
The New World, the battlefield of the Navy and the Golden Lion Fleet.


Momonga's figure shot away like a cannonball.

A swaying voice came from a distance, "Have you been kicked by the speed of light?"

Polsalino appeared in Momonga's original position and reached out and grabbed the severely injured Mole.

"Well, I'm sorry~ the rescue process was a little violent~"

Polsalino said casually - the Mole was caught by Momonga just now, and Momonga broke several bones of the Mole in the process of being kicked away...


"Blinking Fruit, are you Polsalino?" Momonga wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looking excited.

"Ah~ I'm going down~" Borsalino scratched his head pretending to be distressed.

"You are much more interesting than that kid just now! I really want to eat you! Let me eat you!"

"I can't agree to this request~" Polsalino's expression became a little colder, and his wretchedness subsided a lot.

The neurotic on the opposite side is no less powerful than him!

"I don't have time to take care of you~ Mole~" Saying that, Polsalino threw the mole on a warship not too far away...

Looking at the overtime working closer and closer to his face, Mole can already imagine the sourness of his face hitting the ground...

Mole: Vorge...


The battle lasted for a day and ended with the golden lion seriously injured and Soleska unconscious.

Just like countless times of encirclement and suppression in the past, when the navy was unable to deploy an absolutely superior combat power, the only way to capture the golden lion was to rely on luck.

This time, it was a failure without a doubt.

The combat power required to capture the golden lion and defeating the golden lion are completely different levels.

The navy cannot bear the dispatch of the former, which will affect the navy's own work of suppressing the sea.

in addition,

Although the Golden Lion was not left behind, the battle was not without gain.

In addition to consuming the number of pirates under the command of the Golden Lion and capturing some heavyweight pirates, some rookies in the navy have gradually emerged.

The most conspicuous of them all is Polsalino.

In this battle, Polsalino showed the strength of the Dominance of the Glitter Fruit, and he fought before and after the three top officials of the Air Pirates and the leaders of many pirates under the command of the Golden Lion.

In the end, he even managed to capture the Big Pirate Flying Box, one of the seven leaders of the Flying Sky Pirates.

He became famous and was promoted to lieutenant general the following year after research.

The Mole was seriously injured by Momonga, and in the subsequent battles, he was forced to shoot several times. The injury aggravated and he was sent to the G-1 base for recuperation.

Temporary transition to clerical work.


The first half of the Great Channel, G19 base.

The Navy G19 base built on an island in the middle of the "Seventh Route" of "Paradise" is not a "radiation point" on the Navy's "original" sea area plan.

But in the past two years, the navy has just built a supply base because it has successfully verified the method proposed by Mosa that "the bottom of the warship can be embedded with sea towers and can pass the windless belt without the sea kings".

After all, this is not the radiating point of the naval power area, it is just an ordinary weak power area, and the pirates passing through here will usually have other nearby branches or bases to hunt them down.

Under such circumstances, the navy would naturally not waste its precious troops deploying heavy troops here.

In fact, this place was really just an ordinary branch before, and the highest commander was only a colonel of the Navy Headquarters.

After the feasibility of Mossa's proposal was verified two years ago, the Navy began to select suitable locations on both sides of the four windless belts to build bases as warship supply stations to and from the windless belts-here is one of them, which bears the burden of A supply mission for naval warships traveling between the Great Waterway and the East China Sea.

However, this naval base, which is only separated from the East China Sea by a windless belt, serves as a supply station for naval warships passing through the windless belt. However, compared with the other three seas, the East China Sea is the "weakest sea". The overall strength of the G19 base is too low, but the G19 base is not as heavy as the other three newly built G-level bases, but has a taste of leisure and tranquility-simply put, it means more money and less work, suitable for old age.

This calm was maintained until General Zefa led everyone in the training camp to arrive...

The neat and dignified huge naval headquarters warships slowly sailed into the inner port of the G19 base. The base chief of the G19 base led several lieutenant generals and major generals in the base to wait at the port to prepare to welcome General Zefa.

The warship slowly stopped, Zefa walked off the warship with Xunk, who was still his adjutant, and looked at the neat officers in front of him, Zefa stared with dissatisfaction, and his purple eyebrows seemed to be straight. Like a sharp sword that pierced the sky, it pierced the minds of the generals and officials.

As the most majestic one of the Navy's top combat powers, Zefa's prestige in the Navy is no joke!

Captured by Zefa's terrifying aura and strong Jiwei, all the generals at the G19 base felt that their hearts had missed a beat, and their hearts sank even more, and the secret path was not good.

"No official business? Are you all so leisurely?"

Facing Zefa's rude questioning, except for the base commander who opened his mouth but hesitated~www.readwn.com~ the rest of the generals were all dark-faced and did not dare to lift their heads.

After all, the senior officers who can be transferred to the G19 either have mixed seniority and just managed to get in, or they simply don't want to work hard to retire.

Faced with the questioning of Zefa, the long-established and prestigious headquarters general in the navy, they felt extremely guilty when they thought about their usual comfortable life, and didn't dare to talk to them at all.


Seeing their guilty conscience, Zefa was even more dissatisfied, but the condition of the students on the warship did not allow Zefa to reprimand these lazy generals.

"Have you received the previous communication?"

"Yes, I got it." The base chief replied in a proper manner.

"Well, Xunk, you have handed over to them and arranged for the medical care and recuperation of the students. I'll go first... It seems that these boys will live here for a while."

Zefa left directly, and the base chief hurriedly sent a branch major general to receive him.

Not long after, a group of navy soldiers, mixed with doctors in white clothes, hurried onto the huge and majestic Motobu warship with stretchers and medical kits.

What catches their eyes is the blood on the ground under the white giant sails - basically everyone is injured, and the proportion of seriously injured people even exceeds 40%, and several tired medical staff are emergency rescue.

Almost all the students on the ship were dripping with blood and even bloody, but they all gritted their teeth and insisted on enduring in secret, and did not let out a cry of pain.

The navies of the G19 all thought to one another—is this the most elite group of the young generation of the navy?


Let's just think it was Mossad, cough, cough, cough.

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