“Thank you so much this time for helping me regain my shadow and allow me to see the sun again!” Brooke said with gratitude.

“No need to do this, Brooke, now you better hurry back to Upside Down Mountain! Rab has been waiting for you for so many years, and if you don’t go back, sooner or later, it will crash and die on the Red Earth Continent!” Charles said to Brooke.

“Yes! Thank you very much! Brooke bowed and said that he was really grateful to Charles for helping him not to say anything, and bringing him such important news and giving him hope.

“Keane, prepare a ship for Brooke and prepare some supplies!” Charles said to his Phoenix Guard captain Keane.

“Yes! Captain! Keane nodded.

“By the way, let me exchange all the supplies for milk!” Brooke said.

“Good!” Keane nodded.

Soon, a small boat was ready, and it was also piled with milk, and Brooke jumped up directly, “Anyway, this time is really very much, everyone from the Phoenix Pirates, thank you, if there is anything I need to do, just give a message to Upside Down Mountain!” Brooke shouted, and steered the boat out of the place.

“Such an interesting skeleton actually left!” Guina said disappointedly.

“Hahahahaha, aren’t you afraid of skeletons?” Charles asked with a smile.

“Although he is a skeleton, he is still a human being!” Guina explained.

“At this moment, Kulokas can rest assured, and Rab’s problem has been solved!” Charles laughed, “Let’s go! Keep walking! ”

“Captain, we don’t have many supplies, we must stop at the next island to replenish it!” At this time, Keane came over and said.

“Okay!” Charles nodded and did not refuse, because he knew the importance of supplies when sailing on the sea.

After getting Charles’ approval, the pirate ship Phoenix soon came to the next island, which was just an ordinary island, and there was nothing strange about it.

“Ah! Let’s go down and take a stroll! Do you want to be together? Charles asked, looking at Vikas and Guina.

“Nope!” Vikas and Guina both refused at the same time.

“This way! Then I’ll go alone! Seeing this, Charles did not force it, and landed on the island alone.

This is indeed a small island, so after Charles walked around casually, he completely found something of interest, and Charles also planned to leave here directly.

However, at this time, Charles heard a crying sound, and the ghost sent him, and Charles walked directly towards the place where the crying sounded.

Charles walked to a small forest, and then saw there, a huge brown bear fell there, with fatal injuries, and a little girl, sitting in front of the dead brown bear, crying, Charles saw this, also felt strange, and then walked directly over.

Because he did not hide his figure, when Charles passed, the little girl discovered Charles’s arrival, and after seeing Charles, she immediately became on guard.

And at this time, Charles obviously recognized the little girl, and Charles never thought that he did not find Perona in Moria, and found the other party here.

“What are you doing here? Little girl? Charles asked with a friendly smile.

“My pet is dead!” Perona cried and said the reason, because she was an orphan, Perona was only able to live alone, and in order to avoid loneliness, she also had a brown bear as a pet.

After hearing that this huge brown bear was her pet, even the corner of Charles’ mouth twitched, it was really strange that Perona’s petite body had such a huge pet! However, Charles also knew that Perona must have eaten the Devil Fruit, and in this regard, Charles also decided to take Perona.

“Little girl, what’s your name? What about the people in the family? Charles asked gently.

“My name is Perona!” Because she felt that Charles was not a bad person, Perona did not hide anything, and said directly, “As for the family, I am the only one!” ”

“So it is! So, do you want to go with me, get out of here, my brother will protect you!” Charles invited Perona.

“Really?” Perona’s eyes lit up, “Do you have a pet bear there?” Is there a castle? Perona asked.

After hearing Perona’s request, the corners of Charles’ mouth twitched again, but he didn’t expect her request to be like this, this is how much he loves bears, “Yes, as long as you want anything, you have it!” Charles said, of course, his Phoenix Pirates also have the qualifications to say this.

“Good! Then I’ll follow you from now on, big brother! Perona said with a smile and came directly to Charles.

“Good! Then let’s get out of here! Charles nodded, and after helping the dead brown bear to be buried, Charles also left here with Perona, and then returned to the pirate ship.

In front of the Phoenix pirate ship, Charles appeared here with Perona, “Wow! What a big pirate ship! Perona looked at the pirate ship in surprise, and then the whole person flew up and came to the pirate ship.

“Huh? Brother Charles, who is this little ghost? After seeing Perona, Gu Yina immediately became curious, and then pointed to Perona and said.

“What? How dare you call me a ghost? Aren’t you a imp yourself? After hearing Gu Yina’s words, before Charles could say anything, Perona couldn’t help it, and then suddenly smiled, “Negative ghost! Perona laughed maliciously, and then a negative ghost flew towards Guina in a hurry.

“What?” After seeing the negative ghost flying towards her, a bad thought flashed in Gu Yina’s heart, and then she directly swung her knife towards the negative ghost.

However, Gu Yina, who will not arm the domineering color, her attack did not touch Perona’s negative ghost at all, the negative ghost directly penetrated Gu Yina’s knife, and then hit Gu Yina, Vikas saw this, just surprised, and then did not say much, because he believed that since it was brought back by Charles, then it would not cause any harm to Gu Yina.


After the negative ghost hit Gu Yina, Gu Yina immediately lost her spirit, threw down the knife in her hand, and then fell to her knees.

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