The underground boxing audience of the rain banquet gathered hundreds of people early, including locals from Alabastan and local tycoons from surrounding countries.

At this time, these people had excited looks on their faces, and they kept talking and discussing with the people around them.

Tonight, the Life and Death Fight will welcome a new fighter!

If it’s just a newcomer, it’s not enough to get these people excited, but this newcomer is different from other newcomers!

In the past, every newcomer fighter would select some opponents who had not been in the ring for a long time, and after accumulating experience and confidence, they would slowly challenge the strong opponents.

But this newcomer picked a fighter who won twelve fights in his first fight, which is not to say that there have never been, but it is definitely rare.

Under such a gimmick, this boxing match gathered a lot of local tycoons and bigwigs.

Suddenly, the boxing venue resounded with cheers, the audience roared wildly, and a muscular, shirtless man walked into the ring in anticipation, clenched with two iron fists bigger than a child’s head.




The local tycoons tore off their ties, ripped off their shirts, shouted hoarsely, some of them still waved their fists, followed along, no one cared about identity, at this moment, they have become crazy fans and gamblers.

Such cheers were not for Hobson as a person, but because they had bet a lot of money on Hobson.

Hobson roared, hammered his chest hard, and glanced proudly at Qin Hao under the field, his eyes full of contempt and disdain.

At this time, a man in a straight suit came up, stood in the ring, picked up a microphone, and said loudly: “Ladies! Gentlemen! Welcome to tonight’s game! I believe everyone knows that tonight our boxing match will welcome a new fighter, and his opponent is the familiar 12-win Hobson! ”

Roar! Roar! Roar!

The audience erupted into a roaring cheer, venting their excess energy.

“I believe that everyone has a supportive boxer in their hearts, we will not waste time here, the boxing match will start immediately!” The man in charge made a gesture to Qin Hao to go to the stage, and then walked down from the ring.

Life and death boxing matches, there is no need for referees at all, because there are no rules, as long as one party dies, it will be over, of course, the boxing match cannot use weapons!

Qin Hao also learned from Tony that for rookie fighters, there will be no introduction until they win, because once the match is lost, there is no point!

Qin Hao walked into the ring with steps, he was wearing a black pants, not shirtless like Hobson, and his thin body immediately caused the audience to boo…

“Cut, how is it a child who doesn’t have hair at all!”

“Little one, go and die! Waste of old lady’s money! I knew it was such a thing, and I bet on Hobson! ”

“The newcomer challenged Hobson, I thought it was a great character! Dare to love such a little brat! ”

“Boy, you tell us directly, how much money the boxing match gives you to buy your life!”

“It was the most disappointing race of the year!”

The audience kept complaining and cursing, and many of them bet on Qin Hao, after all, Qin Hao’s odds are one to four!

The first boxing match challenged Hobson, obviously a river raptor! Who can joke with their own life? Many viewers thought so, so they bet on Qin Hao, but when they saw Qin Hao’s thin body, they were completely disappointed.

Although Qin Hao is not thin and looks muscular, he is not at the same level as the Hobson in front of him!

Some extreme spectators had already stood up and walked towards the exit, they felt that Qin Hao couldn’t even hold up a move, it was better to leave the scene early while there were fewer people!

In the corner of the boxing match, in an unobtrusive corner, stood a woman dressed in white, she looked at Qin Hao indifferently, and let out an imperceptible sigh, as if in silence.

“The game begins!” At this time, a gong sounded, drawing everyone’s attention to the ring.

Hobson rushed towards Qin Hao like a crazy beast, with a cruel smile on his face, facing this boy who was two heads shorter than himself, he didn’t have the slightest pressure, he even began to think about how to celebrate after the end…

Almost instantly, Hobson rushed to Qin Hao’s body, raised a punch and slammed it over, and the huge force pulled the air to make a whirring sound.

Qin Hao stood in the ring grimly, never moving, he quietly looked at the thick fist that slammed towards his head, his lips moved slightly, and said coldly: “It’s too slow.” ”


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