"The location is in the half-mutilated Cherry Island! Hahahaha~"

Mo Ye remembered the battle with Auntie, and it was very close to the Totlan Sea of All Nations, and it took less than half a day to sail to invade Auntie's territory.

Doesn't this give the two pirate alliances the opportunity to assemble? Maybe they will also take advantage of the opportunity of the Pirate Expo to invade Universal Totland!

Big news: Morgan held a notebook in his hand and kept recording the rules that Mo Ye said:

"Those who have paid the registration fee can directly enter the competition competition, and those who have no money or are unwilling to pay the registration fee must have a big brawl before the competition, and the ten pirates who can still stand in the end can enter the competition directly!"

The prize for winning the competition is Ralph Drew's permanent pointer, and the runner-up gets a billion Bailey, if not dead! Mo

Ye told Morgans a lot of rules and precautions, and the invitation made by Buena Festa did not know how to distribute it to most famous pirates in his name.

This efficiency made Mo Ye sigh for his planning, his vision was still not broad enough, but it also played a little respectful role, and it really made some pirates come to participate with great interest!


The next day, the special news of the Pirate Expo carefully edited by Morgans was officially sent around the world, and this newspaper surprised the world government, navy, and other four emperors.

【Pirate World Expo】

Planner: Buena Festa

venue provided and protected: Four Emperors Mo Night Adventure Group

Champion Prize: Former Roger Pirate Crew, Devil Heir Douglas Barrett provided by Ralph Drew Permanent Pointer.

Venue: New World Cherry Island.

Time: November 11, 1521 Registration

method: Pay 100 million Bailey or a devil fruit, those who have no money or are unwilling to pay the registration fee, can have a big fight before the competition, and the ten pirates who are still alive can enter the Ring Guarding Competition.

Competition rules: set up 16 rings, guard the ring for ten consecutive wins, or guard the ring for one hour, enter the round of 16 challenge points (challenge victory 2 points, draw 1 point, defeat 0 points, refusal -1 point), the top 8 with high points will enter the draw elimination round, until the final.

Tournament Prizes: Champion: Ralph Drew Permanent Potter, Runner-up: 1 billion Bailey, Quarterfinalist: 200 million Bailey.

Special Support: Advanced Recovery Nutrition and Advanced Healing Elixir provided by Kushima Heavenly Kingdom can be received by participants.

Special statement: The Four Emperors Yan Emperor Mo Ye and the Devil Heir Douglas Barrett have no interest in ONE PIECE Treasure and the title of One Piece!

Warning: Once you enter the waters of Cherry Island and the competition venue, private fighting is prohibited, otherwise you will be besieged by the four emperors Yan Mo Ye, the Devil's heir Douglas Barrett, and the Red Earl Barorick Ledfeld at the same time!!

Final note: everyone can also participate, including the Navy and the Revolutionary Army.


Holy Land Mary Joya.

"What is Mo Ye, this bastard doing, don't you think the new world is not chaotic enough?"

"Ralph Drew's permanent pointer? Really fake? Did Roger leave this kind of thing?

"I'm not afraid of it fake, I'm afraid it's real and it must be destroyed!"

"Just called Mo Ye, he said that the permanent pointer is in Barrett's hands and can't get it, and he said that he is just a neutral organizer, just making a little money by the way!"

"What a mess, little bastard!"

"What do you say now? Do you want to send the Navy to compete in the snatch? "

Secretly send the navy to participate in the competition, and secretly send CP0 to destroy the permanent pointer no matter what."

"Let the new warden Isaac of New World Prison Island also go secretly, with his hand, even if the permanent pointer is in Barrett's hands, Barrett can't keep it!"

"Isaac's strength is obvious to all, slightly better than the red dog, he is the patriarch of the Draco, and it was not easy to ask him to come out of the mountain and serve as the guardian of the seventh layer of the advancing city!"

The world only knows that there are only six layers in the city, in fact, there is the most secret 'seventh layer', almost no one on this layer knows its existence, and the destructive power of the prisoners of the seventh layer is too strong, so the strictness of this layer of control is not something that words can describe.

But the so-called 'seventh tier' is not advancing the city at all, he is on an island called Gyel Island, which is unpopulated, and Isaac, as a professional warden, is currently one of the Draco's most trusted people.

"With his shot, it is Mo Ye, if you don't pay attention, you will fall, and the permanent pointer in Barrett's hand is not yet captured!"

"Let's decide like this!"


On the ghost island, Hundred Beast Kaido looked at the newspaper information that the little brother was reading, and angry white air flowed out from his nostrils.

"With this kind of thing, Lao Tzu also collects red historical texts for fart ah! I don't believe Roger would leave such a thing!! Otherwise, what is the point of the era of sea pirates!! Will Nika really exist!!

Abel, you give me to take it back, Lao Tzu does not believe that it is real, I will verify it myself! "

Flame Ember, is also the Abel in Kaido's mouth, immediately set off after hearing the order, as for why Kaido didn't make a move, this kind of competition, as a king, how can others look at it like a monkey, and then snatch it at the last moment!"

First send the little brother to the field to grab, really can't, and then make his own shot, and he believes in the strength of the Yan Ember very much.

Although I don't really believe that Ralph Drew's permanent pointer exists, I still have to grab it, in case it is true!

Kingdom Totland, Aunt is also excited to watch this news, if the permanent pointer is true, the opportunity to become One Piece is not just around the corner.

"Katakuri, you go and snatch it back, I'll follow behind!"

Aunt and Kaido think the same, how can they personally go on the field and be watched by others, and they can also grab it at the last moment!

"Mom, I heard that those two pirate alliances will also assemble to compete on Cherry Island, in case they take the opportunity to attack all nations, it will be difficult for us to hold our dozens of islands!"

Katakuri is now worried, as if the entire New World has targeted the Aunt Pirates, which is the bad consequence after Aunt was violently beaten by Mo Ye!

"That's just right, annihilating these bastard pirates in one fell swoop on Cherry Island!"

"But fighting is forbidden in the waters of Cherry Island, otherwise it will be surrounded and beaten by several people from Mo Ye!"

Katakuri also frowned, one Mo night can't beat, plus the Red Count and Barrett, Aunt will definitely pounce on the street!

"I'll be afraid of this kid Mo Ye? Do you think I will follow the rules he set? "

Auntie began to be angry when she thought of Mo Ye, and in the face of all the losses suffered by Whitebeard and the navy, there was no more than once Mo Ye, and her soul savings for many years were consumed a lot, and the losses were heavy.


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