Chapter III

The waves of water raised by the iron spear obscured the view of the navy.

When the waves of water cleared, the naval soldiers who opened fire were surprised to find that the redwood pirate ship in the distance was still moving at the previous speed, not slowing down.

“Didn’t hit a hit? That’s too much luck. Zangao, with heart-shaped eyes, looked at the pirate ship in the distance without a trace of damage and was surprised, but he didn’t care.

Artillery attacks on the sea are inherently difficult to aim, which is why Tina likes to use small warships to form a black gun array to capture pirates.

“Fill the ammunition and keep firing.” The iron fist Finbudi on the side shouted loudly, and he, the former captain of the naval headquarters, was generally responsible for the capture trivia of the ship.


Another volley was fired, but just like before, the black spear once again missed.

This time Finbudi is already a little puzzled, such a dense attack, one miss can be said to be lucky, two misses a spear is a little too much, the speed of the other party is not fast, and did not make obvious evasion actions, with the quality of the elite soldiers on board, this situation will not occur.

“Come again.” Finbudi continued to command.

Anyway, there are many iron spears, and the speed of the small pirate ship is not as fast as them, so there is no need to worry about letting him run away, as long as a spear is enough, it can directly send him to the bottom of the sea.

“It’s not used anymore, it’s interesting, is it the ability of the Devil Fruit? An ability she had never seen before, Tina wanted to see it. A hand with purple gloves stopped in front of Finbudi, and a smile appeared on Tina’s usual serious face.

Unlike the weak Finbudi, Tina, who became a young generation of rising stars in the navy and became a rear admiral at a young age, is not weak at all, and the first time may not have paid attention to it, but the second time, she has slightly felt the strange protective aura on that ship, which is enough to reverse the power of the huge iron spear.

Then, she directly ordered: “Just catch up and get on the ship, Tina will arrest him with her own hands.” ”

“Yes, Major General Tina.” Finbudi replied loudly, his eyes full of adoration.

Not only him, after Tina’s order, the naval soldiers on the ship instantly acted with two hundred percent enthusiasm, Rear Admiral Tina, who is also an extremely famous existence in this department, cold and beautiful appearance, strong strength and background behind him, almost makes Tina’s halo add up, becoming a naval goddess-level existence second only to the admiral peach rabbit.

The medium-sized warships of the navy launched with all their strength, in addition to the large warships and the main ships of the large pirate group, are already the top performing ships on this sea, not to mention that this is still in the first half of the great voyage.

The distance between naval warships and pirate ships is constantly closing, and in this stormless weather, the slower pirate ships have almost no possibility of escape.

In fact, at this time, the safest thing to do should be, with the advantage of speed and firepower, hang behind the pirate ship, and directly destroy the ship with artillery fire, even if it can be resisted, it should be consumed with firepower.

It’s just that Tina chose the most risky but also the fastest boarding battle, which is to give up the advantage of warships and put the battle on the competition of personal strength.

It can be seen that Tina is confident in her own strength, but she does have self-confident capital, the extremely young rear admiral of the navy headquarters, the young generation of the navy rising star level, is the proud disciple of former admiral Zefa, and received training under Karp, seeing and smelling, armed color, physical skills, fruit ability are mastered.

With her strength, she can even hold the position of vice admiral in the naval branch of the New World, and it is really easy to deal with a small pirate with a bounty of only 50 million in the first half of a great voyage.

The speed of the warships of the naval headquarters is very fast, and with full horsepower, the distance of three or four nautical miles has been completely erased in only ten minutes.

Compared with the huge naval warships, the small pirate ship has a huge gap in size, and the shadow on the sea alone is enough to completely cover the small pirate ship.

“An ancient small three-masted sailing ship, made of noble mahogany throughout, is this really a pirate ship? Tina was a little interested. Tina stood on the railing at the edge of the warship, her beautiful eyes lit up.

Anyone who sees this pirate ship can’t help but marvel, the noble mahogany alone is enough to make people enchanted, not to mention the exquisite carvings, this is simply not a pirate ship, but an ancient and exquisite work of art, full of the strong heritage and era atmosphere of the last era.

“Don’t worry, Rear Admiral Tina, as long as we capture the pirate Roya, this ship will be our booty.” Finbudi stepped forward to fawn.

“Pirate” Killer “Roya, you have been surrounded by the warship of Rear Admiral Tina of the Navy headquarters, please stop resisting and obediently grab it. Already with a hypnotic ring on his finger, Zangao shouted at the pirate ship below.

“Ha, noisy hey.” After adjusting the orientation, the blood dissipated, and Luoya, who was lying on the recliner and continued to salted fish, yawned, stood up from the recliner, and looked at the huge naval warship in front of him with an unhappy face: “The sunlight is also blocked.” Really, I haven’t even responded, and you’re still chasing after you. ”

“Hey, have you ever heard anyone talk again?” Zangao’s face on the warship was so fiery that he jumped directly from the warship, and the sharp hypnotic ring in his hand had already cut the wind.

After experiencing the training of the naval system, coupled with the support of the rear admiral of the headquarters behind him, Zangao is now completely worthy even in the face of 50 million pirates, after all, he was also an elite sailor who had experienced the top war.

Not paying attention to Zango’s reckless actions, Tina already sensed that something was wrong: “Doesn’t the murderer Roya have a companion?” She asked the Navy soldiers beside her.

“Yes, judging from the current bounty order, Pirate Roya currently has no companions.” The Navy soldier flipping through the thick reward slip replied.

“A pirate acting solo on the Great Route?” Tina’s expression instantly became solemn, even in the first half of the great voyage, the unpredictable weather, ocean currents, and powerful pirates everywhere, able to sail such a valuable ship from the East China Sea to the barrier of this new world alone.

No matter how you think about it, it will not be a simple character, the bounty of 50 million is definitely low, plus the indifferent expression of the pirate below when facing the warship.

At this moment, Tina’s heart already had some bad premonitions, and the sixth sense, which had been honed in battle for many years, began to faintly warn at this time.

“All the staff…” Before the four words ready to fight could be spoken, the sound of the wind was already ringing in Tina’s ears.


A figure flew directly past her, breaking the sturdy railing directly, a large number of wood chips splashed, and the figure hit the main mast of the warship directly without hindrance, and the thick main mast was equipped with a huge crack.

If it were not for the fact that this is a medium-sized warship, I am afraid that the mainmast would have broken at this time.

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