Roar! Roar! Roar!

Powell’s words instantly ignited the audience, and everyone screamed madly, looking forward to the start of this boxing match, on the one hand, the veteran intermediate boxer, on the other hand, the newly promoted cold teenager, such a duel made everyone’s hearts boil.

“The game begins!”

The host saw that the atmosphere of the scene had reached a boiling point, and stopped talking nonsense, and immediately announced loudly, and immediately jumped off the ring, for fear of being affected by something.

As soon as the host’s voice fell, Powell’s eagle-like eyes burst out with a touch of essence, and the whole person catapulted out like a cannonball, quickly rushing towards Qin Hao, the speed was amazing!


The lightning-like fist slammed towards Qin Hao, and it swung in front of Qin Hao almost instantly.

At this time, Qin Hao’s slightly squinted eyes suddenly opened, and the whole person suddenly had a wisp of icy breath, his feet moved, his leg muscles suddenly erupted, and a fierce and domineering side kick met Powell’s fist.

This side kick is the most common and domineering blow in the God of War leg method!


Fists and feet collide, making a shock!

Roar! Roar! Roar!

The fierce collision of the two in the ring immediately made the audience boil again, and some people even fought, waving the admission tickets in their hands while shouting loudly regardless of the image.

In the corner of the audience, a woman in black stood quietly outside the crowd, the quiet atmosphere was incompatible with the heat of the scene, at this time, her beautiful eyes looked at Qin Hao closely, and there was a strong curiosity and faint worry in her eyes.

“Boy, watch me break your leg!” Powell burst into a roar, and another fist roared, smashing towards Qin Hao’s kicked leg with huge force.

Qin Hao’s face did not have the slightest worry, but the corners of his mouth raised slightly, faintly revealing a smile, and his legs were kicked out alternately, like a whirlwind, gorgeous and domineering.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Fists and feet collide continuously, and the sound is heavier than the other!

Powell took a step back after these encounters, Qin Hao keenly seized the opportunity, his feet fell out in a row, the more he kicked, the more courageous, the whole person was about to fly, with the reaction force generated by the kicking technique to move quickly, flashing and moving in a small area, constantly appearing around Powell’s body.

Many discerning viewers found that Qin Hao’s leg method is self-contained, borrowing strength from each other between his legs, full of stamina, not too amazing at first, only felt fierce and domineering, but after Shi unfolded, he became more and more courageous, and his leg shadows were overwhelming!

At this time, the life and death ring has completely become Qin Hao’s personal performance stage, Powell has completely fallen into the downwind, he can’t even see Qin Hao’s shadow, completely mechanical with his arms to resist the attack.

The more Qin Hao kicked, the more comfortable he became, and in his eyes, Powell had become a sandbag in the training room!

Qin Hao’s mind is now full of the routines and moves of the God of War’s leg method, constantly trying various combinations, and the leg method is becoming more and more proficient in such a challenge.

The audience of the boxing match was completely dumbfounded, this teenager named Qin Hao’s attack method completely changed a style, and in the first match, the whole body moves were full of lethality and cruelty! And now it turned out to be domineering, and the stormy attack did not give the opponent any respite!

All the audience understood that Powell had already lost, and he was still alive now, but Qin Hao hadn’t played enough!

As if to confirm the audience’s conjecture, Qin Hao’s attack suddenly changed, from a dense flying kick to a domineering serial side kick, the whole person rotated rapidly like a top, kick after kick, and the mercury poured out like a violent kick!

Powell could no longer withstand Qin Hao’s attack, pedaling back a few steps in a row, and there was a bone cracking sound on his arm!

Suddenly, Qin Hao struck with a side kick, and the bang directly kicked Powell’s arm at a right angle, and the entire arm bone was completely broken, and in just an instant, a series of side kicks suddenly slammed!

After Powell lost the protection of his arm, there was no way to protect himself, so he could only watch Qin Hao’s foot getting bigger and closer, and finally covering his entire vision…


Powell’s head shook, his ears buzzed, this was his last memory, and he never realized it again….


Powell’s strong body fell heavily on the ground, and at this time the audience saw Powell’s appearance clearly, and they couldn’t help but gasp.

This Qin Hao… Although the style of the move has changed a little, the ruthless characteristics have not changed at all!

I saw Powell lying in the ring, his thick arms bent terribly, revealing Senbai’s bones, and half of his head was kicked open, brain pulp and blood mixed together, it was no longer clear to distinguish.


The boxing venue fell into dead silence again, everyone could hear their heavy breathing and messy heartbeat, and the emaciated black-clothed figure in the ring had become the devil in their eyes!

Many people silently chant in their hearts… Be sure to buy him next time to win!


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