Pirates: One Way All the Way

Chapter 25: , Black Christmas.

Christmas in 1488 of the sea calendar (don't ask me why there is Christmas in the One Piece world (○?ε?○)).

It was supposed to be a happy day for family reunion, but Malinfando didn't seem to be very calm. There were navy soldiers in hurry and armed with sharp eyes everywhere, and there were firelights in the distance.

"Say! Where did you get him!!"

A tall and majestic man with golden light and pimples all over his body... ahem, a bun, shouted while holding a thin man in a maid's uniform in his hand.

The violent and restless appearance of the Warring States period made him look nothing like the generals of the past, and the whole person looked extremely embarrassed.

The people next to Garp, Crane, Polsalino, and the others were all looking ashen.

Karp can't see the off-line in the past, the whole person is gloomy and terrible...

On the ground next to the Warring States Period, there was a woman with short orange hair who looked quite heroic.

However, the woman's eyes were slack, and it seemed that she was on the verge of collapse.

Luna's mind is full of replays of the scene just now. Her hands that used to be able to crush steel, but now they are trembling and can't lift it...

What just happened?


Because the Sengoku general was stationed at the headquarters, Zefa only taught Mosa for two months before going to sea again.

But in just half a year after getting the Shasha fruit, Moza can say confidently - he won't hold back!

Moza, who has mastered the ability of the rustling fruit, even if the battery life is poor, he has a strength of over 100 million.

And the stronger the strength, the more vigilant Mosa is about murder, but nothing has happened in these years, and even the sea has calmed down a lot, so Mosa also has a little doubt about his prediction.

Why haven't you come yet?

Could these people have changed their plans?

Or was it simply that he remembered it wrongly? !

Just when Mosa was a little slack and doubted about himself, the attack came unexpectedly.


The celebration of Christmas made Malin Fando relax his tense vigilance a little, and this holy land of justice welcomed a group of evil guests.

at night.

The sea near Marin van Dou.

clap clap

Under the dark and deep sea, a black shadow is rapidly expanding.

Accompanied by the faint sound of water splashes, an ellipsoid object about thirty meters long separated the sea water and appeared on the water surface.

The seawater attached to the surface of the object gradually slipped, exposing the true face of the object. The round shape, the metal texture, the delicate rivets, and the huge skull pattern painted on it—this is a ship that belongs to a certain sea. The pirate submarine.


After twisting a few times, the circular hatch at the top of the submarine was slammed open, and several black shadows came out from below.

Several figures faced Malin Fando in the distance and remained silent.

In fact, even at this moment, they still feel a little unreal in their hearts.

Where is that place in front?

Marine Headquarters Marine Fando!

Countless powerful great pirates smashed their halberds and sank into the sand here. I don't know how many legendary characters have tried to capture this place for 800 years, but what was the result?

Marin Fando is still standing here to suppress the entire sea!

Although they are crazy over 100 million pirates, they also have self-awareness and will not do the death-defying move of attacking Marine Fando frontally-those who are too crazy have either become super heroes, or they are all dead!

But even if they just wanted to sneak in, they had to make up their minds repeatedly, for fear that they would be timid.

Not much time wasted, the tall black shadow with a giant sword at the head of the group broke the peace, he lowered his voice and said:

"Finally confirm the plan!

The back road has been paved. More than a dozen tea party members will wait somewhere ten nautical miles near the teleportation point according to the predetermined plan. After we appear, they can use the Big Diving Squid to leave quickly. "

"Before we started, Shawn the shark was responsible for causing riots near the harbor to attract the attention of the navy to cover up our actions, and then Sean the shark immediately evacuated with a deep dive. This diagram of the harbor is basically credible." Gao Da The man handed the murloc a blueprint.

"Others sneaked to their destination quickly in the field of my Silence Fruit ability. Well, everyone should have memorized the map. After half a year of collection and correction, we can confirm that it is Zefa's home! "

"Black Hawk Luna's fighting power is very strong. As a pure physique powerhouse, she has better life-saving ability, but Pila's ability can limit her performance, and as long as her son is caught, even if she can't threaten her, she can at least let her Her distraction!

Today, they are sure to die!

We will teleport and evacuate immediately after everyone fights quickly!"

"Finally confirm the target, our target is these two people, don't admit it wrong!"

A tall and thin man in a maid's uniform next to him took out two photos, which looked like they were taken secretly, but his face was very clear-the ones above were Luna and Mosa.

"Zefa's wife and son! Oh, how can people here now not recognize it? Don't worry~www.readwn.com~ I will not admit it!" Someone next to him said with a sneer, his words full of undisguised hatred meaning.

"What about the rest?"

Seeing everyone nodding their heads, the maid took back the photo. The tall man looked around, held the giant sword behind him, and said in a deep voice:

"This battle is our revenge for Zefa's behavior that trampled on our dignity! Everyone, don't be addicted to the battle, and don't make troubles, and make a quick decision! When the Warring States and the others arrive, they will only be left with humiliation, defeat and... ...corpses!"

"Let Zefa pay the price!"

"I'm the fastest, to catch Zefa's son, hohohohohoho!"

"I want to make you feel the pain! Zefa!"


"Please!" The tall man nodded to the dignified shark man beside him.

"Well, let's go!" The tall shark fish stood up and said to everyone.

I am coming!


A guy who is too crazy will either grow rapidly into a superhero, or die early - and I will be the former!

The team successfully broke into the naval headquarters, killed the entire family of the admiral and escaped safely!

This honor and reputation is enough for me to attract countless villains, and I can even completely incorporate the tea party, a joke-like organization, under its banner!

After killing your whole family, I will return to the new world to develop well!

Be my stepping stone, Zefa!

I will become a superhero that no one knows about the whole sea!

At this moment, Bunali Sacco Cass von Samar is like an old general on the stage, with battle flags all over his body!



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