Seeing that Barrett chose an opponent, of course, Ledfield also had to choose a more famous one, and the yellow ape guy was the oldest, and he liked to bully the old guy now.

The Red Count, who ate the Phantom Beast Species Vampire Demon Fruit, is already a young man, and this Demon Fruit also has a lot of speed bonuses to himself.

I don't know how far away I am from the Shining Fruit of the Nature Department, and I can also turn into a dark shadow, which is comparable to the Nature Department.

"Okay, since the senior of the Red Count has also chosen an opponent, you Katakuri, you and Hiryu will deal with the Green Bull Arramaki, or do you want to deal with the Green Bull alone?"

Mo Ye said with a smile, Katakuri, who learned the primary overlord color entanglement, I don't know if it is the opponent of this green bull? How strong the green bull is, Mo Ye doesn't know very well, but one will not be worse than the vine tiger!

"I'll test it alone first, and if I can't beat it, let Hiliu help!"

Katakuri also wanted to verify how much gap there was between himself and the general, and he was also confident in himself, but his words drew a snort from Hiliu.

Hiliu chewed on his cigar, his pupils were scarlet, and he did not speak, acquiescing to Mo Ye's arrangement.

As for the other commanders and Whitebeard II Edward Weibull, they will deal with those vice admirals and brigadier generals, and Mo Ye will personally attack Fuji Hu, and he will not kill him today!


While the Moye Adventure Group and the Navy Headquarters were waiting for a big battle, seven or eight Draco families had escaped from the island and returned to their Golden Constellation ships.

But they also left all their fighting beast warriors to block the revolutionary army, and under the cover of a few CP powerhouses, they fled to the holy land in panic.

And the two five old stars from the Red Earth Continent, with the members of the CP organization at the bottom of the box, drove the most advanced warships to Punk Hassad.

"This time we go to sea to completely destroy Dorag, we have only been out of the Holy Land once in decades, but we can't return empty-handed!"

The gold-framed glasses of the bald five old stars of the original Ghost Che flashed a bright light, and his tone was cold and murderous.

"This time, we made a mistake in judgment and caused so many Draco to suffer casualties, and we may have to face Lord Im's scolding!"

The blond five old star's face was also a little ugly, and he didn't expect that Isaac would be scolded away by the Draco and leave with his burden, otherwise with Isaac there, he would be able to wait for their support.

"Fortunately, only a few people from each family came out, and not all of them came out, otherwise if any Draco family collapses, we will have to bear the wrath of Lord Im!"

During the conversation, the two revealed a little information that the 'national treasure' hidden between the flowers in the depths of Mary Joa requires all Draco families to exist all the time.

The secret is now perhaps only Im can really know!

The leader of the revolutionary army, Dorag, calculating the time, was extremely rational and not greedy for merit, saw that Saab and the five army commanders had intercepted a Draco family, and immediately ordered a retreat.

Catching a dozen Draco is enough, they can completely trade with the world government, exchange for Kapu, kill a few Draco sacrifice flags at the same time, and declare war on the world government.

Thus undermining the reputation of the world government, so that those countries and people in oppression see the flame of hope and fight for their lives, and now even the world government does not know how many countries in the world the revolutionary army has infiltrated.

Since they dare to choose to declare war openly, it seems that the revolutionary seeds they left behind in all countries of the world can already be burned and unstoppable.

Watching the revolutionary army press the Draco onto the ship, the Buddha Sengoku and Lieutenant General Tsuru have already burst out with all their strength, and they still can't break through the defense of Dorag.

I could only watch Draco being caught, and there were all kinds of fearful sounds and curses from Draco in the air, and Sengoku knew that he was really going to retreat this time.

Even this vain Grand Inspector doesn't want to do it anymore, and the Draco may become more difficult to serve in the future, this kind of anger, even he may not be able to stand it, so let it be handed over to the red dog to bear the anger and scolding of the Draco.

"Dorag, you will regret it, the power of the world government is not as weak as you see, and the horror of Mary Joa is impossible for you to imagine!"

Buddha no Sengoku doesn't want to struggle anymore, now he just wants to retire immediately, find a place to retire, away from pirates and Draco, and his whole life is dedicated to the navy, not to that group of Draco!

Now his old partner Karp is under house arrest by Lord Im, Zefa died after defecting from the navy, and he and Tsuru are also old, and they really can't keep up with this era!

"No matter how powerful and terrifying a person is, he can't stop the torrent of people who yearn for equality, and the era of great navigation opened by Roger ends in this era, and the world's noble Draco will also be annihilated under this torrent of history!"

The idea of equality, resistance has spread, the people of the world yearn for liberation and peace, sometimes ideas, more dangerous than force!

Dorag's fierce wind covered the departure of the revolutionary army, took a dozen Draco, and disappeared into the sea.

There are also several members of the Draco family on the island, and their fighting beast warriors and CP powerhouses fought until the last moment, and these hateful revolutionary troops finally retreated!

Their excited scolding mixed with the happiness of the rest of their lives, followed by countless roars of revenge to annihilate the revolutionary army.

In this battle, the pure gold ring disappeared, which made the Draco very angry, whether it was lost, destroyed or snatched by the revolutionary army, no one can be sure!

When the five old stars, who had sworn that they could not return empty-handed, arrived, they came lonely, the revolutionary army had long left, and the Warring States they could not drag the revolutionary army at all, only waiting for the scolding of these remaining Draco.

Even if the five old stars were in a high position, there were still idiot-like Draco scolding them, which made the two five old stars frown.

But considering that these Draco were frightened, he ignored them, waved his hand, and asked the members of the CP organization to bring them back to the Holy Land of Mary Joya.

"If you have captured more than a dozen Draco, you will definitely be punished by Lord Im now!"

After listening to the report of the Warring States, the five old stars also felt their scalp numb, as if they had seen Lord Im's terrifying eyes.

"Go after Dorag immediately, and at the same time find a way to contact him, he must have other purposes, otherwise it is not to capture the Draco, but to kill them!"

The blond five old stars said fiercely, now they can only redeem the Draco as soon as possible, reduce the losses, and seek Lord Im's forgiveness.

This time so quickly transferred the navy, it was really a wrong move, could it be that Mo Ye that guy could even predict the fact that Isaac was angry away?

How closely did he and Dorag really work? The two played the World Government, Draco, and Navy thoroughly, and I don't know what Akainu gained from going to Wano Country this time, or if it would also be calculated by Mo Ye!


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