Chapter X

New World, some unknown sea.

Although there are many dangerous islands in the New World, there are actually many habitable islands.

Like Dressrosa, like the unknown island that Roa is going to now.

It is not famous, and it is true, most pirates will not look at this small island, but in the eyes of the former four emperors Whitebeard, this is his treasure, and he has pinned most of the treasures he has obtained in his life on this remote island.

Because, this is his hometown.

“It’s almost there.” Roa stood on the deck, looking at the island not far away.

The speed of the ghost shuttling is much faster than he imagined, not only because the speed is doubled, but also because the ghost of the hull is blurred, and can directly cross dangerous seas, islands and terrifying weather in a straight line, otherwise, it is simply impossible to cross the vast sea of the new world in a short period of time.

Soon, Roa’s ship had arrived on the island.

Finding a random tributary, stopping the boat, Roa set foot on this somewhat legendary island.

The island is not very large, it is the smallest of the starry islands in the New World, and most of the area is occupied by the pillar-like mountain in the middle of the island.

Outside are the houses built on the tall peaks, all of which are ordinary wooden houses, with the tender green turf ground of this small island, there is quite a beautiful feeling of a small bridge flowing water.

Unfortunately, all the houses are completely empty, and the contents are messy and dusty, as if this is a town that has undergone great changes and has been completely abandoned.

Indeed, Whitebeard’s hometown was an island of impossibilities, friends, and hometown, which had long been destroyed in the attack of pirates and human traffickers.

But Roya knows very well that the hometown that is the spiritual sustenance of Whitebeard has been rebuilt by Whitebeard, but not on the outside, but inside the mountain.

“Still here, it really hasn’t changed at all, Newgate.” Roa smiled and walked through the waterfall to a cave behind the waterfall.

The cave is not long, and soon walk through the dark cave, and the world behind the cave is a world that is truly like a peach blossom source.

With its tender green turf ground, slowly flowing streams, delicate waterwheels, and haphazardly built wooden houses, the clouds here are extremely low, and a few white clouds can even be jumped up and touched.

In the distance, there were several children playing, several huge monster-like creatures, also docile like kittens, were ridden by children, and the old man smiled and watched the children play.

This is a true fairyland-like hideaway where any wanderer who misses his hometown can take his guard off his guard.

Luo Ya didn’t seem to disturb this peaceful scene, decades ago, he often came here, but now, his young face is probably not known to many people here.

Seeing that Wensei slightly perceived, almost all of them are ordinary people here, which is also expected by Roya, and Blackbeard’s battlefield, Marko will definitely not choose here, after all, this is Whitebeard’s last relic.

And this, but saved Roa a lot of things.

Looking up slightly, Luo Ya walked directly towards the top of the mountain with moon steps.

“Roar.” The beast’s sense was far sharper than that of humans, and a huge lion in the distance glanced up at Roya.

All I saw was a pair of domineering eyes.

“Phew.” Whimpering, the huge monster quickly lowered its head.

“Xiaoyu, what’s wrong with you.” A little girl riding on its head looked curiously in the previous direction, but saw nothing.

“Strange.” The little girl muttered, turned her head and began to comfort the somewhat frightened lion.

At this moment, the culprit of all this, Roa has come to a hillside.

It is already a mountaintop, surrounded by cherry blossom trees, and in the mild climate of this small island, cherry blossoms bloom all year round, and cherry blossom petals flutter around under the breeze, which looks beautiful.

Among the cherry blossoms dancing in the sky, there is a huge beak knife with a white shawl shaped like a naval justice and a garland wrapped around it.

This is the tomb of the former Four Emperors, the legendary sea thief, Whitebeard, Edward Newgate.

And next to the beak knife, there is a hat with a smiling and crying face, and a small knife, which is Ace’s tombstone.

In front of the tomb of the former four emperors, the legendary sea thief, and the whitebeard, as long as it is a familiar person, regardless of friend or foe, he will involuntarily stand up solemnly and give this legend who fought head-on the respect he deserved.

However, this common sense does not apply to Roya’s side, he originally came to dig the grave.

“Hey, Newgate, how long are you going to sleep.” Roa laughed.

Looking at the tombstone with the wine bottle in front of him, he stepped forward directly and pulled out the beak knife with the white pirate shawl from the tombstone, and the wreath hanging on it floated directly away with the cherry blossoms in the sky.

The moment he touched the beak knife, in his mind, the system’s prompt tone had already sounded.

“Capture the atmosphere of the old times and analyze it.”

“The legendary sea pirate of the old times, Whitebeard, Edward Newgate is sure, meets the status of the crew, is it recruited?”

“Of course.” Luo Ya replied, the strongest man in the former world, the strong man who has risen to fame since the Rocks era, but also the man who supported an era, and among the remnants of the old era, Whitebeard was undoubtedly the first.

“At the beginning of recruitment, it costs one million origin points to summon the peak state, and the host currently has 600,000 origin points left, and the minimum life state summoning begins, which costs a total of five hundred thousand origin points.”

“Five hundred thousand.” Rao is Luo Ya is also a pain in the flesh, he resurrected for two years, the first year to restore strength, the top war mixed with a large wave of origin points is only 600,000, this time to remove most of the half, even the peak whitebeard can not be summoned.

The origin point is the mainstream currency used by his current system, using the origin of this world, with unimaginable use, of course, the world origin is extremely large, most of it is impossible to be obtained by him, the easiest to obtain is to kill animals or humans to obtain origin points, defeat injuries can also obtain origin points, compared to animals, more intelligent humans can obtain more origin points.

Luo Ya’s strength did not recover much, but it also hid a wave of origin points in secret through the top war a year ago, and the top war was the largest battle of the navy and pirates after the era of sea pirates, and the participants were the elite in the white regiment and the elite in the navy.

Unfortunately, important battles, such as the moment of Whitebeard’s death, and the battle between Blackbeard and the Warring States, etc., could not get close with his strength at that time, otherwise the Origin Points obtained could at least be doubled, but Rao was so, and nearly half a million Origin Points were obtained through the Top War.

In the following year, he gained about 100,000 points by killing pirates and doing evil in the East China Sea while regaining strength, and now all the top war is spent on Whitebeard.

It can only be said that a drink and a peck have their own natural destiny.

With the consumption of 500,000 origin points, the ancient pirate ship of Loa far away on the sea, the only sailor’s room flashed with brilliant brilliance, and the next moment, the light shot out and disappeared directly into Whitebeard’s grave.

The next moment, the earth shook slightly, and a thick hand directly broke the ground, accompanied by a low and angry roar.


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