Pirates: One Way All the Way

Chapter 232: ,not that simple

"One Road One Road (

"O'Hara Scholars! Enjoy your last moments!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

After saying this sentence and turning around in a dashing manner, Spandain spread his legs and ran, so fast that Moza was speechless...

Although it is stronger than your son's Spandam, who only has 9 dao strength, your dao strength is only 12 or 13. Why do you run so fast...

Extraordinarily talented...

Looking at the secret agents who had just abandoned the archaeologists and ran desperately with all their hearts, Mosa thought happily while speechless:

But it's good, at least it's much more convenient to take these archaeologists away, and even if the remaining books are already being transported at full speed, I'm afraid it will take a long time to complete. It is estimated that the civilians on those islands will hardly survive...

The thought behind it only appeared for a moment and was left behind by Mosa. He couldn't save this world.

And if Sakaski was not there, or if they didn't have a brain attack, they probably would have survived.

Moza was not idle when he was thinking, not to mention the books that were quickly transported to the seaside in the short time before the headquarters of the Demon Slayer Order arrived, and even his own eyes were quickly retracting.

The headless body in the jungle stood up slowly, and a piece of sand poured into the gap in his upper body, condensing his neck, chin, lips... until his hair.

Finally, a strange blind man with only empty holes in his eyes and smooth ears appeared in the jungle.

No matter how handsome this "blind man" looks, he can't hide his horror at the moment.

However, this appearance only lasted for a second, how could someone as narcissistic as Moza allow his ugly appearance to exist for too long?

His mind was surging, and his eyes and ears flew back a little faster.


Two eyes and ears buckled straight into the vacancy in Moza's head.

So the most handsome young navy appeared again intact.

He frowned unconsciously, looking hesitant.

Eight * nine seconds later, Moza finally sighed and made up his mind.

"It's too late. I'm afraid I won't be able to leave if I delay it any longer. There are so many people and not so much sand. How can it be so easy to take it away quietly... It's not easy to do things out, and a little risk costs always Still have to pay..."


A small, sparse dust cloud obscured the archaeologists.

When the dust cleared, so did the archaeologists.

Mosa chose violence to pull people!


In the dense jungle, Mosa erupted at his maximum speed and sprinted forward.

His two hands were not idle either, a thin glove was tightly gripped in one hand, dozens of sturdy sand ropes were pulled in the other hand, and archaeologists were tied to the other end of the rope...

These archaeologists were "flyed" by Mosala at high speed in mid-air like balloons...

It is estimated that after these archaeologists leave here, they will definitely cast a shadow on the yellow sand...

But Moza is not in the mood to think about these things. It is not certain that these people can leave here alive!

Maybe it will be intercepted by the powerhouses of the World Government!

It's not that Moza is blind and crow's mouth, but the threat in his heart has not diminished. The other party is definitely a stronger existence than him, and it can even make him have this kind of reaction. Maybe the other party has the ability to take his life. figure.

Hope not...


The sudden laziness of the voice almost made Moza's eyeballs fall out of fright.

Hey, this sound... no way!

Moza didn't have time to rejoice at meeting familiar people, and his heart was full of surprise, even fright!

The appearance of the other party is definitely not good news for him!

"Two spears!"

"Depend on!"

While subconsciously dodging the blue-and-white spears exuding cold air, Moza couldn't help but speak in astonishment:

"Why are you here... Aokiji!?"

‘How is that possible, shouldn’t Aokiji come with his warship? How could he possibly come to O'Hara early? This…'

Looking at the frozen trees behind him, Moza's head fell into a state of downtime for a short time.

"Long time no see...Senior Moza." Kuzan walked out of the shadow of the woods, with a hood and trench coat painted with the Navy logo, and a pair of small round sunglasses on his face.

Everything is familiar.

"Ah, long time no see." Moza, who was just in a hurry, stopped.

If he doesn't solve Kuzan's hurdle, he definitely won't be able to get through.

Kuzan put one hand in his pocket and pushed his eyes with the other: "Senior Moza, why are you here? Since you are here with them, you should know that their existence means something to the world government. what?

"You, do you want to die?" At the end, Kuzan's sunglasses had begun to flicker coldly.

Moza had a dog-like expression on his face: "Uh..."

"Whether it's me or the Warring States generals behind, UU reading www.uukanshu.com will not show mercy to these people's accomplices."


Moza suddenly relaxes, something has happened, so let's deal with it as you should.

After all... Although the three generals are strong, they have not grown to their peak, and he is not that new kid!

He smiled sweetly just like in those good years in the past: "First of all, I want to congratulate you on your promotion to lieutenant general, I just learned of such a big good news, and I haven't had time to congratulate you.


"Man, I must save me! Whether you can stop me or not depends on your ability, junior! We haven't finished that match yet, so senior is still a little unhappy!"

After Mosa finished speaking, Kuzan was ready to take action, ready to take action at any time!

"But before that..." Mosa ignored Kuzan and looked somewhere on the side.

Aokiku Kuzan also turned his head and looked in that direction, with a very obvious shock on his face.

He only discovered it with his focused perception after Moza reminded him, and he didn't feel anything before that!

At the point where the eyes of the two met, a stream of sand broke through the ground and tightly surrounded a stone in the center.

The next moment, a human face appeared on the stone, which looked like a man in his forties.

He struggled and tried to threaten...

"Huh? Mosa of Sand, what are you doing! I'm..."

However, his tough behavior made Moza's mouth reveal a cruel smile.


This guy who didn't know what fruit he ate was turned into a mummified corpse by Mosa...

Then smash!

This is the new ability developed by Mosa after the awakening of the Shasha fruit, or the core of the Shasha fruit—


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