Chapter Seventy-Seven

This sword qi is more terrifying than the last time Roya slashed at Hawkeye, because the physical fitness is higher, and this time the sword qi is mixed with a large number of flowing cherry, that is, the armed color domineering, and it is the top use of the armed color.

Even if Karp is also a holder of the top armed color, he can’t resist this sword, let alone in the water with considerable resistance.

The color of blood was pervasive in the water balloons, and that was a lot of blood.

“Whew.” Lord Roya’s strong right arm twitched abnormally.

“Is it broken again?” Luo Ya glanced at his right arm, a little helpless, even if his physical fitness improved after absorbing one-tenth of Shiji and Ryoma, but this kind of killing with a hundredfold slash still could not be used without injury.

It should be said that it is impossible to use it without injury for a long time, and the sword qi that urges the sword technique to the extreme originally needs to use the flesh to the extreme, and then increase the burden on the muscles a hundred times to this extent, no injury is a luxury, but the power is definitely the most terrifying.

The water ball wrapped around Karp in the distance lost Roya’s control and shattered in the air, and Karp’s figure fell out of control from the air.

“Grandpa.” Ace shouted worriedly.

“Feather picking.” When Karp was about to fall to the surface, black iron bars extended from a warship and caught Karp.

On the warship, Tina’s beautiful eyes above stepped on Roa with a strong murderous aura.

“Don’t worry, I didn’t kill him, Roger owes him a favor, I can count it as I paid him back.” Luo Ya floated in the air, shrugged his right arm, and said with a smile.

Moreover, as an old friend, one of the few high-ranking people in the navy who can see it, Roya does not want to kill him, which is too boring.

“Karp.” Sengoku was stunned, he didn’t expect that it was still a tie just now, and as a result, the winner and loser had already been divided in an instant.

“Sengoku, do you dare to be distracted when fighting?” A stream of light flashed in front of the Warring States, and what he saw was the extreme light in the eyes of the white beard, as if the essence of the momentum, burning the eyes was terrifying.


A sharp beep sounded on Whitebeard’s supreme fast knife, and a huge tremor shrouded the beak knife like a wave of water.

“Drink.” The whitebeard held a knife in both hands, and his muscles were raised, and he slashed at the chest of the big Buddha.

As if it were a fragile doll, with the chest of the shining golden Buddha as the core point, the destructive light and cracks extended together in the space, and the spatial vision was completely distorted at this moment, and everything in this space was pulled apart like a torn photo.

“Ahem~.” Sengoku knelt directly on the ground and coughed up a mouthful of blood, and his internal organs seemed to tremble.

On this sea, almost no one dares to use their bodies to resist Whitebeard’s all-out blow head-on, and the feeling of being completely shattered is enough to make people instantly lose the ability to resist.

“Brush.” Whitebeard jumped up directly, and above the black boots was a violent vibration wave, and he stepped on the head of the big Buddha.

“Boom.” The warship shattered directly, and the Warring States dodged this kick in a very short moment, and then instantly transformed into a golden Buddha, and shrouded the white beard in the air with one blow.

“Boom.” Under the strong shock wave, he couldn’t help but spit out a mouthful of blood, but the light in his eyes became more and more prosperous: “It’s over, Warring States.” ”

“Oops.” A flash of horror flashed in Sengoku’s eyes.

I saw that the white beard directly resisted the shock wave, flexed his arm, and smashed a punch into the palm of the golden Buddha. The violent shock wave erupted in an instant, hooking the injuries of the Warring States, and all the internal organs were trembling, which was the last straw that crushed the camel.

Even with the super endurance of the animal line, the fluctuations of two consecutive fruits erupted on the body, they couldn’t bear it, the golden light dissipated, the Sengoku couldn’t resist and returned to human form, and a violent cough accompanied by blood dripping fell on the deck.

“It seems that this war is our victory, Warring States.” The white beard had dripping sweat on his forehead, blood stains still stained at the corners of his mouth, and he gasped a little urgently, but considering that he was fighting against the same level of Warring States, it was undoubtedly a complete victory.

“It’s over, Sengoku.” Whitebeard walked to Sengoku, who was kneeling on the ground coughing up blood, calmed his breathing, and his fist was shrouded in a fluctuating halo, and he smashed down with a punch.

“Hahaha, can’t you be allowed to act recklessly, Whitebeard.” A somewhat frivolous laugh sounded, and a figure was inserted into the battle group in an instant, blocking the front of the Warring States.


The violent shock wave generated by the collision almost completely shattered the warship, which had been torn apart.

“It’s really a newcomer who doesn’t know the number of manners.” Whitebeard frowned and looked at the man who stood in front of him and smiled a little wantonly, the admiral’s shawl, slender and strong body, if he remembered correctly, this was the new admiral Green Bull recruited by the naval world conscription.

“Whitebeard.” In the distance, a fiery magma giant fist directly crossed the distance and rushed towards Whitebeard.

Whitebeard didn’t turn his head at all, and at the moment when the molten magma was about to reach the front of him, a long sword smashed the magma to pieces.

“Hey, red dog, dare to ignore me after not seeing me for a few days?” Luo Ya held the hilt of the Seven Star Sword in his left hand, carried it on his shoulder and greeted defiantly.

“Roya.” The red dog standing at the bow of the newly arrived warship gritted his teeth and roared lowly.

“Touch.” A figure directly crashed through the warship of the red dog, and a soldier’s exclamation sounded later: “Staff Officer Crane.” ”

The crane barely stood up, covered his stomach, and where his palm covered it, Yin red blood continued to flow out: “The general trend has passed, defeated.” ”


Wald stepped on the moon in the air, above the waist, half of his body, including an arm, as if he had been washed clothes, showing a terrifying strange feeling.

But he eventually won, taking the third victory of the Roa Pirates.

“Why, do you still want to fight?” Luo Ya carried the seven-star sword and smiled a little wantonly.

Beside him, the white-bearded beak knife struck a dull sound on the broken deck, and Wald flashed in an instant, and under the horned helmet was a murderous look and a crazy smile.

In the air, the brilliant lightsaber collided with the tough black knife and then separated.

“Snap.” A pair of clogs stepped on the deck next to Luo Ya, and under the plain white kimono, was the black knife Qiushui that had been clenched, and the sword qi was fierce and wanton, and it could swing a killing knife at any time.

“It seems that the situation has changed.” Fuji Tiger shook away the surrounding water lions, his white godless eyes opened, and after a meteorite forced away the golden lion, he sheathed his staff and knife and jumped back onto the red dog’s warship.

Destroying the world and destroying the world, the apocalyptic battle stopped instantly, but it was filled with a more solemn atmosphere.

On one side are Admiral Sakaski, Admiral Yellow Ape, Fuji Tiger, Green Bull, the wounded Sengoku, Tsuru, and Karp, who has lost consciousness.

On the other side are Roya, Whitebeard, Golden Lion Shiki, Wald and Ryoma.

Obviously, there were fewer people and more injured, but the momentum on Luo Ya’s side had completely suppressed the navy, and almost everyone had a provocative smile on their faces.

Seeing that the red dog’s hand was holding tighter and tighter, but he was already restrained, he could not (Li Nuo’s) shot, and the battle reached this level, even if the three people on the opposite side were not lightly injured, but the navy was still not sure.

The situation worse than the turmoil in the sea is the large-scale destruction of the supreme combat power of the Navy, even the irascible Akainu has to admit this, if it is really desperate, even the navy that can achieve the final victory today, not many people will be able to leave here alive.

That will be the real thing, the complete collapse and chaos of the situation in the sea.

Time was silent for a while, and Luo Ya broke the silence, he took a deep look at the warship opposite, and then looked at the golden lion: “Shiki.” ”

“It’s really not fun.” Shiki pouted, with an unhappy expression, but still raised his arm, and the deck under their feet rose into the air and flew towards the End of the Era.

A few minutes later, the End of the Era, which did not refuse Shiji again, floated into the air under Shiji’s ability.

“It was a perfect show.” Standing by the railing, Roya looked at the smaller and smaller warships underground, as well as the shattered Immigration Prison on the sea floor, and said with a smile: “No one can stop it, this era of violent escape.” “_

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