The next day, a strange scene appeared on the vast sea. A tall man wearing a dark green coat, a green eye mask on his forehead, and slightly explosive hair rode a bicycle on the sea. You read it right, it was driving! The front wheel of the bicycle rolled accurately on the newly condensed ice every time. And behind him, a long ice road could be clearly seen. Admiral Aokiji was now sent by Sengoku to capture the Death Pirates. He had been wandering on the sea for more than half a month. In fact, if possible, this would be a good vacation. But things don't go as planned. A few days ago, the two islands that the Death Pirates passed by happened to be garrisoned by the navy, so they fed the news back to Aokiji and speculated on the islands that the Death Pirates might arrive at later.

Helplessly, Aokiji had to search all the way, and if he found it, he would catch it, and if he couldn't find it, he would forget it.

"Ala, are we there?"

However, after so many days, he finally encountered an island.

Without any excitement, he slowly pedaled his bicycle and approached the island.

And in the Kulikai family opposite to the Magic Valley Town.

The Death successfully set sail under the escort of the Saruyama Joint Forces on the left and right.

In fact, the reason why Mont Blanc Kulikai agreed to help Luo Di so easily was due to Friang's contribution.

Over the years, only Friang agreed with Kulikai's ideas. Even if they had only been together for half a month, they could be truly close in the true sense.

Hearing that Luo Di and others also wanted to go to Sky Island, he agreed to help them.

"Under this sea area, there is a large cavity deeper than the seabed. As long as the low-temperature seawater flows into the cavity, the geothermal heat below will produce steam."

"The seabed will explode due to excessive steam pressure, and a huge ocean current will rush straight to the sky, which is the so-called 'sky-high ocean current'."

"The explosion can last for one minute. If you are lucky, you may reach the so-called sky island. If you are unlucky, the ship may be destroyed and people may die."

On the way, Kulikai kept talking about the principle of the formation of the sky-high ocean current and some precautions.

At this time, their pirate ship had arrived at a sea area covered by dark clouds.

The huge sea breeze stirred the sea surface, blowing people's faces painfully.

And under the dark clouds, what came into view was a huge and deep ocean current vortex. The strong suction force could not even escape the huge sea kings, and they could only follow the traction of the ocean current to the deep seabed that seemed to lead to endless hell.


Winnie pointed to the huge vortex, looked at Kulikai who was driving on the side, and asked with some fear.

"Are we really going in?"

Kulike nodded.

"That's right. When the big hole in the sea takes in enough seawater, it will gush out, and the ship will be able to take advantage of the momentum and soar into the sky. There is only one chance!"

Lordi waved his hand at Smanton, having made a decision.

"Smanton, go in, let's fly to Sky Island!"


Then, the Death broke away from the protection of the Saruyama Alliance and flowed in step by step with the flow of the huge whirlpool.

Finally, when the ship was about to reach the center of the deep whirlpool, a huge current gradually surged out, and the Death also slowly rose with the current until it got faster and faster...

"Ice Age!"

Aokiji is here!

Relying on the conversations of the pirates in the Magic Valley Town and his powerful observation Haki, he arrived just at the moment when the Death took off.

Now that he had met them, how could he let them slip away so easily?

Although he was lazy, he could not ignore the mission target right in front of him.

His hands pressed against the sea surface released a large amount of cold air, and in almost the blink of an eye, the water surface turned into ice and spread hundreds of meters away.

And almost when it was about to touch the rushing sea current, a black slash came from top to bottom, and the sea water was directly penetrated by it for hundreds of meters. The cold air could not reach the sea water on the other side, and instead spread to other directions.

"Lafayette, control the ship and make sure to reach the sky island safely. There is a tricky guy below, I will go to meet him!"

Almost instantly, Lafayette, Smanton and Iko on the deck looked at him at the same time.


"Brother Luodi, aren't we going up together?"

"Captain Luodi, we'll be waiting for you on Sky Island, you must come up!"

Luodi just nodded, jumped, the sea breeze blew his hair into a mess, and the moment he landed, the death robe was put on, isolating him

All the inertia and momentum.


Luo Di landed on the thick ice with his toes lightly touching the ground, and looked up...

Five or six hundred meters away, Aokiji looked over almost at the same time.

The two sights met, without any passionate collision, everything seemed so indifferent.

"Admiral Aokiji, the Navy Headquarters really thinks highly of me!"

It is almost unheard of to dispatch an admiral with a reward of 200 million.

Luo Di walked slowly forward, and the Huangquan in his hand was already stained with a strange black and red color.

Blood was seeping in.

"Ala, God of Death Luo Di, this is the first time we meet!"

Aokiji slowly stood up, even though they were hundreds of meters apart, the content of the conversation, which was not loud, could still reach each other's ears.

And this is the power of the observation Haki.

"It is indeed the first time we meet, but you came up and gave me a great gift, how can I not return the favor?"

Luo Di paused slightly, and Huangquan was entangled with the 'destruction' formed by the condensation of three forces.

"Destroy Slash!"

A slash of the sword, the space trembled, the black thunder played the music of hell, and the huge black slash of 100 meters wide was quickly drawn, the air seemed to be filled with mourning, the dark sky stopped sobbing, and the clouds gradually dispersed.

The terrifying pressure swept across the entire sea.

On the huge pirate ship of the Saruyama Joint Forces.

The gorilla, the ape and Kulikai all showed shock, and the powerful force made their souls tremble slightly.

"Ice Block 'Pheasant Beak'!"

Aokiji's face rarely showed a serious look.

As he raised his hand, all the cold air gathered in his right arm, and a huge ice bird flew out, with great impact and explosive power. Wherever it went, the ice surface became more solid and the cold became more pressing.


Finally, the huge slash collided with the extremely cold ice bird, and the thunder and cold air eroded each other.

Ten seconds

Thirty seconds

One minute

With a "bang", the two forces reached their limits at the same time and exploded instantly. The powerful impact caused the ice surface below to break and spread rapidly around like a spider web.

It was a long time later.

When the ice chips gradually fell and the black thunder dissipated, what came into view was a huge "water puddle" hundreds of meters wide, with occasional black light flashing on it and ice floating.

"Can it barely match the general?"

Luo Di clenched his fist and silently felt the afterglow of the battle.

Unsurprisingly, Aokiji's ice fruit has been developed to the awakening level.

Otherwise, his battle with Akainu would not have caused Punk Hazard to become a permanent island of ice and fire.

Yes, it is permanent!

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