Chapter 96

It’s different from the saber rattling situation that everyone imagines.

In the battle room of the cabin, cherry blossoms flutter in the simulated environment.

Luo Ya sat down cross-legged without image, then beckoned the dragon to sit in front of him, opened a bottle of fine wine, and poured it into the two bowls in front of him.

“Karp, Sengoku, Zefa, Roger, fewer and fewer people know about that era, and we old guys can be regarded as the last glory of the old era.” Luo Ya looked at the dragon in front of him, smiled and said a little casually:

“The new era, whether it is a pirate or a navy, is a little too uncompetitive, whether it is the four emperors, or the so-called King Qiwu Sea, or the three major generals, they are less courageous and magnificent, the only thing that can make me feel the arrival of the new era, in this sea, only you.”

“Monchi D Dragon.”

“The concept of the revolutionary army is very good, in my opinion, this is indeed a rotten world, the world nobles like pigs wear gorgeous clothes, and they can’t hide their ugly essence, and I can’t help but gag at the thought that such a world is ruled by such pigs.”

“This era seems to me to be trite, and it is really humiliating that the four emperors of the supreme apex of the pirates are only shrinking in their own seas.”

“But you are different, you are very intentional12 thoughts, you are like Karp, no, you are more interesting than Karp, you are a natural leader, you are destined to bring drastic changes to this era.”

After touching a cup, Roa gave the dragon a very high evaluation.

And the dragon can indeed afford such an evaluation from Roya, even Shanks, in Roya’s opinion, is just a toddler, a little ghost who walks along Roger’s shadow, even if he becomes the fourth emperor, unable to surpass Roger, it means that he really did not meet the expectations of Roya and Roger.

But the dragon is different, the revolutionary army has emerged from scratch, adding a touch of color to this sea that has spread for hundreds of years, only the world government and pirates, and bringing the possibility of drastic changes to this stale era.

That alone deserves Roya’s praise.

“I didn’t expect Mr. Roa to have such a deep understanding of the world.” The dragon’s eyes lit up, and he began to talk, holding a fine wine in his hand, telling Roya about the decay of this world, the decay of the world’s nobles, and the darkness of the world that he traveled and saw when he was young.

“Countries sheltered by the world government, the people live in poverty, the nobles wantonly loot the heavenly gold and pay it to the world government, while the commoners are kept in captivity like pigs, and the countries that cannot afford the heavenly gold are completely abandoned by the world government and are attacked by human traffickers and greedy pirates.” Saying this, the dragon suddenly froze.

He suddenly remembered that Luo Ya in front of him was also a pirate.

“It’s okay.” Luo Ya saw him calmly and said, “I have never thought that those bastards who rob and slaughter weak civilians for the sake of some treasure are pirates, and it is such a simple word that can be represented.” ”

The voice is calm, but with unparalleled confidence, because the person who said it is the best interpretation of the word pirate.

“Sorry, I lost my words.” The dragon took a sip of wine, looked at Luo Ya without the slightest scruples, and grinned: “So, do you want to join us in the world government and transform this world, Mr. Roya, if it is you, absolutely can, lead the revolutionary army to overthrow this rotten.” ”

Obviously, Roya’s previous words made the dragon a little less worried, a lot of confidence,

And Luo Ya also smiled calmly, drank wine, and looked at the young man in front of him on the grass where the cherry blossoms fell, a young man who was still very young for him, even if he was already a group of people who stood at the top of the world, even if he was already the leader of an absolute power, even if he was full of foresight and great courage.

However, it is still too tender.


“Sorry, I refuse.” Luo Ya responded lightly in the face of the dragon’s expectation.

“Can you give me a reason?” Long was a little unbelievable, obviously in his opinion, it was a perfect start, and it was logical that he should become a comrade-in-arms, why would Luo Ya refuse so directly, and the resolute tone even made him unable to save his heart.

“Give you a piece of advice, little ghost.” Luo Ya smiled meaningfully and said, “For an institution that has been entrenched in this world for eight hundred years, no matter how corrupt and ridiculous it is, you must be extremely vigilant, otherwise, with your current revolutionary fire, it will be extinguished in an instant.” ”

“So, is that what scared you mean?” The dragon also wanted to continue: “Fourteen years ago, the warrior who killed Mary Joa in the Holy Land swung his sword towards the highest power in the world, and now, have you given up your original heroism?” ”

“Huh, is this questioning?” Luo Ya’s sitting posture was more casual, still looking at the dragon with a calm smile, which made the latter feel a great sense of oppression.

This is the spirit of the world’s strongest man, the captain of the world’s most powerful pirate group, and the most vicious criminal in history.

“Hey, dragon, let me ask you.” Luo Ya stood up with the wine bottle: “Don’t you look down on pirates too much.” ”

“Those rotten bastards of the World Government, I will one day step on the noble heads they think they have, and this is not the reason for us to cooperate with you.”

“I have opened up this era, the era of chaos, everyone does not need the protection of others, no one has an absolute reason to shelter them, only they themselves must shelter themselves, I don’t care about the ideas of your revolutionary army, but for pirates, no one is special on this sea of freedom.”

“The world government is rotten and does not decay, but because he stands in our way, so we must destroy him, our voyage, without any restraints, pursues the ultimate 590 freedom, and anything that stands in our way will be defeated.”

“That’s my reason, got it? Little imps of the revolutionary army, in the age of freedom we have created, you can do what you want, provided that you do not become our enemies or the people we hate. ”

“Got it.” Long sighed helplessly: “What a group of wayward guys.” ”

“I didn’t get the answer I wanted, but it was fine.” Long drank all the wine in the bowl, looked at Luo Ya and smiled: “However, the world government will definitely be pushed by our revolutionary army.” ”

Luo Ya was stunned for a moment, and couldn’t help but pat the dragon’s shoulder and laughed: “Interesting, you are really interesting, Long, worthy of being the son of Karp, no, it should be said that he is worthy of being the leader of the revolutionary army, it is really remarkable courage and faith.” ”

On deck outside.

“Look at the sky.” Belo Betty suddenly looked towards the sky.

Others also noticed the vision in the sky, the sky that was still clear just now, in a very short time, the wind and clouds swept up, and dark clouds gathered.

“Did the negotiations fail?” A different color flashed in Saab’s eyes, is this the worst outcome?

“No, in my opinion, I made a decision that could change the world.” Bello Betti’s eyes under sunglasses shone with wisdom: “This is the general trend, or the great change.” “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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