Night, quiet as water.

A young man in black floated on the sidewalk, about twenty years old, half-length black hair drifting casually, slow steps did not want to hurry home overtime office workers, he gave people a lazy feeling, more like enjoying the night view of the city.

The breeze blew, and the young man’s sea fluttered, revealing a pair of bright eyes, in the dark night, these eyes were as bright as stars, and under the light of a clear moonlight, a cold edge flashed on the tip of his right finger.

His name is Qin Hao, in the eyes of ordinary people, he is just a lazy otaku, but in the underground world, he is a terrifying existence, he is the strongest killer under the night sky, no one knows his name, only knows that his code name is “Night God”!

“Night God” has a flying knife stunt, has never missed a shot in three years since its debut, no matter what kind of opponent, it can be solved cleanly and beautifully, which makes the word “Night God” hang high at the top of the underground world killer list, and also occupy the first place in the reward list.

However, even if it is a huge reward, the killer has never succeeded, and all the killers who took over the task of the “Night God” never appeared again, which also made the underground world respect and fear the name of the “Night God”!


Between walking, Qin Hao came to the outside of an atmospheric villa, took out a door card at random, opened the courtyard door with a beep, and walked in.

Back home, Qin Hao took off his coat, and the flying knife dangling around his waist was exposed to the air, exuding a breathtaking cold glow under the light.


Qin Hao unfastened his belt and threw it on the carpet at will, his belt was loaded with eight throwing knives, no matter what opponent, the battle could be solved within eight knives.

“I’ve been idle for more than half a month, and it’s time to see what new business there is.” Qin Hao said to himself, came to the table, skillfully turned on the computer, and logged in to the email dedicated to receiving tasks.


A crisp prompt sounds, and the button in the inbox is already indicating that there are new unread messages.

“Huh? What is it? Qin Hao chuckled, and the inbox was not the reward list he was familiar with, but an email signed “Challenger”, which looked like spam emails such as advertising emails.

But I can’t say why, Qin Hao suddenly didn’t know which tendon was wrong, and he was curious, just wanted to open it and take a look.

“The meaning of life is to challenge, to surpass the limit, to climb the peak, are you willing to accept unprecedented challenges?” The email is a simple one-line line with two buttons underneath, one that says “Challenge” and one that says “Abandon.”

Qin Haoleng paused, he originally planned to click the × in the upper right corner, but when he saw the word “give up”, a touch of stubbornness suddenly surged in his heart, and in his dictionary, there was never the word “give up”.

So, without thinking, he clicked directly on the button that said “yes”.


At the moment when he clicked down, Qin Hao was inexplicably dizzy, and he vaguely felt that the sky was spinning, his eyes were dark, and he passed out.


I don’t know how long has passed, Qin Hao gradually regained consciousness, but he felt that his eyelids were extremely heavy, he couldn’t open them, and his throat didn’t seem to be his own, and he couldn’t make a sound at all.

Not good!

Without waiting to open his eyes, Qin Hao immediately reached into his waist and touched his throwing knife, which was an instinct he had cultivated in his many years of killer career, as long as the throwing knife was in hand, he was confident that he could deal with any sudden situation.

However, before Qin Hao could touch his waist, he first climbed onto an object full of elasticity!

What is this?

Qin Hao was suddenly a little puzzled, so he grabbed it again in doubt, this time the power was greater than before.


Suddenly, a high-octave female voice sounded in Qin Hao’s ears, which made his eardrums buzz, and the consciousness that had just been restored was almost destroyed again.

“Come man! Come on people! ”

The crisp female voice sounded again, followed by a series of dense footsteps, from far and near, methodically. With years of experience as a killer, Qin Hao was almost certain to have at least ten burly men, and these people were well-trained and definitely not ordinary people.

The footsteps got closer and closer, and finally stopped not far from Qin Hao, and at this time a rough voice sounded: “Your Royal Highness, what happened?” ”


Qin Hao suddenly felt that his brain couldn’t turn a little, how could there be a princess? Where did the princess come from? Do they play role-playing?

“He, he, how could he be in my bedroom, hurry up and take him away!” The princess’s voice sounded again, and unlike Fang Cai’s screams of surprise, this time it looked a little flustered and messy.

“Yes! Her Royal Highness! ”

Immediately, Qin Hao felt that his hands and feet were being put up, but now he had no strength at all, and he couldn’t resist at all, so he could only let these people take him away.

At the moment when he was carried out of the door, Qin Hao’s eyelids trembled, and he opened a gap slightly, and a weak light came into view, and together with the light, there was also a blue silhouette, very blurry…


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