Great Passage, Empty Island, Heaven, Yandu.

At this time, the gorgeous imperial capital, which had only been renovated for the second time not long ago, was in shambles.

The blood dragon Akin and the orangutan ruler fight, the orangutan also controls more than a dozen mutated evolution monsters, besieging Akin, the black hard beetle that breathes fire, and the huge yellow bird that emits thunder and lightning, so that Akin is attacked on all sides, repelling one, and another sneaks up.

And these mutated monsters seem to be dead, red eyes crazy attack, recovery is also terrifyingly strong, soon after being injured, they can recover and fight!

Sonic Adrago and Dr. Indigo energy waves exploded each other, Dr. Indigo's hand chemical bomb appeared out of thin air, smashed towards Adraco, was destroyed by Adrago sprayed sonic laser cannon, the two had no intention of close combat for a while, and have been testing each other.

A tall green praying mantis, with red eyes, constantly slashed Bartolomeo's barrier with a sharp claw blade, and the floor next to it was cut with countless sword marks, and it was extremely fast, a pair of wings flapped extremely fast, slashing enemies from all directions.

The steel hairy bear and a green flat crocodile more than ten meters long wrestled with each other, the crocodile's terrifying bite force madly tore the hairy bear that turned into steel, and the hairy bear directly grabbed the crocodile's fangs, wanting to overturn this terrifying crocodile that was destroying everywhere.

Whirlwind Eric constantly swings the wind blade to cut off the tentacles of the pink-spotted multi-clawed squid more than ten meters long, kite tactics, and does not fight these crazy monsters in close combat.

Bucky was chased and ran by a black and white brown bear with terrifying brute strength, too terrifying, easily smashed the big square out of a deep pit more than ten meters large, the skin was thick and thick, and Bucky's dagger was completely not long enough to break the defense.

Countless swift spear ants passed through like locusts, all living things devoured, even other mutant beasts, fortunately trapped by the wax master Gar Dino with countless wax slurry, unable to break free for a while, and then the priests burned them to death with Yanbei.

The amazing red bomb triangle bison on the building of Yandu, constantly exploded and destroyed, was killed by bomb madman Jem using the same explosion.

Four-winged yellow bird, green curved giraffe, great green caterpillar, two-tailed blue saber-toothed tiger, light blue banded horned tyrannosaurus rex, purple longsnake dragon, mammoth, sharp-toothed sea beast, giant purple-black scorpion, giant maned lion, boxing penguin, back-backed tusked tiger, pseudotree millipede, sickle impala, sickle fox, erect green frog, colored spider, pink triceratops, white-haired long-tailed fox, colorful long-necked dragon...

Countless red-eyed mutated evolutionary monsters are destroying Yandu, killing residents, and being blocked and killed by the cadres and team leaders of the Moye Pirate Group one by one, countless priests and divine soldiers, warriors holding various empty shells to protect Yandu, fighting to the death.


"Hahaha~ Mo Ye little ghost, even if you can only control an island now, it can consume you to death! My monsters are only a part, and you can continue to cultivate them when you go back later, and your crew and nationals are one less dead. "

Golden Lion Shi Ji commanded, and the mudstone lion that was constantly destroyed by Mo Ye easily returned to its original state again and again, and continued to besiege Mo Ye, this island has been completely controlled by himself, and it doesn't take much effort to continue to control.

The development of the Fluttering Fruit for fifty or sixty years has long awakened the Devil Fruit, and the islands controlled by him can be easily manipulated and deformed, even if he is now more than seventy years old, his physical strength has declined, and his domineering degenerates, he still dominates the side with the Awakened Fluttering Fruit.

"What a troublesome old thing!!"

Looking at the destroyed capital, Mo Ye also calmed down, looking gloomy at the golden lion Shiji, the island covered by the awakening energy of the fluttering fruit, under his full and precise control, like a bone appendage, constantly consuming Mo Ye's physical strength.

'Ten Thousand Thunders'

dark clouds in the sky continue to blast towards the golden lion Shiji, making him constantly dodge and use mudstone lions to block it.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Mo Ye withdrew from the Thunder God state, and the seven-star arm of his right hand shone with brilliant enchanting green light, and a mouth appeared, and countless green transparent tentacles appeared.

"Since these island dirt are completely controlled by you, then I will also swallow them to see if I can offset your control with the Devil Fruit!"

'Devouring Fruit, Devouring Big Factory, Clay Man Form

' Mo Ye's right hand continued to devour the mudstone lion that had just been broken, and slowly turned into a huge mud figure more than ten meters tall, and it was still expanding, growing longer and higher.

"What's going on? Your Devil Fruit can actually devour the soil I control! No way, all this dirt was covered by me with the awakening energy of the fluttering fruit. The

golden lion Shiki was shocked that he had lost control of part of the island's dirt.

"Then let's see whose Devil Fruit energy is more domineering!"

The two energies of covering the manipulation and devouring complex were snatching control of this island, and Mo Ye had already turned into a fifty-meter-tall earth giant.

"Hahaha~ Mo Ye boy, don't you know that this will become a live target?"

Although he lost control of Mo Ye, the clay man, he also discovered Mo Ye's clay figure form, which moved slowly and was not threatening.

'Lion Qiangu Cut'

countless golden chopping waves slashed at Mo Ye's huge mud figure at a high speed, cutting the mud figure to pieces, but Mo Ye continued to devour other dirt, while manipulating Wanlei to continuously interfere with the golden lion.

You must not let the golden lion touch the ground again and re-control these dirt, and at the same time, in case the golden lion suddenly consumes huge physical strength, it is necessary to cover the fluttering fruit ability and control the empty island Yandu.

The golden lion constantly dodged the attacks of ten thousand thunders, but he couldn't dodge and used the fluttering fruit to control the mudstone lion to block the thunder.

Things don't seem to be as smooth as they thought, how can they be dragged down by Mo Ye's miscellaneous abilities, extremely powerful golden electromagnetic cannons, thunder giants, and now even dirt can be swallowed, what kind of ability is this?

I already knew that I had pulled all the islands over, and with more than a dozen islands that could be controlled, even if I smashed it, I would destroy the kingdom of heaven, and then control the huge sea ball and kill Mo Ye Little Ghost.

Suddenly, the golden lion floated in the air on the ship Lion's Head Island, and there was an amazing explosion, it turned out to be Nami and Robin, who rode up on the thousand-year-old dragon, blew up the golden lion's lair, and also fell on the empty island.

The memories of countless scientific and technological personnel were devoured by the memory seahorse, turning into ignorant children, unconscious in confusion in the island breaking ship.

Aidragon's side also began to erupt, crippled Dr. Indigo, and immediately went to help Bucky, who was chased by the black and white brown bear, and the steel hairy bear also used domineering power to break the green flat crocodile into the giant mouth and tear it in half.

Eric solved the pink octopus with countless tentacles, cutting off all its tentacles, and Bartolomeo also broke the limb blade of the high-speed green mantis and burst it.

Ah Jin turned into a phantom beast species dragon, surrounded by more than a dozen mutated monsters, but with strong strength, forcibly broke through, captured the thief first and captured the king, pierced the orangutan ruler, let these monsters lose control, destroyed everywhere, and was killed by Ah Jin and many priests and warriors one by one.


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