Pirates OL

Chapter 303: Zhan Qingzhi


Robin originally raised his hands slightly and crossed his chest after Lu Ze gave the command to prepare for the battle. He looked around alertly, and only after realizing Lu Ze's expression did he look at the sea that Lu Ze was looking at.

Who knew that before she could see it clearly, she learned the identity of the person from Lu Ze's mouth...

That man, still came to the door!

Listening to Lu Ze's words, Robin's expression changed greatly when he saw the man riding a bicycle across the waves and slowly heading towards the coast, and a strong look of fear emerged from the depths of his eyes. But in the next moment, he forced himself to stand still and did not let himself fall to the ground in a real embarrassment.

Although the figure riding a bicycle is very small compared to the Ark Motto that is gradually rising into the sky, even in terms of the distance between the two parties and the height of the Ark Motto, the black flag group stood on the deck and looked at the green As a pheasant, he was only slightly bigger than an ant.

But just looking at that tiny figure at a glance, made everyone present feel dread and dared not look down on him in the slightest.

"Daisy, adjust the horsepower to the maximum, and we'll take off immediately!"

Taking into account the newly renovated Ark's motto, and worried that once the iceberg takes action, it will be the target of attack, Lu Ze decisively issued an order to lift off.

It's not a brute force, but it's called an idiot.

In this data-based world with attributes and character ranks, Lu Ze clearly remembers the information obtained by those players in previous lives when they probed the character templates of these generals.

Under the huge rank gap, for those players with relatively limited reconnaissance skills, the only information they found on Aokiji was the ranks of [Legendary] and the name marked with [Extremely Dangerous].

Judging from the changes in Lu Ze's own rank all the way up, the [Legendary] rank is obviously higher than the [Epic] rank, and one of the five personal attributes reaches a 40-point breakthrough rank.

After Lu Ze has advanced to the [Epic] rank, even regardless of the qualitative change brought about by the difference of 1 attribute point, just looking at the increase brought by the rank feat of [Epic Power] is enough to make him stronger. raised dramatically.

[Epic Power]: As an epic, its power overwhelms the sea. Attack power will be increased by the sum of breakthrough attributes × 1%.

Lu Ze is an epic rank of five-attribute breakthrough, so from the moment of breakthrough, the power of his every move and every style will be several times the original. This increase is related to his own skill bonus, basic attributes and other specialties. The various bonuses brought together are enough to make a qualitative change in his strength.

The strength improvement brought by breaking through the [Epic] rank is incomparable to breaking through the [Extraordinary] rank. As soon as he broke through, Lu Ze's strength has been raised to an unmatched level when he was at the extraordinary rank.

By analogy, the [Epic] rank can bring about such a qualitative change, how much improvement can the [Legend] rank bring?

Lu Ze didn't understand this, and he didn't dare to gamble, so he could only choose to be cautious.

"God...it seems to be just right!"

Aokiji, who was riding a bicycle on the sea toward the capital of the Seven Waters, squinted his eyes, and the slender ice surface under the tires that fit the width suddenly spread out, instantly freezing the surrounding sea surface, glowing. The shimmering fine waves still maintained the appearance of the waves and turned into hoarfrost and remained motionless.

Senhan's aura was reckless on the sea, and the 100-meter radius with the iceberg as the center was all ice.

Holding the bicycle, with one foot on the ground, Aokiji put one hand in front of his forehead to block the sun, and then looked up at the sea where the two swords crossed behind the skull. Thief flag.

"Nicole Robin should have stayed in this pirate group before he came to the Seven Waters City alone and was captured by the CP9 people... It seems that they can only stop and ask them about the woman's situation. already."

Originally based on the character of Bingshan and his knowledge of the deeds of the Black Flag Pirates, after he met the Black Flag Pirates, it may be possible that the excellent junior White Hunter Smog died at the hands of Lu Ze and made his way to the road. Ze started, but it is also possible that because the Black Flag Pirates have always been beheading the evil pirates as their main target of action, they recognized their "justice" and chose to let them go.

After years of experience, Aokiji's temperament has changed to a certain extent, and his persistence as a navy has also become "leisure justice". He believes that "justice" will have different opinions on people from different positions, and will Changes according to the position, so it will not question the "justice" of other people, but when others want to hinder their own justice, they will never let them go.

And apart from being hunted down by Smaller led by the Navy for some things, and then killing the Navy, in fact, even from the perspective of the Navy, what the fast-growing Black Flag Pirates did seems to be consistent with "Justice"?

Whether it's killing the murloc pirates who are complicit with the naval officers of the branch to liberate the villagers from their evil rule, or escorting a princess to return home, and solving the thieves of the country, preventing millions of rebel troops from attacking the city, and putting the country in crisis The feats of solving, these should be the things that the Navy should do, but they were done by such a pirate group. To say that what they did was not a "just act", then what is the role of the Navy in these events? Woolen cloth?

So after getting to know the Black Flag Pirates, even though Qingzhi also thinks that Lu Ze is a very dangerous guy who needs to be guarded against, he also thinks that the other party is not an ordinary pirate who only knows **** and plunder.

If Aokiji happened to meet him at other times, he might have let Lu Ze and the others leave, but now after the Judiciary Island incident, because of Nicole Robin, a woman of great importance, Aokiji had to do something. choose.

He looked at the motto of the Ark, which was suddenly boosted to the air, and when he muttered a word in his mouth, a burst of cold and white air emerged from his right hand, and his slender hand gradually changed from a state of flesh and blood to a state of frost.

"Ice Cube·Beast Mouth!"

I saw that the green pheasant, who was originally laid-back and did not show anything extraordinary, jumped up abruptly as soon as it stepped on the ice. After a few dodges, it jumped into the air and came to the coast of Hulk Island, not far from the ark's motto.

The cold aura on his body surged, and the surrounding temperature dropped rapidly. Aokiji's right hand, which had already frozen most of the ice, slammed forward. Amidst the surge of frost, a vivid blue-white giant made of ice cubes that had been condensed to the extreme. The bird got out of his hands, and quickly grew bigger in the flight, and slammed towards the Ark Motto.

"Fifty million volts Thunder Gun!"

Lu Ze's calm voice sounded on the Ark Proverbs. He had not dared to relax his guard early, and the silver-blue lightning surged around his body. When he swung his hand, it directly condensed into a thunder and lightning spear with a sharp aura and the arc beating continuously. With a terrifying speed, in a flash of silver-blue light, it shot straight at the big frost-cold bird that fit and rushed.

Following Lu Ze's movements, the flame bird Xiaohong, who was a little uncomfortable at first, fluttered his wings, and the flames surrounding his body ignited violently. He escaped from the wave of his wings and turned into a big bird made of pure flame. It also greeted the big frost bird that fluttered its wings.

I don't know if it's because of the attribute rejection. As early as the moment Qingzhi made the shot, Xiaohong seemed to be provoked, and the reaction was quite fierce... If it wasn't for Lu Ze's lightning characteristics, the speed of the shot might be fast enough. The flaming bird had to go one step ahead of Lu Ze and collided with the [Ice Cube · Storm Pheasant Mouth] issued by the green pheasant.


The thunder gun and the fire bird were one after the other, almost a matter of breathing, and they collided with the big frost-white bird that rushed forward one after another, causing a violent roar and explosion in the first moment of contact.

Frost-cold white air, silver-blue electric light, and blazing flames, the three of them are on the verge of a touch, and when they confront each other a little, a sphere formed by the conflict of the three energies in the air suddenly bursts open. It was the collision of high temperature and low temperature that caused the air temperature to change dramatically in a very short period of time, and the terrifying airflow burst phenomenon was staged in front of everyone.

The violent air flow brought about by the air burst raged towards the surroundings, enveloped in high temperature or low temperature or charged breath, setting off a strong shock wave.

During this change in the air, the air flow in mid-air was completely unbalanced. After the chaos, the violent airflow blew the huge hull of the Ark Proverbs into a sway. The people on the deck originally thought that the Ark Proverbs would fall because of this, which would make them sway. Surprisingly, after experiencing the initial swaying, the Ark Proverbs actually stabilized the hull easily, no longer swayed, and continued to climb upwards.

Although ice cubes may be condensed from ice fruit attacks, in fact, as devil fruit users, their attacks have the physical properties of corresponding natural phenomena, but they are more inclined to energy of different properties.

It's like using [Armed Color Domineering] to be able to grasp the elemental natural fruit ability... In Lu Ze's view, it is more like the mutual influence between two energies, and the use of natural fruit ability between people The essence of the ability to attack and collide is actually the collision of the energy forms presented by its corresponding natural phenomena.

Therefore, Lu Ze would use thunder and lightning to block the ice cubes, but he didn't expect Xiaohong to be so uncontrollable in his desire to attack, and he launched an attack at the same time as he shot.

If it weren't for the improvement of the ark mantra itself, the structure of the hull was optimized, and the peripheral screw device was also adjusted, so that the hull could be stabilized in the extremely unstable chaotic airflow, otherwise the newly remodeled ship would still be Before I could really go out to sea, I would fall directly from the air and fall into pieces.

"Xiaohong, you are not allowed to do it without my permission... Your flames collide with his ice cubes too much, our ship may not be able to take it!"

It was not Lu Ze's original idea to solve Qingzhi's attack in such a way that it almost caused his own boat to fall from the air. He gave Xiaohong a stern look. Based on brain wave induction, he optimized the [Knowing and Domineering] That is, [Heart Net] spread out, paying attention to the next movements of the green pheasant, and then turned to look at the other crew members: "You stay on the boat, Daisy, you will lift the boat up as soon as possible, I... stop the green pheasant for a while!"

"Captain! What are you talking about, how can we let you face an enemy of the level of a general alone?! It's up to the two of us to do anything!"

Bette and Evans, the two crew members who had followed Lu Ze to sea until now, stood up for the first time, with firm eyes and full of fighting spirit.

"I said... When you asked me to join the pirate group, you clearly stated that there would be powerful enemies to fight with you. Forget about the previous things. Now that this has come to your door, you still let us go? I won't agree. !"

"Boss, I was a navy man who was caught on the ship by you in full view of the eyes, so I can only join in with you, but now the big men of the level of General Qingzhi have come to my door, how can a traitor like me do well? You still have to beat people away to be at ease!"

Laval's expression was stiff, and Garen was carrying the great sword with a straight face. As the two talked, they walked to Evans and Bette's side and looked at Lu Ze with burning eyes.

These two guys are both players. Compared with the lives of their game characters, the former values ​​rare fighting opportunities, while the latter is unwilling to watch Lu Ze take risks alone.

As the only three generals in the navy camp, Aokiji's strength is strong, even if it was just from the frosty bird that seemed to be released just now, but it caused a powerful explosion in the collision. It can be seen that it is definitely not a single person on the ship. existence that can overcome.

Although Galen is a bit funny, and usually doesn't do anything right, but on this key issue, it is impossible for him to make a choice against his will when his Devil Fruit ability is the Fruit of Justice~www.readwn.com~ That is not only a betrayal It is more likely that the ability of the Devil Fruit will be greatly weakened because of his own principles and the "justice" he pursues in his heart. Therefore, Galen did not hesitate to stand up.

"Captain, I..." The war ghost Weber tightened his equipment, and without saying much, he strode forward and stood in front of Lu Ze.



In an instant, several thick, long and sharp icicles cut through the thick white mist formed by the sublimation of the ice cubes at high temperature, and shot directly at the spiral fingers of several main peripherals of Ark Proverbs. The intention to shoot down Ark Proverbs can be described as It couldn't be more obvious.

At the same time, there was a faint sound of vibration and explosion in the air, several consecutive sounds, from far to near.

"Not good! Aokiji is approaching!"

"Million Volts Raymond!"

Lu Ze's complexion changed, his arm turned into a thick and long bright arc, and when he swung forward, it suddenly split into several narrow and long electric currents, and met several icicles under the guidance of [Knowing and Seeing Domineering] and stopped them one by one. .

At this moment, the sound of the air oscillating became more and more obvious, and the perception abilities such as [Seeing Domineering] and [Beast Perception] frantically warned Lu Ze in his heart.

He couldn't tolerate any hesitation, and Lu Ze shot out to greet him.

Never let Aokiji get close to the Ark Proverbs, otherwise no one can escape except him!

"I just stopped him. If I want to escape, I can escape at any time! When Ark Proverbs climbs to a height that he can't attack, I will come back immediately! Daisy, Ark Proverbs will be handed over to you!"

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