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“me!” Charles looked at Pease rolling on the ground with disdain, “I’m here at any time waiting for your revenge!” Right now…… Just me! Charles said coldly.

“Hurry up and take me away!” Seeing this, Pease also directly let out a bitter scream, he is not a fool, he will not threaten anything here at will, only when he is safe, he can retaliate against the other party.

“Yes!” Some of the gangsters who were still alive did not have the slightest hesitation after hearing Charles’ words, and directly left here with Pease, who had a broken leg, without the slightest stay.

After seeing Pease and them leaving, Monet and Sugar also gathered together, and then came to Charles, “This gentleman, I really thank you very much this time!” Thank you for saving our sisters! My name is Monet and this is my sister Granulated Sugar! Monet thanked him.

“I’m Phoenix Charles, just call me Charles!” Charles also said, “Don’t worry! Since I encountered it, then this time the problem of that Pease, I will solve it and leave again! Charles assured.

“This… Thank you so much! Mr. Shire! Monet thanked her, she was worried that Pease would come back later, but now she was finally relieved.

“Thank you! Mr. Shire! Sugar is also grateful.

“Hahahahaha, it’s okay! It’s okay! Charles also laughed.

Next, at the invitation of Monet and Sugar, Charles also lived in Monet’s home, and as for Oran and them, they were directly ignored by Charles.

“The boss is really excessive! They forgot about us! Oran and they also said helplessly, lamenting Charles’s forgetfulness, and then, they were only able to find a place to live on their own.

After returning to his manor, Pease also had an unstoppable killing intent in his eyes after urgently dealing with his injuries, “Damn bastard, I’m going to kill him!” Kill him! Pease shouted angrily, “Contact the Cloud Cat Pirates for me, let them strike, I’m going to kill him!” ”

“Yes! Master! The butler of the Pease family directly agreed, and then directly used the phone worm to contact the Cloud Cat Pirate Group.

Cloud cat pirate group, Captain Charles also had an ugly face after receiving the phone worm, obviously he was also full of anger after receiving this call, to know that the Pease family is his family, and Pease is his nephew, and he is out to break in, so after knowing about Pease, he can’t stop the killing intent.

“Come man! Give me back! Charles shouted, speaking to his deputy.

“Okay! Top dog! Charles’ deputy nodded, and then directly controlled the pirate ship towards the island where Charles’s family was located.

In the vineyard, Charles also learned that the Monet sisters no longer had any relatives, and they also planned to sell the vineyards here after this incident, and the two left here and left this sad place.

“In that case, why don’t you go with me?” How about joining my pirate group? Charles invited, also looking at Monet and the sugar sisters with sincere eyes.

“This…” After hearing Charles’s invitation, Monet and the sugar sisters also looked at each other, and then carefully considered it, after all, the two of them also knew that wanting to walk on the sea was the best way to join a pirate group, and here, the two of them were also full of good feelings for Charles, the benefactor.

Seeing this, Charles didn’t say much, he didn’t want to force their sisters, after all, this kind of thing, forcing has no good results, and after a while, Monet and the sugar sisters finally thought about it.

“Mr. Charles, we don’t have any ability, we just grow some grapes, are you really willing to take us in?” Monet looked at Charles expectantly, as did Sugar.

“Don’t worry! Strength is not a problem at all, as long as you get a devil fruit, it can give you unique abilities, so you don’t need to worry about these! Charles also looked at Monet and Sugar seriously, and his eyes were also full of tenderness.

After seeing Charles’ gaze, Monet and Sugar were also moved in their hearts, and they had to admit that the two of them were also moved by Charles’s words, and the two finally made up their minds.

“Please give more advice in the future, Young Lord!” Monet and Sugar said.

“Monet will be my secretary in the future, right? What do you think? Help me deal with the pirates! Charles looked at Monet and said, Charles is planning to have a secretary to do, not a secretary!

“Okay! Less Lord! Monet also had no opinion, and then Monet also thought of something, and then looked at Charles a little embarrassed, “That, young lord, what kind of pirate group are we?” Monet was a little embarrassed, after all, they joined Charles’ pirate group without knowing what kind of pirate group it was.

“Hahahahaha!” Seeing this, Charles also laughed, “We are the Phoenix Pirates, I am the captain of the Phoenix Pirates!” There will definitely be no one to bully you in the future, Monet and sugar! Heart touched the head of the little loli sugar and said.

“Phoenix Pirates?” Both Monet and Sugar were shocked, even the two of them knew what the Phoenix Pirates meant, “Is it the phoenix of one of the five emperors?” Monet looked at Charles in disbelief.

“That’s right, it’s that Phoenix Pirates!” Charles nodded, also full of pride.

“The young master is so powerful!” Monet also looked at Charles with adoration, and Sugar also had her eyes shining, obviously she was anticipating the future.

“Hahahahaha! That’s for sure! Charles said proudly.

In the next two days, Charles and Monet’s two sisters were constantly in contact, because Charles continued to prodd Monet, Monet also had a good impression of Charles in his heart, as for sugar? After all, it’s still a loli, although precocious, but Charles can’t do anything to a loli who is less than ten years old, right?

For Monet, Charles also intends to look for the natural snow fruit of the original book, after all, this is definitely a powerful ability, and it is also a natural system, of course, if you want to find the snow fruit again, it takes some luck.

Sugar is the same, but Charles still plans to give sugar to eat that, the devil fruit that Charles brought back in the Holy Land, after all, can be preserved in the Holy Land, and that Devil Fruit is definitely not an ordinary color.

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