Pirates OL

Vol 3 Chapter 480: 1000 me

The dazzling thunder light shone in the air, and the increasingly violent roar resounded through the sky.

As the scorching thunder light that almost blinded everyone's eyes dissipated, everyone's eyes suddenly widened, revealing incredible colors.

Just after a while, "Lu Ze" appeared in front of them with ten times the number of people just now. There were thousands of identical figures floating in the air, and a large area of ​​Wuyang Wuyang was sprinkled by the sky. Most of the sunlight was covered, causing the attic group below to fall into a shadow.

"Isn't it more than a thousand now?"

These Luzers moved in unison, looking at Laval who was standing on the cloud soil, and said with a playful look on his face.

If it was said that the hundreds of "Lu Ze" spoke in a gentle manner before, now the more than 1,000 "Lu Ze" speaking in unison has become a violent storm.

Rao was that their voices were not loud, but when they spoke in unison, every voice gathered together and suddenly became a wave of sound.

"You... the captain is awesome!"

Laval's expression changed, and a sincere compliment came out of his mouth.

With a smile, Lu Ze swept away the group of goods gathered in the air, and then he reacted: "Well... I just noticed, why are you guys gathering again, go go, go and do your own thing!"

He waved his hand to dismiss the crowd, and Lu Ze's clones did not move. The body flew back to the attic and fell to Nuoqigao's side: "Don't worry, those are just the clones I created with my fruit power."

Seeing Nuoqi retreating subconsciously, Lu Ze spread his hands and explained with a smile.

"It scared me to death, Kenway! I thought you really made so many of them all at once!"

After taking a picture of the not-so-small plump, Nuo Qigao looked relieved, and followed Lu Ze's open hand and threw it into his arms.

"Okay, I'll change them back to the way they were now."

Patting Nuo Qigao's back, Lu Ze said warmly, then took all his thoughts back, and more than a thousand "Lu Ze" hanging in the air immediately turned into electric sparks and dissipated in the air.

"I still have something to go to Indigo, so go ahead and do it."

The two enjoyed a good time alone for a while, but Lu Ze still spoke and let go of his embrace.

In this regard, Nuoqigao expressed quite understanding, and took Miss. Golden Week girl to the orchard together.

Although this girl has a good talent, she is only a child after all, and Robin needs to deal with a lot of things, so there is not much time to spend with her.

Now, Nuoqigao's appearance just took over the responsibility of watching the little girl from Robin. She takes care of her daily life, and Robin handles the learning and education.

It is the unanimous request of Lu Ze and Robin that the little girl must study hard.

At a young age, with a little special talent, it's not bad to go out with others to be a bounty hunter. Children of this age should play happily and study seriously. It's too early to fight and kill.

This is Lu Ze's insistence as a modern person.


After comforting the frightened Nuoqigao, Lu Ze returned to Indigo's laboratory again, and performed a physical examination again without any nonsense.

"Master Captain, are those clones that are exactly like you just now, the abilities you discovered after using that crystal?"

While busy, Indigo asked curiously.

As the person who knows the most about the cause and effect of this incident, it is normal for him to have such curiosity.

Lu Ze thought for a while and said, "That's right! After using that crystal, I can clearly feel that my body has changed. Controlling your mind seems to be able to differentiate your own thoughts."

"No, I tried to combine it with the power of Devil Fruit, and a little experiment created such a big scene!"

"Is that so?"

Even though he could vaguely guess the final answer, Indigo's expression changed.

If this is the case, the value of the crystal before seems to be far underestimated by him!

It can help the captain to develop such a powerful ability. There may be a powerful power in the crystal that he did not realize. Just grinding some powder to make research materials, why does it seem to be going the wrong way!

"Okay, don't think about it!"

"It's all used up, even if you want to analyze the energy in it, it's too late! [IQ] is the top priority of our plan, and that crystal is just an accident. Well, don't waste too much time on it if it's useless."

Lu Ze knew what Indigo was thinking when he saw that his pale complexion had changed. He continued to cooperate with this guy's body test and said casually.

Rather than being obsessed with things that cannot be replicated at all, it is better to study [IQ] honestly. This is truly replicable and valuable!

If you leave the truly valuable things behind, and instead focus on things that can't be replicated at all, when will he get the [IQ Evolution Series] he needs!

Indigo is not a fool, so he naturally knows the meaning of Lu Ze's beating. Because of Lu Ze's changes, he is indeed a little obsessed with [Talent Mining] all of a sudden.

"I know the captain! I will definitely come up with the first result of the [IQ Evolution Series] as soon as possible!"

This guy was a little scared, and he spoke quickly, for fear that Lu Ze would hit him to death with a thunderbolt if he disagreed.

Back then, the golden lion was hypnotized by Lu Ze like a fool~www.readwn.com~ took advantage of it for such a long time, and Indigo still never forgets it.

Originally, he was determined to follow, and the legendary pirate Golden Lion, who was going to use [IQ] to do great things together, became a puppet under someone else's hands, and his actions were better than a puppet who was actually manipulated by wires. exaggerate.

It was Lu Ze's actions that really consolidated Indigo's determination to stay in the Black Flag Pirates and dedicate his loyalty to Lu Ze.

Originally, Lu Ze just planned to keep the floating island. How could he care about so many of these guys? He could only be considered unintentional.

With the completion of the body detection step by step, Lu Ze, who was curious about the specific changes in his body after his talent was further discovered, asked Indigo while taking off the patch he put on his forehead and attached to his body.

"How is it? Is there any obvious change?"

"Well... there is no actual change in most areas of your body, but your brain area has become more active than before you used that crystal, isn't it a little bit more active!"

"Oh? That's all about the discovery of my physical potential, and it all falls to my brain?"

Lu Ze asked with great interest, although the changes in his mind had already made him expect, but it was different from the results obtained after the specific test.


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