Three days later.

A newspaper flew around the world.

[The last song of the god of death Luo Di, the legend of Cone Green Pepper ended, the pillar of the Flower Kingdom, Holden, appeared, and the end of the god of death pirates]

The bold words came into view.

The main content of the report was that Luo Di killed the legendary pirate Green Pepper, but was killed by Holden, the pillar of the Flower Kingdom's second treasure navy.

The rest of the crew of the god of death pirates were beaten by the Dabao navy and the Sanbao navy and fled in a panic. Finally, they hijacked a ship at the main gate of the Flower Kingdom and escaped.

But is the god of death pirates still the god of death pirates without their captain?

No one knows.

The Grand Line.

Shanks looked at the newspaper in his hand, with a trace of regret in his eyes.

"What a pity, he is still too young after all!"

Beckman said calmly while smoking a cigarette.

"Arrogance, arrogance, the younger the person, the more obvious these shortcomings are. Without someone to guide him, he can't do anything after all!"

Whitebeard Pirates.

Marco handed a newspaper to Whitebeard.

"Gulala, is Qingjiao dead? The little boy Luodi is indeed quite capable, but after all, he didn't even enter the Grand Line!"

After saying that, Whitebeard took a sip of wine, and a complex emotion flashed in the depths of his eyes.

Perhaps Qingjiao's death made him feel a little emotional, or maybe he regretted that Luodi didn't see the most magnificent sea.

At this time, Marco frowned and reminded.

"Dad, it's better to drink less alcohol for your health!"

Whitebeard laughed loudly, quite heroic.

"It's okay, I'm Whitebeard!"


Navy Headquarters.

Sengoku was eating senbei with big mouthfuls, and there was a newspaper on the table.

"It seems that our navy doesn't need to take action!"

Vice Admiral Tsuru frowned and pointed to a picture reported in the newspaper.

"Look here, this black robe is obviously the death god Luo Di, and, did you notice that this newspaper only reported that Luo Di was dead, but where was his body?"

Sengoku leaned over to take a look, and saw that the picture was a picture of the crew of the Death God Pirates hijacking the ship and escaping from the Flower Kingdom, and it just showed a corner of the death god robe.

At this time, Vice Admiral Tsuru took out another newspaper from the other newspapers stacked on one side.

"Look, here, is it exactly the same?"

This time she found a picture of Luo Di's full death god transformation in the Kingdom of Sitkaya.

Comparing the two pictures, it really looks like that.

Sengoku looked left and right, and then nodded.

"Well, it seems that he is not dead yet, but he is probably seriously injured!"

Vice Admiral Tsuru snorted coldly.

"Now is the right time. Why don't you give orders to the branch? Take advantage of this time to arrest them. Besides, Vice Admiral Vika is also working there, so he can help!"

"Well, that's right. We'll catch them all this time!"

Zengoku finished eating the last piece of senbei and then dialed Den Den Mushi.

East China Sea.

Shimotsuki Village.

Zoro, who had just taken the newspaper from his master Koshiro, looked disappointed.

"How did he die? Damn it!"

Not long ago, he vowed to defeat Lodi, but now...

Windmill Village.

Garp punched Luffy on the head.

"Luffy, you must be a navy in the future!"

Looking at Ace who was staring at the newspaper in his hand, he punched him without hesitation.

"And you too!"

West China Sea.

Nico Robin looked at the newspaper in her hand quietly.

"I didn't expect he was dead!"

The leader of 'Astaya', Knaro, laughed loudly.

"Haha, what's the point of calling him the God of Death? He is dead. It seems that there is no need to cooperate with him in the future!"

Some people are happy, some are sad, and the saddest one is Princess Fina of Sitkaya.

That day, she locked herself in the room and didn't come out all day.

In short, this newspaper brought some shock.

However, as the protagonist, Luo Di did not die.


Ten days later.

On the endless sea.

A small sloop more than ten meters long drifted slowly in the direction of the sea breeze.

"9991, 9992, ..., 9999, 10000!"

After completing the last swing, Luo Di slowly put Huang Quan back into the sheath.

"Lord Luo Di, here!"

Taking the towel handed by Winnie, Luo Di wiped the forehead


"It's been thirteen days!"

Yes, this is the thirteenth day since leaving the Kingdom of Flowers.

Seven days ago, relying on the healing effect of the power of the God of Death, his injuries were completely healed.

And in the following days, Luo Di was exercising almost every moment.

Now, the power in his body has been absorbed by nearly half.

His physique and physical strength are much stronger than before.

If it is fully absorbed, his strength can almost increase exponentially.

Of course, in addition to exercise, Luo Di's Armament Haki training has not been left behind.

Now he can cover both hands with Armament Haki to harden the Armament Haki.

After handing the towel back to Winnie, Luo Di looked at Lafayette who was on the deck asking Professor Smanton about Armament Haki.

"Lafayette, how long will it take to reach Jersey Fran Island?"

It is necessary to reach the island in these two days.

Because the grand auction will also be held soon.

Luo Di doesn't want to miss the two devil fruits and the Adam's Wood!

Unfortunately, they don't have Bailey.

All Baileys were left on the ship in the Flower Kingdom's port.

So, this time they have to rob!

Of course, they will run away after robbing. The three of them can fly, so are they afraid of being caught?

Lafayette stopped what he was doing and looked at the nautical chart and compass.

"It's been two days since we left the last island. If I remember correctly, we should be able to arrive today!"


Luo Di nodded, with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

At the same time.

In the sea not far from Luo Di.

Three warships are moving fast.

"Vice Admiral Vika, we found the traces of the Death Pirates!"

On the observation deck, a navy officer looked around with a telescope until he saw a familiar small sailboat and exclaimed immediately.

"Turn around, move forward quickly, don't let them run away!"

Standing at the front of the warship was a middle-aged man, about three meters tall, with half white hair, wearing black leather shoes, a samurai sword on his waist, wearing a tan suit, and a navy coat with "Justice" written on it swaying with the sea breeze.

He was the Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Vika, who admired Sakaski very much and was a veritable hawk.

As a warmonger, he would naturally not shirk the order issued by Marshal Sengoku to pursue the Death Pirates.

However, it was too difficult to find a pirate group in the vast ocean.

It was not until three days ago that the 109th branch stationed on Goraer Island discovered the traces of the Death Pirates that Vika rushed over quickly.

But it was not until today that he completely caught up.

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