Pirates: One Way All the Way

Chapter 30: , Crystal Merchant


Moza slowly opened his eyes. The dazzling light made him hurriedly close his eyes as he let out a cry of pain.

"you're awake?"

A gentle voice rang in my ears.

Due to the dark environment and the bright sunlight outside for a long time, Moza, who was eager to see the surrounding environment, could only narrow his eyes to relieve the discomfort of his eyes a little.

Before he could get used to it, the gentle voice just now rang in his ears again.

"Although I don't know your specific situation, the uncle of the ship doctor has just done a simple examination for you. There is no major problem, but the physical strength is a little overdrawn. It's good to rest a lot. But you really have a big life, if not... ..." blah blah blah blah...  

Mosa, who will be four years old in three months, has grown rapidly because of proper exercise and long-term consumption of nutritious sea king-like ingredients. He looks older than his real age—about seven or eight years old.

Although seven or eight years old is still a child, in this chaotic world, seven or eight years old is already the age to go out and survive alone.

"You saved me? This, where is this place?"

Listening to his dry voice like sandpaper rubbing, Moza said that he is a little confused now. What about his original cute and cute voice? ?

How can I be so cute in the future Σ(|||▽|||)

If the people next to him could hear his heartfelt voice, they would definitely complain wildly in their hearts, and their lives were about to die, yet they were still in the mood to care about these...

And it's the first time I've ever seen someone who wants money but not life...

"You're really awake, come, drink some water, you just woke up, you can't drink too much water, this should be just right..." Co-author you just said so much, but I'm still not sure I'm awake not awake! ?

Saying that, she brought a small bowl of water to Mosa, and Mosa finally saw her appearance.

The long black hair is casually scattered, and he is wearing a white shirt with orange stripes with lace cuffs and a pair of pure black cropped trousers. There is a faint smell on the body, a kind of sunshine The smell, it doesn't look like a spice, maybe it's the legendary body fragrance? - Regarding this issue, the body fragrance of girls in the previous life was basically marinated by cosmetics, but in this life Mosa has too few women, so he said Can't tell.

And...different from the gentle voice, the face looks a little...cold?

Is this the legend... cold outside and hot inside?

"...We are a merchant ship, so we brought floating boards for the convenience of loading and unloading cargo. When I checked the cabin last night, I suddenly heard a not very loud crash. I didn't pay much attention to it at first. When you went to check, you found a coma on the floating board, and you remembered that it should be the sound you made when you hit the floating board, which surprised me at the time..."

Is that so?

It seems that you successfully smashed onto the floating board after losing consciousness yesterday?


It is also possible that he stumbled into the floating board, and ended up stunned...

No matter what, I finally enjoyed the treatment of a traverser - a tree hangs from a cliff, someone catches it when I fall into the water...?

It doesn't seem to rhyme?

Forget it, that's it...

Mosa decided not to dwell on the issue of rhyming or not.

However, the business group?

This needs to be well understood. In recent years, I have mainly learned about various violent institutions, and I don't pay much attention to the businessmen in this world.

In a world, especially a world with extremely underdeveloped traffic like One Piece World, the importance of businessmen is probably very important.

Although it is safe for the time being, but at least I have to figure out where I am now. Is it the Four Seas? Or the Great Channel? Or—the New World?

I hope it's better not to be the last one...

"...I am the current owner of this business group. Just call me Christa. Our business group's name is Crystal Business Group. The destination of this trip is the rapeseed port in the Kingdom of Alabasta. Getting to your place is about…”

Damn it! ?

The current business group leader is already so naturally stunned!

All right......

No need to ask at all.

Isn't this guy afraid of being sold?

What did you say so directly? ?

Moza said he was full of question marks? ? ?

Although Moza felt with a keen intuition that this should not be a temptation for him, but just in case he changed the subject: "Thank you for saving me, go to Alabasta? It doesn't matter, go anywhere. ."

Combined with Moza's tired and pale face, this very persuasive sentence of following the crowd and being confused is very convincing.

"...Then follow us first!" Christa said happily.

Hey, what are you happy about?

Seeing this scene, Moza roared wildly in his heart.

In Mosa's imagination, shouldn't the business group leader be the kind of Brother Tianyasha, Doflamingo, who sells his soul and conscience in order to make money?


Maybe it was because Moza needed a rest~www.readwn.com~ Krista left after sitting for a long time. After that, only three meals will come in to deliver a bowl of porridge.

Only then can Moza calm down and think about his current situation and the countermeasures he needs - he really can't resist Christa.

In fact, there is nothing to think about. Mosa actually knows that he is not a person with long-term planning and careful layout ability.

Basically, everything is done in the first half of the first half of the great waterway that is almost invincible in the natural system. Basically, he has already You can say you are safe.

So Moza didn't have a goal for a while. Although the girl named Krista looked pretty good, she didn't know what was going on on the ship.

The nature department also has to eat, drink, and rest... and who knows what will happen along the way?

So Moza frowned and pondered for a long time, and finally decided that it was better to be simple: "First, don't expose the rustling fruit, and the rest... Let's take a step by step! Stay the same and respond to changes!"

Well, great, perfect plan!

In this way, two days passed in a hurry, and Moza finally felt that he had basically recovered, so Krista, who knew he had recovered, dragged him out of the cabin where he lived for several days.

"Come on, come on, don't stay in the cabin all the time!"

"Oh." Moza would not admit that he was touched by the soft touch, so he obediently walked out with that little strength...


The second volume starts to cheer! Tickets! Tickets!

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