Pirates OL

Vol 2 Chapter 376: cannibalism

The strangely twisted deep mouth with sticky tentacles kept opening and closing. As the tentacles spread, indescribable fear rose in the hearts of all the naval soldiers.

In the thicker and thicker fog, there seemed to be skeletons, living corpses, sea monsters and many other ugly and terrifying creatures born out of thin air, rushing towards the navy stationed on the shore and on the warships on both sides of the strait.

A steady stream, endless, stacked on top of each other, like a tidal wave to the navy.

In fact, except for the most concentrated visual impact on the front, wherever the smoke is, tentacles or monsters are generated.

That is to say, even in a dense queue, there are also illusory smoke monsters generated, which directly pounce on the navy soldiers.

And the consequence of this is...

"Ah ah ah! Don't you monsters come near me, die for me!"

Seeing the ferocious skeleton suddenly appearing beside him, a soldier whose nerves were extremely tense subconsciously fired.

Under the influence of the hallucination, the young soldier with a surge of adrenaline fired a shot, unable to restrain his inner fear any longer, he pulled the trigger repeatedly and shot in all directions in the confusion of his mind.

However, the monsters are just phantoms, essentially just some twisted smoke.

The bullets shot out, directly penetrating the smoke, passing through the ferocious monsters in the fantasy, and hitting other navy soldiers.


Bang! Bang! Bang!

With the first gunshots and screams, as if the fuse was ignited, the entire port of the advancing city fell into a continuous burst of gunshots and screams.

A group of navy soldiers seemed to have fallen into some kind of madness in the thick fog and hallucinations. As long as the smoke was distorted in the slightest, they would shoot frantically with a grim expression, regardless of whether they were comrades or monsters.

For a time, the entire port of the advancing city seemed to be a grindstone of flesh and blood, and a large number of navies fought frantically and kept shooting at their own people.

Although some powerful naval officers are aware of the problem, they continue to take measures to try to calm the chaos of their own men.

It is a pity that measures were not taken at the beginning of the chaos. Now, under the influence of hallucinations, a group of people have killed red eyes, and it is not so easy to stop them.

"Request for support! Request for support! A large area of ​​dense fog and special monster visions appeared outside the prison. It is suspected that the pirates invaded. Now the soldiers are rioting in a large area, and the casualties are heavy. Please mobilize manpower to help suppress it!"

The naval officers who were guarding outside went crazy looking at the increasingly chaotic scene. Even if they stunned a group of people with thunder, there were still a lot of soldiers attacking like crazy. If you are set on fire, you will be cool on the spot.

In a short period of time, there is actually no feasible solution!

"...Matthew, is this really what we did?"

In mid-air, Bette grabbed Matthew, who was sweating profusely and his face was gradually pale, and couldn't help asking.

"Don't talk nonsense, me, I can't hold it anymore!"

Matthew answered weakly.

The creation of such a large-scale illusion is also the first time for him, and the energy consumed is a bit unbearable!

"Quick, let's go up first, and take advantage of this great opportunity to sprinkle a wave of poisonous powder for the navy to taste!"

Although his face was pale and his eyes were dim, Matthew's mind was still clear.

Since the opportunity is so good now, it would be irresponsible for the lives of these crew members of the Black Flag Pirates to carry out a strong attack.

Bette saw a little bit of Matthew's face from behind, and didn't say much, and flew back to the ship with Matthew directly.

"I was just going to scare this group of navies to easily break up the formation, but I didn't expect to directly harm this group of navies like this!"

"Quick! Before the navy wakes up, sprinkle those poisonous tree powders!"

As soon as he got on the boat, Matthew spoke quickly, and after he finished speaking, he lay down on the deck feeling rather powerless.

The poisonous tree powder is collected from the highly poisonous trees on the floating island, which are used to expel mutant animals. After being processed by Dr. Indigo, the poison is more intense and the poisoning speed is faster.

Instead of being like before, if you just inhale some, it will be uncomfortable at most, and only direct large-scale contact will be fatal.

"What are you looking at? Hurry up!" Bette looked at a group of stunned crew members and urged quickly.

These guys were all ready, and as long as the navy was in chaos, they would sling directly from both sides and start the attack.

But who would have imagined that the Kung Fu Navy was so frightened that it would start fighting on its own after a while, and there is nothing wrong with them.


Suddenly, a loud sound of artillery fire sounded below, startling everyone.

I walked over to the screen and saw that although it was a little blurry under the smog, I could also see that a ship was damaged by the artillery fired from nowhere, and the raging flames began to climb the wooden hull a little bit. grow.

"You two really made a big deal this time. Since it's all like this, let's hurry up..."

Daisy looked at the screen ~www.readwn.com~ with obvious excitement. Without any hesitation, she quickly walked to the console, pressed a few buttons, and finally pulled down a lever.


Just listen to the sound of the opening of the mechanism on both sides of the hull, and the circular holes opened one by one, and ordinary transparent pipes stretched out.

Then, the pipe was suddenly filled with dark green powdery substance, which spewed out of the pipe mouth and sprinkled downward.

After a while, the sky above the Pushing City, which was originally just surrounded by heavy fog, seemed a little dark, and was gradually rendered with a dark green.

In the gray fog, strands of green began to appear.

Coincidentally, although the naval officers ordered the distribution of gas masks before, the hallucinations came too quickly and the distribution was not completed, so that all the members put them on and disrupted the naval camp.

In the chaotic cannibalism, no one on the Navy side will remember to wear a gas mask anymore.

Although some of them have been worn, most of them have been damaged in the chaos.

Either it was killed directly, or the gas mask was destroyed and lost its effect.

As for the lucky few who still wear gas masks, it is difficult for them to play any role under the huge base of the navy stationed there.

Now that the poisonous gas is falling from the sky, the navy has no chance of avoiding inhalation.

Soon, the dark green in the gray fog gradually deepened, and the gray-green horizon became more and more terrifying.

Even if the illusion disappeared because of Matthew's loss of strength, this group of navy who had not recovered from the madness could not help but feel a chill in their hearts when they saw this scene.

Looking at the field, there were corpses and wounded all over the ground, as well as the blood on his hands.

Marines inevitably fall into a deeper level of self-doubt and madness.

So much so that even the obvious discomfort was not discovered at the first time.

"Cough cough..."

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