Pirates coming?

Qin Hao’s brows tightened, since he came to the pirate world, he had not seen the real pirate!

Qin Hao looked against the direction of the crowd, and not long after, dozens of people appeared in his line of sight, most of these people were physically strong, holding guns and knives, walking on the spacious streets with their heads held high.

At the front of these people was a strong man, shirtless, with a long sword pinned to his waist, shining dazzling in the scorching sun, his face showing a strong sense of superiority, and he was about to float when he walked.

At this time, the leading man also saw Qin Hao, his eyes froze, one hand held the hilt of the sword on his waist, and walked straight towards Qin Hao.

Qin Hao looked coldly at the head of the pirates who came over, the corners of his mouth raised an evil arc, he originally did not intend to attack these pirates, after all, he is not a navy, and he is too lazy to care about these things….

However, if these pirates made themselves targets, then everything would be different!

He doesn’t mind practicing with these people!

“Boy, what are you staring at Lao Tzu?” The leading man said with disdain, and the men who followed behind him also shouted, staring at Qin Hao with cruel eyes.

Qin Hao stood quietly in place, not saying a word, until the leading man walked in front of him, he asked lightly: “You are the captain of the pirate group?” How much is your bounty? ”

“Huh?” The leading man froze for a moment, then raised a frivolous smile on his face, pulled out the long sword in his hand, turned his head to the people behind him and said: “Brothers, this little fart boy who has not yet been weaned asked Lao Tzu how much the bounty is!” Dare to love this kid to fancy Lao Tzu’s head! ”




As soon as the leading man’s voice fell, these people burst into all kinds of laughter, and the eyes that looked at Qin Hao were full of Chiguoguo’s contempt, as if they had heard some joke, and they couldn’t close their mouths at all.

Qin Hao looked at these people coldly, his face did not change, but a murderous intent erupted in his eyes!

“Get out! Brat! Lao Tzu is in a good mood today, spare your life! Remember, get away from Lao Tzu! Don’t let Lao Tzu see you again! The leading man said with a mocking face, he did not put the thin and young Qin Hao in his eyes at all.

Qin Hao raised his eyebrows, his fists suddenly clenched, his toes came out lightly, and a side kick burst out…


At this moment, a yellow sand blew through, and the street suddenly rolled up with sand and dust!

The yellow sand instantly surrounded these pirates, as if there was a spiritual wisdom to isolate Qin Hao outside, and Qin Hao’s kick kicked on the yellow sand, splashing dust in the sky.

“I can’t allow you filthy pirates to come to this country to spread wild!” A deep voice sounded, and a tall man appeared on the roof on the side of the street.

The man wore a black coat, an orange shirt and black pants, a gleaming golden hook on his left arm, a burning cigarette in the corner of his mouth, and a scar on his nose that divided his face.

This person….

His Majesty the Seven Wuhai, Klockdar!

Qin Hao frowned, a dignified look flashed in his eyes, this person is his mission target, they will definitely have a life and death battle within half a year!

“I didn’t expect to meet him at this time.” Qin Hao converged his whole body momentum, there is Klockdahl, these pirates can’t turn over any waves, what he has to do is to grasp this almost, carefully observe Klockdal’s strength.

“Mr. Klockdar!”

“Lord Klockdar!”

“King of the Desert!”

“Patron saint of Alabastan!”

One after another the sound of worship came from behind Qin Hao, and at some point, those people who were evading ran back, staring at the burly figure on the roof.

It seems that with him, everything is no longer a problem!

Qin Hao took in everyone’s demeanor, nodding secretly in his heart, Klockdar’s ability to buy people’s hearts was indeed first-class, and when Alabastan was in civil unrest, he showed people with the most positive image and gained the hearts of many people!

“You… You are just a pirate, why did you get such praise! In the yellow sand, the leading man said unwillingly.

“Your Majesty the Seven Martial Seas, but the lackeys of the World Government!” Another pirate scolded.

Klockdar narrowed his eyes slightly, raised a disdainful smile at the corner of his mouth, raised the golden hook, and said in an indifferent tone: “A bunch of garbage.” ”

The next moment, the yellow sand in the sky flew up with the arm with the hook…


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