The seas of the New World, rare sunny good weather, no storms.

“Hey, Roya, what exactly is your goal? I remember you being killed by the Navy once, and with your personality, you probably wouldn’t let them go. Sitting on the platform on the roof of the second floor, Whitebeard held up a huge wine bottle and asked Roya, who was lying next to him on a lounge chair basking in the sun.

It was already a day after they left the Sphinx, and Whitebeard looked at the direction of Roa’s action, as if he wanted to cross the Red Earth Continent to return to the first half of the Great Voyage.

“I thought you would keep drinking and not ask anything?” Luo Ya said helplessly, knowing that he would not unlock the wine cellar.

The moment Whitebeard pushed open his exclusive sailor’s room yesterday, Roa received a tone and the special building cellar could be unlocked.

After asking the system, I learned that after the crew of the old era completely boarded the ship, there was a chance to open a special building, and the higher the evaluation, the greater the chance of opening.

There was just one turbulence point left in his hand, and Luo Ya directly used it to unlock the wine cellar.

Wine cellar: Level 1.

Basic function: automatic production of 50 barrels of good wine per day.

Special effects: Wine stored in the cellar has a 20% added taste to give a chance of producing wine with special effects.

For pirates, wine is indispensable, especially for whitebeards, wine is more important than food.

So yesterday, after knowing that there was good wine in the wine cellar, I drank directly until now, after all, although it is fifty barrels, but for Whitebeard, a barrel is about the same as a large wine glass.

“Goo la la, I haven’t drunk such good wine in a long time, Marko he forbade me to drink too much, and the redhead made me drink a little more painfully that time.” Whitebeard laughed.

“You really should take control.” Luo Ya took a sip of wine, looked at the white beard and said helplessly: “Your body has only just been resurrected, and what you have repaired is only the injuries of the war, and the injuries you accumulated before have not been repaired.” ”

“Goo la la-la.” Whitebeard also just laughed, then drank, taking Roya’s words as a deaf ear.

Luo Ya didn’t say much, this wine is a little enjoyable for him to drink, not to mention the old drunkard like Whitebeard, the things produced by the system are indeed high-quality, even if it is a first-level can be seen.

“Don’t worry so much, boy Roya, you haven’t answered my question yet.” Whitebeard looked at Luo Ya and smiled: “Intuition tells me that you are brewing some big conspiracy again.” ”

“No, it’s not a conspiracy, it’s just trying to pull up a pirate group.” A faint smile appeared on Roya’s face, and his tone was flat: “I just want to gather those lawless people, don’t worry, Newgate, are all people you used to know?” ”

“Someone who is familiar with you?” Whitebeard was stunned for a moment, but thinking of his own situation, he couldn’t help sighing, and said with a little headache: “Hey, are you really sure?” That group of people is not as easy to talk to as me, and each one is more troublesome than the other. ”

“Everyone has weaknesses, just target weaknesses.” Luo Ya didn’t care.

“What an unlikable guy, what about the next target? The first half of the Great Voyage, Rayleigh? ”

“No, first go to the Upside Down Mountain Twin Straits and go to Mr. Kourokas.” Roa replied that Rayleigh had been known to the Navy before the top war, and later had another naval headquarters with the Straw Hat, and now he still had a lot of eyes on him.

It was still a little troublesome to find Renly, so I still found Kulokas first, and among all of them, Kurokas was the farthest away, at the entrance of the Great Passage.

“The ship doctor who stabilized Roger’s condition? Marko admired him. Whitebeard recalled that at that time, they often went to war with Roger’s pirates, so they still knew several of the main crew members on Roger’s ship.

“It’s time to heal your broken body.” Luo Ya said with some disgust, Whitebeard’s current physical condition is a little stronger than before the stab on the top, and the invisible bomb of injury, the top is because of the disease stomach was burned a big hole.

If he can control the injury, he can also use the big killer of Whitebeard with peace of mind.

“But I feel more relaxed than ever, goo la la.” Whitebeard laughed, which was much better than the body he had been severely injured by the war.

The ship is unhurriedly heading towards the first half of the great voyage, anyway, there is the ability of ghosts to shuttle, consuming origin points can directly pass through the red earth continent, that is, consuming precious origin points makes Luo Ya a little distressed, he is now very short of origin points, recruiting those guys of the old era even if they don’t consume as much as Whitebeard, it’s not too much, it is expected that for a long time, his origin points are in the lack stage.

“Oh, there’s a new newspaper.” Whitebeard looked at the newspaper bird flying in the sky, took out a newspaper and read it.

However, after taking a look, the white-bearded smile completely dissipated, and the green tendons were exposed, and the big hand almost crushed the newspaper, and the terrifying power directly impacted the surroundings, and the newspaper birds flew away directly in fear.

“Tichy.” A low roar of anger sounded.

Seeing this scene, Luo Ya didn’t have to look at it, he knew what was written in the newspaper, at this point in time, the victory and defeat of the white group and the Blackbeard Pirate group should have been divided, and there was no suspense about the victory or defeat.

The heavy losses of the war on top have greatly damaged the vitality of the White Group, coupled with Edward Wibull’s hunting, now in the face of Blackbeard, who is in full swing and has successfully planned, the White Group is simply no opponent.

Marko’s strength is already extremely strong in the imperial and deputy ranks, and he can pass the move in the face of the generals, but in the face of the double fruit, the blackbeard that has been run-in for another year is still too tender.

“Rest assured, Newgate, this is not bad for Marko.” Luo Ya didn’t care: “Marko they shrink their power, it is a good thing in these years, these years will not be too calm, some hidden people are going to start, this sea is going to have a big reshuffle, Marko their strength is at the top, it is too dangerous.” ”

“And will your sons still withstand a war toss? You should have a mental count of how many casualties the war took a year ago. Roa glanced at Whitebeard.

After all, the power of the navy is not something that the Four Emperors Pirate Group can contend with, not to mention that Whitebeard is the chassis of the navy that took the initiative to attack, and suffered a big loss.

“Behind the scenes? Sea shuffle? Listening to Roya’s words, Whitebeard was silent for a moment, suppressing his anger and asking, he knew that Roya had reached Raftroux and had killed Mary Joa, and knew more secrets than him, otherwise he would have been punched into the sea by someone else.

“Ah, the person behind the world government, the one sitting on the Void Throne, may have the power to obliterate the level, I don’t know much about the specifics, so I have to gather strength, in short, the time is not yet, we still need to accumulate strength, and when we show our fangs, the world will be subverted.” Luo Ya shook the wine bottle, his eyes were deep.

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