Wald’s voice fell, and the health room instantly became quiet.

Whitebeard frowned and turned to glance at Walder, drinking in silence.

When Roya said that he wanted to gather this group of people, Whitebeard could foresee this scene, and he was also from that era, and he knew how unruly and lawless this group of guys in that era was.

For example, Wald in front of him, even if Roa saves him, he will not say how grateful Dade is, dead hearted, and even in some ways, he blames Roya for being nosy.

After all, death is really nothing to this group of pirates, and they are ready as soon as they embark on a vast and great voyage from their respective islands.

I really think that saving a life can make these strong people of the old era bow down, don’t joke, can go to the top of the old era of the strong, which does not have their own dreams, which do not have their own pride, old will only make their pride stronger.

“Oh? Tell me about the deal, Wald. Luo Ya shook the wine bottle in his hand and said with a faint smile.

He didn’t care much, he was mentally prepared from the beginning when he gathered this group of people, and, to be honest, he had a weak control over everyone, otherwise he would not dare to tell Whitebeard to recruit this group of guys, for the scene in front of him, he already had a plan in his heart.

“I want your ability to become young.” Wald said directly: “I want you to take Binjack, Guy Ram and them back to youth.” ”

“Interesting.” Luo Ya was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

No matter how rebellious people have an untouchable softness in their hearts, there is no doubt that this pure land in Walde’s heart is his eldest brother and partner.

“The offer is good, but I don’t say yes.” Roa ignored Walder’s somewhat fierce eyes, and the fluttering words smashed directly on his face.

“Listen, Walder, you don’t have a bargaining chip with me, if you honestly get on board, your eldest brother Binjack I can give him a healthy body and a long life.” Luo Ya stared at Walder, and his momentum instantly rose: “You have to understand, you are not necessary, even the navy imp is not an opponent, you have been eliminated in this era.” ”

“Elimination? What a joke, labor and management are Bundywald. Walder’s eyes instantly became ferocious, and the amazing overlord color instantly swept towards Roya.

“Overlord color? Who gives you self-confidence. Roa grinned, and the overlord color was more powerful than Wald, and directly rolled upside down, crushing and destroying Walder’s overlord color directly.

Seeing this, Whitebeard shook his head, competing with the people on Roger’s pirate group, thinking more, even he had to admit that the people who came out of Roger’s ship were indeed more domineering than the other.

“You’d better think about it, Walder.” Roa shook his head, glanced at the silent Wald, and did not speak again.

In the future, there will be all kinds of unruly people on the ship, and Wald is definitely not the most rebellious one, and he can’t give this group of old guys too much sunshine from the beginning, really licking his face as a licking dog, and will be swallowed clean by these old guys.

Roa can trust Whitebeard, because as an old rival and friend for many years, he is well aware of Whitebeard’s rigid and soft character, but Wald is different, just like the yellow ape said, this is a mad dog, and he must be pressed to let him know who is the boss, and know that Roya is not begging him to get on the boat.

This tone must be set from the beginning, otherwise more and more old guys will get on board in the future, and the ship will become more and more chaotic.


Wald found Roa at the bow of the ship at dusk.

This point in time was much earlier than Roa thought, perhaps the events of the day made him feel great guilt for his partner, and this guilt greatly dissolved part of his pride.

“Figured it out?” Roa looked at the tangled look on Walde’s bearded face, and couldn’t help but smile.

“I can join.” The expression on Wald’s face changed for a while, and he finally made up his mind: “However, you must solve Bin Jack’s problem.” ”

Roa didn’t speak, just stared at Wald quietly.

Wald’s heart was also very entangled, and the pride in his heart made him not want to be subservient, but when he thought of the symbol of freedom that his partners had spent thirty years making, because his willfulness was completely destroyed, his eldest brother’s desire to sail around the world since childhood was completely shattered.

Coupled with the frail and sickly body of the eldest brother, and the advanced age of nearly ninety years old.

Everything prompted Wald to make the final decision.

“You have waited thirty years for me, then I will fight for you for thirty years.” It was this thought that made Wald let go of his last pride.

“Yes.” Staring at Wald for a long moment, Roa laughed when the latter’s inner torment reached its peak.

He just wants to suppress Wald’s character, not to completely fall out, as for BinJack’s affairs, when he has more sailors’ rooms in the future, it is not a problem to give BinJack a room, even if he dies, he can be resurrected, and even when Kulokas’s medical skills exceed a certain level, it is not impossible to develop a life-extending drug.

The world of pirates, the highest state of medical skills, immortal surgery legend is to have the ability to live forever, although a large part of it is because of the existence of surgical fruits, but it also proves that medical skills to reach immortality, is evidence-based, at least prolongation should be no problem.

“Then welcome to be part of the End of the Age, Walder, this is an old time ship, and what you see will be a true old time return.” Roa laughed.

“What a madman, recreating that chaotic and crazy era? Sounds interesting. Wald grinned, giving a maniacal smile.

Walder’s personality is very different from that of his eldest brother Binjack, since thirty years ago, when talking about the establishment of the Gulosayadi, the giant cannon he wants to build is actually a portrayal of his destructive character, from a very early on, his dream and his eldest brother’s dream of traveling the world are different, his heart has long liked this feeling in the chaotic battle, he is a natural warrior.

“When we set foot on Mary Joa’s land, it will be even more fun.” Roa threw Wald a bottle of wine, and the words he said with a smile were full of blood.

“Valololo.” Wald took the bottle, took a big sip, his eyes lit up, and laughed: “I suddenly feel that joining you guys is not so boring.” ”

“Both are crazy.” Whitebeard sat on a huge chair, looking at the two people who were laughing and drinking on the bow of the boat, and pouted, with a look of helplessness.

“Hey, Whitebeard, don’t drink while I’m playing the hanging bottle.” Kurokas, who was next to Whitebeard, snatched the bottle from Whitebeard’s hand and drank it in one gulp.

“Bastard Kurokas, do you want to be sunk to the bottom of the sea?”

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