Empty Island, Island of the Gods Apayado.

"Is it that you two are going to participate in my Swamp Trial? Tell you that the survival rate is only 50%, are you ready? Give God a wonderful show!! "

Captain of the Air Guard, Master of the Trial of the Marsh, Priest Nirvana, with an eight-clawed spider-like hairstyle on his head.

Mao Xiong and Eric looked at the priest who had been rolling his eyes, and thought of the captain who was still waiting for the medicinal herbs, and became even more angry.

'Scythe Wind Blade Dancing'

Eric took the lead in striking, quickly raised his palm and swiped, countless transparent wind blades, quickly slashed towards the priest Nirvana.

"Hey, do you also have slash shells and wind shells?"

Nirvana, who awakened the heart net, sensed the danger, and quickly flew away with the spray shell under the soles of his feet, avoiding the wind blade slash.

'Hot Bowling

' Mao Xiong's fist was hot and red, and he had awakened his domineering, and he quickly rushed to intercept Nirvana, ready to quickly solve the battle.

'Jet Iron Fist'

Nirvana saw that he could not dodge, used the "Spray Wind Shell" to accelerate the boxing, and collided head-on with the hot iron fist of the hairy bear, one face, was knocked away by the hairy bear, even the gloves were melted, the fist was burned, and Nirvana screamed in pain.

"Do you also have Rebei, but why aren't your fists afraid of heat?"

Nirvana was shocked why these Qinghai people also had the ability of various shellfish, and this hairy bear's fist was as hot as Shura's scorching gun.

"Hurry up and hand over the medicinal herbs!!"

The hairy bear and Alec continued to attack non-stop, causing Nirvana to panic and dodge, and became a live target by flying in the air by spraying wind shells.

'Swamp Cloud Hamburger'

Nirvana shapes the swamp cloud into a giant ball and throws it at the woolly bear and Alec, this move can make the enemy feel like he is trapped in a swamp, the deeper he struggles, and if it is the head that is trapped, he can only wait to suffocate.

He also led both of them to the swamp cloud area, so that both of them fell into a swamp, unable to move an inch.

"Haha~ After entering the swamp cloud trap, you can only slowly fall into it and be killed by me!!"

Nirvana has a vengeance against Mao Xiong for hurting his fist, although his swamp trial, the survival rate is as high as 50%, but today both of them will die.

"The captain is still waiting for us!!"

The furry bear and Alec burst out, their feet treading at a high frequency, and slowly flying.


' and 'Shaving'

escaped from the swamp cloud trap, and with full of anger, they instantly appeared in front of Nirvana, and their hideous expressions made Nirvana shudder.

"Blazing Steel Burst Fist

" "Scythe Storm"

Mao Xiong's fiery fist hammered on Nirvana's face, Eric's dense wind blade cut out countless sword marks in Nirvana's body, his clothes were full of sharp cuts, and blood gushed out.

"Ah~" Nirvana spat out blood, rolled his eyes, flew out backwards, and passed out from serious injuries.

Mao Xiong and Alec quickly knocked down these divine weapons, grabbed the box containing the medicinal herbs, and immediately returned to the medical hall.

"It's too weak, the first one lost so quickly, you probably didn't receive God's blessing!" As soon as the lightning flashed, Anilu appeared next to the fainted Nirvana, smiled lazily, and disappeared in place again.


"Roar, roar, roar~ Zhongwu, Xiaowu, they are coming."

Mori no Daigo, the controller of the trial of the ball, the priest Shadley, a big fat man who looks like a sphere, claims to have only a 10% survival rate here.

"Big brother, let them be blown up in the 'whole person ball cloud'."

Xiao Wu among the triplets said to the eldest brother with a smile.

Spherical 'whole human ball clouds' are scattered throughout the trial area of the ball under their jurisdiction, and any enemy touching it will cause an explosion, which is similar to the sea mine, and it will explode when touched.

Bartolomeo and Bucky, seeing that no one came out of the trial area to meet the challenge, stepped directly into the 'whole person ball cloud' trap area, and the two cautiously advanced, wanting to find the priest as soon as possible, defeat him, and grab the medicinal herbs.


' Bartolomeo stepped on a 'whole human ball cloud' and a violent explosion occurred, the smoke cleared, and Bartolomeo and Bucky appeared in a circular barrier.

"Exploded, exploded, definitely killed them!!" Xiao Wu hurriedly rushed out to check the results of the battle, and Dawu and Zhong Wu also went out.

Looking at the billowing explosion smoke, Dawu opened his heart network to investigate, the effect did not seem to be very good, sure enough, I saw the smoke disperse, and the two trialists were unharmed.

"Hey, dead fatty, are you the person in charge of this trial? Hurry up and give us the medicinal herbs, or I will beat you to death!!

Bartolomeo, who had a green-headed head, shouted to Daigo, who was now very worried about the captain's injury.

"If you want something, let's pass the trial!!" Hearing the trialist, this pirate in Qinghai scolded himself, Dawu also sank his face.

The 'Surprise Cloud

' Daigo continued to throw this circular ball cloud at Bucky and the two, which exploded with various weapons, swords, snakes and insects, and bombs, plus countless 'whole person ball clouds' on the ground and in the air, and the explosion roared, making Bucky and Bato unable to pass for a while.

But these attacks were also useless to Bartolomeo, who were blocked by hard barriers.

"Dead fatty, do you only have this little trick!" Faced with these tickling-like moves, Bartolomeo had no patience to waste time.

'Giant Barrier, Bull Rush!! I

saw a huge transparent barrier appear, destroying all the 'whole person ball clouds' and the surprise clouds thrown by Dawu in the air in front of him and on the ground.


The barrier knocked all three Wu dozens of meters away, and they all vomited a large mouthful of blood.

"What is this shell? How come out has not been seen! Daigo looked at Bartolomeo in horror, his fangs and red eyes, and his fierce scowl.

The Wonder Ball Dragon

, a chain of ball clouds with a dragon face mask on the front end, is thrown by Daigo, a weapon that strung together ball clouds containing gunpowder and then operated them with sticks with wires, which will trigger a series of explosions if they touch the ball cloud.

The ball dragon exploded violently and non-stop around Bartolomeo for a full minute.

"As I said, it's useless, this explosion has no effect on my barrier at all."

Bartolomeo rushed out of the smoke, and in Daigo's shocked eyes, the barrier fist punched him in the face, and Daigo instantly flew out backwards, losing consciousness in the air, and smashing a large hole on the ground.

"Big brother!!" Zhong Wu and Xiao Wu shouted in panic and ran over.

"Don't move, little one!!"

Two flying hands, holding daggers, pressed against the necks of the two, and by inertia, the necks of the two had been scratched and blood flowed.

Zhong Wu and Xiao Wu's pupils trembled, looking at the two hands floating in the air in horror, standing in place and not daring to move.

"Hand over the medicinal herbs!!

These divine soldiers hurriedly brought the medicinal material box at the station and delivered it to Bartolomeo.


back, Barto~" Bucky saw that his goal had been achieved, and immediately called Bartolomeo to rush back, and the two quickly disappeared in the trial area of the ball.

"Yehahaha~ is actually also a Devil Fruit ability, interesting and interesting, but not a noble natural system, I am the most powerful god."

Anilu didn't even look at Daigo, and continued to turn into lightning and disappear in the air.


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