Chapter 90

“The Wald Annihilation War is the first appearance of the Roa Pirates, their target is obvious, it is Wald, and after a month, they appear again in the Impel Grand Prison, their goal.”

“The legendary pirate who was arrested at the headquarters of the Navy just made a big fuss, the golden lion Shiki.” Belo Betty spoke: “The purpose of this man Gord Roa is already clear, from Whitebeard to World Destroyer Walde, to the sea thief Golden Lion Shiki who was taken into custody in Impel Grand Prison. ”

“He wants to gather all the legendary pirates of the entire old era and create a legendary and unique group of pirates composed of legendary pirates, the strongest pirate group in history.”

“Sister Betty.” Saab looked at Belo Betty a little helplessly, but there was no way, don’t look at him as the chief of the General Staff, but the status of the commanders of the four major armies was no worse than him, and even the commander of the Eastern Army, Belo Betty was more “five nine zero” is a pivotal role in the entire revolutionary army.

Many countries can be successfully rebelled, and the upsurge of ordinary people joining the revolutionary army to become fighters, most of them are the credit of Belo Berti, she was born with the talent of this leader, coupled with the ability to inspire fruit, she is the strongest foundation and foundation of the revolutionary army.

“Sorry, little Saab.” Bellobetti smiled and said, “You go on, I’m not bothering you anymore.” ”

Sabo looked at Bello Betty with a wry smile, and after seeing that she had no intention of interjecting again, he continued to speak: “A month ago, the world-renowned Gal D Roa World Declaration incident broke out, and it was this live broadcast declaration that everyone saw the opening of the Battle of Imper. ”

“This is a picture of the preserved war at that time.”

Saab put up two projections, the first of which was behind Roa Live, several warships had appeared, and they could be clearly distinguished, namely the former Marshal of the Navy, Sengoku, Admiral Borusalino, Fujitora Smile, and General Staff Officer Tsuru, plus the legendary Admiral Navy hero Karp.

This is definitely an extremely terrifying lineup, the monsters in the prime of life, the yellow ape and the vine tiger, the other three are legends of the old era navy, and the top combat power of the navy that once made countless sea pirates fear.

Among them, the combat power of Warring States and Karp was tested by the top war a year ago.

The other projection is even more shocking, this is the last image that the live phone worm paid attention to recording before it was completely shattered by the aftermath of the battle.

The space is shattered, the sea is dislocated, the golden big Buddha stands above the sky, the golden shock wave is extremely dazzling, huge meteorites slide down from the sky, thousands of meters of water lions condense on the sea, endless waves of light fall from the sky, and a violent sword qi rises up from the sky.

“This is a real collision between the Roya Pirate Regiment and the chasing troops sent by the Navy, and it is clear that this battle ended with the complete victory of the Roya Pirate Regiment.” Saab explained.

“That is the picture represented by the photo that completely detonated the world, Karp who fought against Gord Roa was seriously injured and lost consciousness, the former marshal who fought with Whitebeard and the general staff officer Tsuru who fought against the world saboteur Bondiwald was seriously injured, the golden lion and Ichijo fought to a draw, and the samurai and general of Wano Country, and when the naval reinforcement Sakaski and the new general Green Bull arrived in time, the war was completely over, and the two sides were afraid and left.”

“Of course, in terms of results, it is naturally a total victory for the thief group. They successfully broke the Imper prison, rescued the golden lion, let the world see their combat power, broke the rule of the world government, and reduced the deterrent power of the navy to the lowest point in history, detonating the era of sea pirates. ”

The most mysterious, least informational, shadow Battle of Imper, under the information and speculation collected by the revolutionary army, was perfectly simulated, whether it was a purpose or a pass.

“Hey, wait, Saab, are you saying that the samurai and the general Yellow Ape fought to a draw? No kidding, that’s the general Yellow Ape. The supreme combat power of the navy was reached to a draw by an unknown samurai? Lindbergh asked.

“That’s exactly what we’re going to talk about next.” Saab looked at Bello Betty: “Sister Betty knows this best. ”

“Betty?” The other three legion commanders all looked at Bello Betty with some doubt.

“Ah, this matter is indeed the first I found out.” Betty took the cigarette from the corner of her mouth and slowly spit out a puff of smoke: “Because I am on a mission over there in the East China Sea, the father of Mr. Koshiro Frost Moon Village of Frost Moon Village, Kozaburo Frost Moon, is a famous knife forger from Wano Country. ”

After a pause, as if to hide his shock, Bello Betty then spoke:

“The result I got there was that this unknown samurai who appeared on the ship of Gordoa was exactly the same as the Ryoma Frost Moon Ryoma, who was known as the Sword God in the history of the New World and the Kingdom of Wano, and was holding the national treasure of the country of Wano, the Black Sword Autumn Water…”

“Ryoma? If I remember correctly, Ryoma, who is respected by Wano Country, is only one person. Karas’s eyes were shocked: “Hundreds of years ago, the name of the warrior of the country of Jean Wano spread to the dragon swordsman of the whole world. ”

“That’s right, considering that strength, this samurai is ninety percent likely to be the legendary samurai hundreds of years ago.” Bellobetti affirmed.

“Well, the legendary monsters are gathered on the same ship, are they trying to destroy the world? Ahaha. Murray eased his shock and said jokingly.

As a result, I saw that whether it was the dragon, Saab or Bello Betty, all of them had a solemn look.

“Haven’t you found out yet? Murray. Lindbergh didn’t have a good airway.

“Found what?” Murray was a little puzzled.

“Their strength is developing too fast.” Kallas whispered.

From the very beginning of the Walde annihilation incident, it was only Gordoa and Whitebeard who dispatched two supreme navies to defeat.

And just a month apart, the larger, higher-level, and longer-lasting Battle of Imper completely broke out, and this battle actually ended with the victory of the Roa Pirates.

How terrifying this is, the navy has been operating for many years, and even by ignoring risks, breaking the convention to launch the world conscription campaign to attract combat power, the so-called strongest navy in history, but in a short period of time was completely defeated by a pirate group.

So what about 4.0 months later, a few years later?

The strength of the Luoya Pirate Group that controls the development of forbidden power, the strength will be terrifying, to know how many powerful pirates there were in that era, that ordinary people simply cannot imagine, the pirate group gathered by the powerful force of the most chaotic era definitely has the power to fight with the world nobles and world governments that have ruled the world for eight hundred years.

And such a terrifying and dangerous force is both an opportunity and a threat to the revolutionary army.

Because one day this force may destroy the world government, or it may easily destroy the revolutionary army, and how to characterize this force depends on the courage of the high-level leaders of the revolutionary army.

If he is lucky, he will fulfill the ultimate goal of the revolutionary army, destroying the world nobility and world government represented by the Draco.

Unfortunately, he will completely destroy the world. _

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