Pirates: One Way All the Way

Chapter 63: , I want to try 1


It is conceivable that it is just imagining that after reaching the extreme cold hell, Zefa discovered the reason why he had not been here before, so it is estimated that it is seriously insufficient.

——The prisoners in the extreme cold **** are basically half-dead after a long period of extreme cold destruction, even if they are given food and short-term cultivation, their strength is greatly reduced.

This extreme cold is difficult for Zefa himself to endure for a long time, let alone them!

One by one, their physique, speed, strength, and recovery all declined. The body was disabled and the response was slow, and their strength dropped greatly. It is not something that can be replenished with a single meal.

For example, the female pirate who fought against the mole—the **** woman with a bounty of 280 million Bailey—Marshall Katarina was severely weakened, and one of her hands was frozen.

Mole's own strength is similar to that of Mossa. Converted into a bounty, it is probably more than 100 million, barely 200 million. As a result, the battle between the two seems to be evenly matched, and the final result of the battle is also Mole. The rat desperately killed Katarina.

Even if the influence of on-the-spot performance and mentality, momentum and will is excluded, this battle is enough to illustrate the strength of the prisoners in the extreme cold hell-with the strength of Sakaski and Polusalino, the prisoners on this floor are not enough to give. They provide the pressure of trials, even if the other party used to be a big pirate of 400 million or even 500 million.


Magellan's head hurts even more when he thinks of this...

Zefa definitely doesn't want his trial to be an anticlimactic...

So I found Sammas directly...

Magellan has a strange sense of awkwardness...

In the words of Mosa: It's probably like the feeling that I didn't receive the representative of the partner well, and then the partner found the boss...

In the end, Magellan didn't know how the two of them communicated, and it was probably some kind of PY transaction...

Anyway, the result was that Samas threw out the list of two useless big pirates, and let Zefa pick up the goods himself.

The general characteristics of criminals held in the sixth layer of infinite **** are that they are powerful and slightly affect their balance.

However, some of them also have another characteristic, which is what the world government considers "trouble".

For example, eating a devil fruit that is difficult to get rid of - this kind of person will be locked up until the end of the world, and even if he wants to die, he will help him to continue his life, and try to avoid the ability of the other party from reappearing as much as possible.

Another example is that killing or not killing is not very suitable for that kind of **** stick - basically it is the game or layout needs of the World Government, so it is closed first.

For example, if you haven’t figured out how to deal with it yet—then let’s shut it down first, and talk about it when you’ve figured out how to concoct it.

The above useful ones must not be used by Zefa as a trial, even if they are told to Zefa that their information is not suitable - what Zefa knows is his ability, after all, he is one of the top leaders of the world government.


In the end, Samas simply threw two bounties with a bounty of 600 million to 700 million, which were captured by Zefa himself. It was useless but a powerful pirate gave him - the environment of the infinite **** is not as bad as the extreme cold hell, basically The power drop is not too big.

Then Magellan's head hurt even more... especially the kind...

The fifth floor doesn't matter, anyway, there are not many things to destroy. The purpose of making that open and harsh appearance is to serve as a battlefield to block the sixth floor in the future.

The reason for Sakaski to move the battlefield is because it is too troublesome to deal with the impact of the magma on the extremely cold environment!

So even if the Polsalino laser fired indiscriminately and the World War I almost turned the forest into a pyre, Magellan still has the confidence, but the structure of the third floor...

I can only hope they move a little less...

Now even Samas, who is in the director's office on the fourth floor of the scorching hell, regrets agreeing to cooperate...

Really, those two little devils are a little foul...

Zefa is such a big pit!


I want to flip the table!


What about the so-called Murphy's Law - to put it simply, you are afraid of anything!

This "highly anticipated" battle begins.

Contrary to everyone's expectations, both sides of the battle had no idea of ​​temptation at all, and the battle process was even more exaggerated than that of the mole!

Going directly past the stages of probing, formal, and intense, and entering the final desperate stage.

Sakaski came up with a wave of Meteor Volcano that was doing everything he could, and suddenly the entire Hungry Hell seemed to be enveloped by the erupting volcano, about to be swallowed up by the falling lava.

The mad dog "Hunter" Sacco in the New World is not bad. He came up with his famous big move, the giant axe and the mountain.

Evenly divided.

Then the two awakened at the same time, and the magma each accounted for half of the sea of ​​​​axes.

Then the two of them turned into long-range mages for a while, and for a while, they switched to close-to-professional melee combat. The hot magma and the sharp blades of each other were very lively!

The third layer of Hungry Hell in the advancing city they fought was hotter than the fourth layer of scorching hell.

Samas flipped the table, his face was black and ink was dripping...

The venom rolls around Magellan who is fighting, and wants to end the game...

The corners of the mouths of Mossa Mole and the others twitched, and they had to take action from time to time to block the aftermath...

The beaten prisoners were running around crying... ragged...

Zefa's eyelids jumped. . .

After Sakaski was slashed three times by Sacco and was seriously injured, he punched Sacco in the chest with all his strength and burned him through.

Zefa dragged the severely injured man away with a black face. Magellan, whose face was as heavy as water, wanted to smile, but found that he couldn't smile, so he could only continue to send these gods of plague away with a dark face...

After Magellan left, the jailers brought in sea water to drown out the magma and restore order—a large sea of ​​axe transformed by the awakening of Shako's axe fruit has automatically returned to its original state and position with the end of his awakening~www.readwn .com~ Samas stinked and threw a document on the table into the trash can.


Standing on the fast-moving warship with the help of the ocean current, Moza raised his head to look at the gradually receding Gate of Justice and the advancing city behind the gate, and then lowered his head to look at his left hand, his face struggling and his eyes uncertain.

"Next time, I want to give it a try."


Meanwhile, Marin Vando.

In the Navy Kindergarten, a few aunts were laughing around the little girl with sky blue hair. Whoever these little guys likes to play with and who has a 'gossip' with whom, is their favorite way to chat.

"Marianna~ Do you think Mosa will come to see you?"

"Yes! Mosa is coming back soon!"

"Marianna, I haven't seen you for so long, do you miss Moza~"

"You guys are so annoying!" Marianne shouted angrily. She didn't know what was going on. When she mentioned this topic, she was very embarrassed, as if something that only belonged to her was taken away by someone.


"Marianne is shy!"

"Haha, you black-hearted maggots know how to tease these little girls, that's enough!"

"You little girl, how dare you say that to my sisters!"

After speaking, there was a commotion.


While avoiding these unscrupulous aunts, Marianne took a gap and looked out the window.

I miss you.

A little girl holding her chin was reflected in the window glass, her cute little eyes revealing thoughts.


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