“Walder?” The whitebeard on the side also heard this name, leaned over to take a look, and said with some surprise: “This mad dog is not dead yet, but it was a lot of noise at the beginning.” ”

Whitebeard was no stranger to Walder, even familiar, after all, Wald became famous before he and Roger, and they had fought several times between them.

For this strong man who was almost at the same level in that era, Whitebeard was still very impressed, not only him, as long as it was the pirates who were active on the sea in that era, almost all of them thundered the name of World Destroyer.

The little pirate is afraid that Wald is more serious than the world government, after all, Wald as a pirate, but will destroy the pirate for no reason, the pirate is a little headache in this mad dog that does not do things all day and bites people everywhere, the key is that this mad dog is also particularly strong, especially in naval battles, his fruit ability makes his ship’s firepower stronger than a fleet, and more flexible.

“His fruit is very tricky, and he was not less disgraced in the first place.” Whitebeard recalled laughing loudly: “Goo la la, this guy made the navy very humiliated, he was actually forced to join forces with pirates, did not fight, and then used the spies of the world government.” ”

“Unfortunately, I don’t know what happened later, there is intelligence that he was secretly executed by the world government, and there is also intelligence that he was locked up in Advance City, and now it seems that he should have been imprisoned for thirty years.” Whitebeard’s words were still a little regretful.

Don’t care how Mad Wald is, his character that is not afraid of everything at that time, or admired by many opponents, the world government, the world nobility, pirates, the navy, he has never been afraid, as long as it is in the way, he dares to go directly to be tough.

This kind of character was secretly calculated by the world government.

“He was secretly imprisoned in the Advance City University Prison in a frozen state, frozen for thirty years.” Luo Ya said lightly.

This treatment is already higher than that of the Golden Lion Shiji, and I am afraid that it is the most severe treatment of criminals since the establishment of the big prison.

Anyone on the sea, imprisoned in this state, would not have been able to escape successfully, and if Blackbeard hadn’t broken into Advance City, Wald’s only chance would have been to die silently in the ice.

“The people of the World Government are really cowardly as rats.” Whitebeard took a sip of wine, somewhat disdainful.

He also has people he admires very much, such as his lifelong old rival, Warring States Kapuzefa, but for the world government, the top sea thieves know the dirtiness of the world government.

“Gotta speed up.” Luo Ya glanced at the time of the newspaper, it was already more than a week ago.

This is a very helpless thing, which means that a few days after they left the Chambord Sea, Wald and they came up with this big news.

It is a pity that they do not have an intelligence system now, and they can only rely on Morgans’ intelligence, and there are too many poor accuracy and real-time information.

No way, the Roger Pirate Group has been disbanded for more than twenty years, and the intelligence system that was once in the underground world has long been disbanded, Whitebeard is the same, don’t say that they don’t plan to contact the white group now, if they are in contact, now this broken white group is still being targeted, and can only shrink without asking about the world.

“Can Wald hold up?” Whitebeard asked, he had understood Roya’s idea, he wanted to invite Wald on board.

But what is certain now is that the Navy will definitely send people at the level of admirals

“Ah, although you are old, don’t underestimate the desire for revenge of a sea thief and his burning anger.” Luo Ya smiled meaningfully.

Wald is indeed the kind of mad dog-like personality, but it is also that kind of personality that will make him reluctant to take revenge on the world government, coupled with the betrayal like yesterday, after not biting the world government and the navy, the belief in revenge will support him as the greatest support.

What’s more, naval warfare, Wald has always been an expert, plus his submarine, which took thirty years to build, is a very advanced weapon of war.

“I didn’t expect to be against the Navy so early.” Roa walked to the bow of the ship and looked at the vast sea level: “But it’s also time, wait any longer, the bones will be rusty, marshal of the new era?” It’s funny. ”


And when Luo Ya got the news and set out, other people also began to move one after another.

“Marshal Akainu, the fleet group is ready, a total of ten large warships, each with a thousand elite soldiers. Vice Admiral Mole and Vice Admiral Burning Mountain followed with the ship. ”

In the waters below the Holy Land of Mary Joa, a naval soldier reported to the current marshal Akainu.

The navy had already obtained information from Wald earlier, but only now that the approximate location of Wald was completely determined, so the red dog sent the naval headquarters of the New World as quickly as possible, passed through Mary Joya, and personally led the fleet to capture Walder.

“Hmph.” After Akainu became a marshal, his power became even thicker, and even the reporting soldiers standing here trembled a little.

“Inform all the soldiers, all of them march as quickly as possible, capture Wald, and in the name of justice, completely destroy the evil pirates.”

“Yes.” The reporting soldier felt the warmth of the rapid rise around him, quickly saluted, and quickly ran away from the area.

“Walder.” The red dog red gloves clenched hard, and faint sparks appeared.

Ten large naval warships of the highest specification, plus two vice admirals and former admirals, the first marshal Akainu, it can be imagined that the Navy’s attention to Wald is already enough to launch the scale of the demon slaughter order.


Windless belt, Hydra Island.

In the resplendent Nine Snakes Palace, a slender figure walked out.

“Snake Ji-sama.” After seeing the person who came out, the guard at the door quickly lowered his head and said respectfully.

Snake Ji Boya Han Cook, the queen of the Nine Snakes of the Seven Warrior Sea, the Amazon Lily, is also the most charismatic and most adored queen in the history of the Nine Snakes.

With her beautiful face and the ability to sweeten the fruit, even the citizens of Daughter’s Island cannot resist her charm, and it can make people petrify at a glance.

“Inform the mother-in-law to come over, prepare the boat, and the concubine is going to travel.” The Emperor’s bold command sounded, and she walked towards the sea, with Sandasonia and Marigorud behind her.

The female emperor who spent the spring period no longer had the attitude of her younger daughter before, and her every move was full of imperial demeanor and momentum.

A moment later, a Hydra ship pulled by two snake sea kings left Nine Snake Island, and in any case, Hancock was the leader of Nine Snakes, enjoying the love of Nine Snakes, and also fulfilled the obligation to protect the Nine Snakes.


The other Qiwu Sea, who was in the first half of the great voyage, also traveled at this moment.

The coffin-like boat, the huge black knife like the cross, the noble dress and temperament like a noble gentleman, sharp as if it can catch the eyes of the bow of the ship.

The world’s number one swordsman, Hawkeye, dispatched.

The reason, of course, is idle boredom.

In the sky behind her, there was a ghost girl who also looked bored.

In the sea not far from the Chambord Islands, there is also a bored man riding a bicycle at sea, he is not confused, but he is still waiting for an opportunity.

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