Pirates: One Way All the Way

Chapter 20: , the repetition rate is too high.

Back to the third day of Marin Vando, late at night.




In a courtyard of the Marin Fando family area, a lifelike child 'sand sculpture' walks around very stiffly, with an expressionless yellow face and a pair of lifeless yellow sand eyes, without any cute feeling at all. There is only horror.



"It still doesn't work, I know it's not that simple, and the sand armor is also given up."

Moza felt his somewhat stiff movements, and helplessly lifted the "sand armor" developed by him to imitate the five generations of wind shadows - who made his sand not imitate the color, who can't see the bright sand Ah... Only the hidden ones are the trump cards.

I saw the 'sand sculpture' move stiffly, and the little yellow sand slowly fell off the head of the sand sculpture. Cyan pendants, white short sleeves, dark blue trousers... Finally, all the sand formed a circle under Mosa's feet, and the neatly dressed Mosa stood in the courtyard with a frown.

"Forget it, it's still this simplified version - Sand Armor!"

With a light drink, the yellow sand on the ground rolled toward Mosa, and quickly attached to the skin of Mosa that was covered by the clothes and not exposed from the gaps in the clothes.

The rest of the sand, with Mosa as the eye, revolved around Mosa to form a small yellow salon volume.

"Try the next item, um, keep the Crane Shield."

As Moza said, he began to experiment.

The road to plagiarism is long and difficult!


Although Mosa was heartbroken after missing the Thunder Fruit, but now is not the time to be immersed in the loss of emotions all the time, and Mosa has to work hard for his future life.

Mosa has reached the goal of the first stage: eating the rustling fruit. Then the second stage of ability development can also be said to be urgent - the natural ability people who are scumbags in physical skills and have not developed their abilities very much are no different from weak chickens in the eyes of domineering people, and they are especially attractive to cut. .....

Since ability is sand, then Crocodile and Gaara's skills are the natural targets of plagiarism......

It's a pity that compared to the high-spirited spirit at the beginning, Moza's mood is obviously much lower now, and he has been completely beaten by reality.

Marin Fando's cruel Yue Guangming clearly told him what "ideal is full and reality is very skinny".



The process just now is as follows:

"Desert Sword!"

"The body is too weak, give up!"

"Sand Waterfall Burial!"

"This is fine, but the problem is to do it in the naval headquarters...I want to live a few more years..."


"Sand Armor!"

"give up!"

"The Shield of the Crane!"


"Although the hardness is still a little bit worse, it should improve a lot with practice..."

Due to the physical and mental constraints of the weak three-year-old chicken, there are very few real tricks that can be used. Even after more than two years of self-training, Moza's Dao Strength will not exceed twenty.

That is to say, he is a little stronger than ordinary adult soldiers. This progress is enough to satisfy Moza, but unfortunately his strength is still far behind!

After this night's experiment, Moza felt that in addition to a few cost-effective defense skills, the rest should not be too lofty, and the basics should be trained first.

As for the sand on my body...

Mossa said that although it is not very comfortable, it is still very practical.

After all... even though I am just sand, these transformed sands are all my own elements!

If you use it when you're going out, you'll be slapped with a weapon... with your own small body... Although it shouldn't hang, it's definitely not lightly damaged...

So it's better to bring some well-prepared ordinary sand with you...

So there is the trick of "sand armor", which can be regarded as a last resort for quick defense when attacked...

Who makes himself not as arrogant as Gaara, and carries a small bug that can automatically defend himself...

Originally, if it was to store sand, no matter how hard you tried to compress the sand, how much could you store on your body without affecting your movement?

It's still the right way to carry a large memory that can be taken out, like the one-high gourd that Gaara carried.

But for Mosa's current age, too much sand is too heavy to carry at all. And if you want to reduce the weight, you have to activate the ability to control the sand, and you can control a lot of sand for a long time.

Besides, such a big lump of sand is too conspicuous. The swish fruit is Mosa's trump card. What he wants is that the opponent underestimates himself, and then surprises him. If everyone knows the trump card, what's the trump card called? !

So Moza said it was fine, at least it was the best method he had thought of in the past two days.

I can't help my weak body...


Then there was another wave of yellow sand rolling in.


Mosa deeply remembered what Zefa said to him on the first night when he returned to Marinvando.

"Since you want to become stronger and you desire strength, then I will give you a way to become stronger - of course, this path is the right one! No matter from which aspect!"

"However, I hope you are mentally prepared, it will be cruel and painful...specifically...wait for me to come back."

Zefa left after speaking. The next day, he led the team out to find faults. In Luna's words, 'he went out to calm down'.

While thinking about it, Moza worked harder!


At night, in the family area of ​​Marin Fando, a fat shadow appeared~www.readwn.com~Mosa once again raised the shield of the crane.

Moza wiped his sweat with satisfaction.

This time, the speed and hardness are about the same.

But in the next instant, he frowned.

However, the repetition rate of me and Gaara's tricks is too high!

If this world also has a duplication check, it is estimated that it will be regarded as plagiarism...


"Actually, I was very desperate for a long time after this incident. In my opinion, the ceiling of Shasha fruit is a little low, and I am afraid that I will lose the qualification to compete with those monsters in the future. At that time, I was convinced of this judgment. ." - Mosa


About Daoli~

Since it is mentioned in the original book, I will occasionally borrow it, but it will not be used systematically. The recognition is too poor. The most important thing is that Ben Dong said that he does not recognize it at all...

The low-end part occasionally borrows the setting of Dao Power, who makes the low-end part of the bounty difficult to handle~

But the main thing is to use the bounty as a 'fuzzy valuation'~

In addition, it is recommended to collect tickets~~~

It's already twenty chapters!


Lastly, about this chapter~

The original plan was to maintain one shift beast before signing the contract, and evolve into a stable two shift beast after signing the contract...

However, I found that there is no opinion on the difference between the book reviews, and the few comments are all urging updates...

So Bendong decided to try the feeling of evolving into a two-shift beast in advance...

Don't everyone support Ben Dong when he makes such a big decision? ? ?

【Crazy hint】


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