighed and took out the Den Den Mushi.

Two hours later.

Luo Di sent Aiko and Winnie back to the ship and came to the palace alone.

But he didn't know that a conspiracy was quietly approaching.

The sea area outside the port is impossible.

A dozen pirate ships were approaching slowly.

They were the Dabaoshui called by Biru.

Army and Sanbao Navy.

The leaders were Katz, the tenth generation pillar of the Dabao Navy, and Connaji, the eighth generation pillar of the Sanbao Navy.

Katz touched his bald head and stared coldly at the front.

"Humph, I didn't expect that the old man Qingjiao was killed. It's really shameful!"

Connaji is relatively fat and looks very kind, but his character is particularly bad.

"Tsk, it's really shameful. It's a pity that I didn't kill him. However, it's okay to die, but I have to clean his ass for him, ugh!"

Katz glanced at him and then remained silent.

In fact, he has been unhappy with Qingjiao for a long time.

However, he will help to avenge the hatred, after all, they have been getting along for decades.

These pirate forces are so discordant.


There are three pirate departments stationed in the Kingdom of Flowers.

The first is the Dabao Navy and the Sanbao Navy that rushed to the port of no way.

The strongest Erbao navy was rushing to the palace quickly.

Wearing a white Taoist robe and a black cloak, the pillar of the Erbao navy, Huoden, was as fast as the wind and moving forward at a high speed.

Even though he was old, his figure was still vigorous.

His daughter Huo Lisha barely caught up, panting slightly.

"Old man, why are you running so fast?"

At this time, the deputy pillar Taiwan also caught up and explained in a low voice.

"Leader Qingjiao is dead!"

Huo Lisha was shocked, and then a little worried.

"What! What about my engagement with Lao Cai?"

She and Lao Cai were only verbally engaged, and it was Qingjiao who helped to make the decision.

At that time, she also saw that Lao Cai was a little reluctant.

Now that Qingjiao is dead, who knows if Lao Cai will suddenly regret the engagement?

And Taiwan suddenly interrupted, a little gloating.

"I'm afraid it's going to be Huang!"

Unlike the two people behind, Huoden's face was ashen, and his anger was almost uncontrollable.

He had a very good relationship with Qingjiao. Now that his old friend was dead, how could he not be angry?


Luo Di jumped over the outer wall of the palace.

As soon as he entered, he was discovered.

"Who is it?"

A team of guards rushed over with spears in their hands, and the leader had a fierce look on his face.

And the movement here alarmed other guards, and they all rushed over.

Soon, hundreds of people gathered in front of Luo Di.

Moreover, some people were running into the palace, obviously preparing to inform the guards inside.

The number of guards will probably increase in a while.

In response, Luo Di just stood there quietly, and then an invisible pressure continued to spread outward with him as the center.

The domineering aura covered the whole place!

The hundreds of guards who were closer fainted directly.

And those guards who had just run a few steps into the palace also fell to the ground with a "bang".

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