Snap! Snap!

The footsteps are getting closer and closer, and the pace is getting slower and slower, Qin Hao is eighty percent sure that these people are coming for themselves, after all, they are inexplicably locked up in a cell, how can the people who detain themselves give an explanation!

However, Qin Hao already had a faint answer in his heart, and the reason why he was locked up was probably because of that princess!

Thinking of this, a blurry blue silhouette echoed in Qin Hao’s mind, although he didn’t see the appearance clearly, but with that exquisite figure, Qin Hao was almost sure that the person was a beauty!

That beauty should be the princess in their mouths!

Qin Hao subconsciously shook his hand, recalled the soft feeling, and couldn’t help but feel a touch of indescribable feeling in his heart, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but raise a proud arc, he didn’t seem to suffer a loss!

Soon, Qin Hao put away his smile, offending the princess should be a capital offense!

Even if it is not a capital crime, he killed a prisoner in his cell, and the two crimes added together, waiting for him will definitely not be a good end.

Can’t sit still!

Qin Hao secretly calculated in his heart that the Overlord Fate Chart had just strengthened his body, and at this time he was in a weak state, and it was definitely an unwise move to go head-to-head, and he wanted to win surprisingly when they let their guard down.

As long as I pass this level, the heavens and the earth will let me soar!

Between thoughts, Qin Hao clenched his fists, stretched them out again, and gently sighed with relief, and the whole person relaxed.

At this moment, three men in military uniforms appeared in front of Qin Hao’s cell, all wearing a pale gray cape and an old beret on their heads.

Qin Hao keenly caught that they were all holding daggers and pistols pinned to their waist, obviously guarded, and even more determined that they could not fight hard.

At this time, a leader took out the key, opened the chain of the cell, pointed at Qin Hao and said, “You, come out!” ”

Qin Hao lowered his head slightly, and Liuhai, who reached the bridge of his nose, blocked his eyes, so that several people could not see his eyes clearly, and slowly stood up, thinking about walking outside the cell.

“Huh?” When Qin Hao walked to the door, another soldier let out a soft snort, pointed at the corpse on the ground and asked suspiciously: “What’s wrong with him?” ”

“He was tired and asleep.” Qin Hao said lightly, without showing any nervousness, grabbed the door of the cell with one hand, and walked out of the cell.

The leading man didn’t think much about it, took out a pair of handcuffs from his pocket, and motioned for Qin Hao to put his hands together.

Qin Hao lowered his head, a gleam flashed in his eyes, and stretched out his hand very cooperatively, which made the leader’s face slow down and relax a lot.

“That’s not right! Wrong! ”

At this moment, a trembling voice sounded, and Qin Hao could clearly identify that this voice was the person who exclaimed earlier, but he did not act rashly, but slowly narrowed his eyes and converged the edge in his eyes.

“Shut up! No noise! Another soldier raised his pistol and pointed it at the man, with a look of annoyance on his face, they were not the jailers of this prison, but the royal guard, who had come here to pick up a prisoner, who already felt very humiliated and wanted to leave this filthy place immediately.

“That person, that person, he’s not asleep!” The man’s eyes widened, his eyes were full of horror, and the corners of his trembling mouth showed that he had entered a state of madness.

“He did fall asleep.” Qin Hao turned his head to look at the man and said in a low voice. From outsiders, Qin Hao seemed to be theorizing with a man, but Qin Hao’s eyes below the sea always paid attention to the every move of these three soldiers.

“Nope!” The man suddenly roared, pointing at Chu Han and shouting, “You killed him!” ”


The three soldiers exclaimed at the same time, subconsciously turning their heads to look at the corpses in the cell.

However, at this moment, Qin Hao suddenly moved, rushing towards the leading soldier as fast as he could, and a strong murderous intent erupted in his sharp eyes!


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