Pirates: One Way All the Way

Chapter 96: , then please die

These ordinary bunkers caused enormous mental stress to the chaotic Memphis populace.

Even if they are already "superior people" living in the capital, their fear of desert disasters seems to be written in their blood and genes!

The previous salon roll is one of the most serious ones, and so is the quicksand!

If they can calm down, even if their vision is blocked, with their wealth of experience, they can easily determine that this is just an ordinary sand pit and not a deadly quicksand.

But the tension in the previous salon volume and the capital, as well as some small tricks made by Moza, the black hand behind the scenes, made them lose their reason and judgment.

At this moment, they only know how to act by instinct!

In this way, with the help of the real but fake salon rolls and the sand pits, this massive fake disaster, the real and the fake, successfully made Memphis, the kingdom of Heliopolis, without causing a large number of casualties directly. The capital was in chaos.

Countless armies and powerhouses were pinned down, hiding his goals to the greatest extent and reducing the pressure on him!


Hillman hurried to the nearest bunker, and before he had time to take care of it, he shouted to the panic-stricken citizens:

"Calm down! Don't move, it's just a sand pit, not quicksand!"

"Okay, it looks like it really is."

"Not continuing to flow down..."

"Ah! Lord Hillman!"

Moza didn't dare to let loose his knowledge. He wasn't sure if Hillman could detect his knowledge. Once Hillman had undergone relative training, then Moza could just wait for the embarrassed escape or be besieged to death. !

Therefore, Moza can only secretly monitor the whole city through a few body elements mixed in the sandstorm.

Seeing this scene of Hillman appeasing the crowd, Moza couldn't help but smile:

Hillman can use his prestige to appease one place, can he appease all the places in the city?

When Hillman is a little further away, he can invade the palace.

After all, the target is the major general of the naval branch, and even if it is converted to the rank of the headquarters, it is still a brigadier general of the headquarters!

It is equivalent to the Alabasta incident in the original book (Oda's own son, Luffy, who was beaten by Laosha), the navy attempted to usurp the world government alliance countries in order to hide the Qibuhai, and the alliance countries were rescued by the pirates, in order to deter the pirates. The born Shichibukai was also embarrassed to be defeated by the pirates, so the credit was forcibly assigned to the nearby navy, and he was promoted to Smoke Fruit Ability, Smog, who was the rank of Colonel of the headquarters at the time.

Therefore, from the perspective of military rank, this guy is a quasi-high-level officer. In the navy, a general with the rank of major general can be regarded as a high-level officer. Inspecting these real bigwigs can already be called naval decision makers!

He is not some messy little fish, he wants to catch fast but he has to go all out...


the other side.

Regarding the changes and development of the situation in the city, what Mosa can see, Hillman, a high-ranking official, can naturally see it, but what if he sees it?

Although the opponent's layout is very immature and rough, this is a conspiracy of the opponent to take advantage of his ability. At least in this game, facing the opponent who has already taken the lead, the Kingdom of Heliopolis can only passively accept. trick.

As long as His Majesty still cares about his army, he must go to stop it, otherwise, no matter how the army withdraws, the opponent who can roll up the Osiris-class salon scroll can destroy the army of this kingdom.

The kingdom has never joined the world government, and has refused to join the request several times. The result is that although there is no need to pay the heavenly gold, the kingdom can only rely on itself for everything, and it is impossible to ask for help when encountering some intractable problems!

You may even encounter a lot of malice from the world government, and similar things have happened many times before!

In this case, the kingdom can only rely on the formation of a powerful army to suppress the unstable places, defend the stability of the country, and... maintain the stability of His Majesty's rule.

Therefore, the existence of the army must not be lost!

In the same way, Nella Alder, a guy with only promises in his mind, can't leave the palace at all, and as long as the people of Memphis are still in danger, I can't let it go.


Damn it!

This kind of feeling of suffocation has not appeared for a long time, I am really not used to it!

The last time was when His Majesty drove away a group of navies...

Hillman didn't have time to think about it, and hurried to the next gathering place to appease the people.


In fact, the army of Heliopolis is not the weak point of the country, and an army that is so weak or even a weakness cannot become a country's support!

In the army stationed in Hull City, more than half of the powerhouses in the entire Heliopolis Kingdom have been in charge all the year round.

It is a pity that none of these powerhouses is good at fighting against this kind of natural disaster, and even the entire city of Hull became a little disgraced because of the existence of a medium-sized salon volume.

That's why Mosa thought of and implemented this plan, successfully leading O'Brien away.


"If it wasn't for O'Brien's ability to restrain me so much, why would I use so much effort!"

Mosa has begun to pant a little. After all, for him who is less than ten years old, even if he has focused on targeted training, and he is much stronger than when he was four years old when he just entered the training camp, his battery life is still his weakness.

"No! I can't wait any longer, or I'm in danger. Besides, Bamilit seems to have sensed something..."

The huge pressure made Moza a little anxious. During his observation, he saw a person with a somewhat shaky expression in a remote palace in the palace.

After several comparisons by Mosa, the other party is likely to be the target of this time, Mr. Bamilite, the major general of the branch!

"Damn it! My abilities and identity are no secret at Navy Headquarters!"

Saying that, Mosa hurriedly turned into a sandstorm mixed in the surrounding dusty environment and shot straight towards the palace~www.readwn.com~ Don't try to escape!


"Get out of here!!!"

A rough voice suddenly sounded, and Mosa's sand was shaken for a moment, followed by a shrill sound of breaking the air.


Moza hurriedly dodged, but was still caught a little by the dark armament-colored domineering that lingered on Neela Olde's long sword.

"Don't block Lao Tzu's way!" Mosa shouted to Nella Olde with a gloomy face, covering the wound on his arm.

"If you want to enter the palace, unless you walk in from my corpse!" Nera Olde raised the shield in his left hand to his chest and roared at Mosa with a firm expression.

"Are you sure??" Moza sullen, didn't expect him to be excited when he saw the palace, but he carelessly forgot to use other sandstorms to hide the sand he turned into, and was stopped by this guy who saw through his figure.

"Oh! Stupid attacker, you can never enter the palace!"

Moza was in a hurry. The smooth progress of the plan did not reduce his pressure. The huge pressure made him extremely anxious. At this moment, he was interrupted again, and he was even injured...

I saw his face getting more and more gloomy, and finally suddenly laughed calmly.

"Okay, then please die!"

Facing Mosa who suddenly calmed down, Nella Olde was inexplicably flustered, but...

"I am the captain of the palace guard of Heliopolis!"



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